FBI ignored testimony in Kavanaugh investigation: Report – Car Mod Pros Portal

Potential key witnesses in the investigation of Brett Kavanaugh told The New Yorker they were ignored by FBI agents.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “FBI ignored testimony in Kavanaugh investigation: Report”
  1. To all of the survivors of sexual assault, & women who wonder if they will be believed if they are attacked, know there’s a growing, powerful movement of support that will always have your back. Change is coming.

  2. This is stupid… Testimony… Just people claiming to know Kavanaugh. No one with evidence and much less evidence pertinent to the Dr.Ford rape allegations. The F.B.I is only looking into the allegations from Dr. Ford. If the list is small it's cause of that. Knowing that he was a notorious drunkard doesn't prove whether he did or didn't rape Dr. Ford. FBI isn't looking into if he pissed blood every holy day.

  3. The reports of this joke are turning into a game of telephone. His roommate said a guy told him….come on this fell apart faster than the democrats could come up with more hearsay.

  4. “He was 100% certain that and EYEWITNESS TOLD him that it was Kavanaugh who exposed himself to Ramirez” so… it’s a classic case of I didn’t see it but I know someone who did.. such BS .

  5. WHO directed the FBI to do the work they did. The country no longer trust those who are supposed to be honest. VOTE OUT EACH AND EVERY REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!! Every person who reads this needs to vote and tell everyone they know to vote. Kick out the liars.

  6. Everyone that Ford said was there denied it ever happened how many more witnesses do they need? Are we going to interview everyone that does not know what happened.

  7. You
    people just cannot understand that you lost. You cannot accept the truth and you still can't accept Hillary lost. When are you ever going to grow up media and stop your own lies

  8. What difference does it make whether or not you like trump. Facts are facts and the truth is the truth. But you can always tell when someone knows they are on the wrong side of the arguement. They argue the timing, the motive, and anything thing else whike ignoreing the stated facts.

  9. Oh wait the college roommate wasn't interviewed? Oh no. Well maybe it was because you went on national television and had nothing troubling to say about Brett at all beyond he would at times come in the dorm drunk and that he liked to wear a leather football helmet at times. Oh no! That is so bad.

  10. You libtards are upset at 5-4? Soon it’ll be 6-3 when Ginsberg croaks.
    Eat it, you biased liberal libtards at ABC!

  11. Guess what, libtards at ABC? Soon, Ginsberg is going down and Trump will nominate an even more constitutionalist justice. It’ll be 6-3, bitches! Suck it!

  12. Believe the "victim"? "The National Registry of Exonerations lists 1,579 convicted defendants who were exonerated through DNA and non-DNA evidence from January 1, 1989 through April 12, 2015." The "victims" were believed, and believing them DESTROYED the lives of men who were innocent. Question the accuser. Question the accused. Believe the evidence.

  13. It’s all George Soros’s fault. He didn’t bribe enough people this time.

  14. The guy is 100% positive that Kavanaugh is the guy that his friend saw expose himself to Ramirez. Huh. I guess reporters don't get any legal, investigative, or common sense training. It's like they were hired as recruiters for the GOP.

  15. Piss poor reporting that is only one sided. Why does the media ONLY report one side and not take aim at the fact the FBI is not interested in hearsay testimony. They are only interested in ACTUAL witnesses to an alleged event. If a newspaper chose to not print the one ladies story because no one could corroborate it, then that should tell you there were no actual witnesses to the event. Why doesn’t the Democratic media become objective and report facts instead of BS!

  16. The investigation took longer than the investigation 27 years ago. 27 years no, he is still on the high court and no evidence that he did anything. Is it just me, or is there something wrong for "lynch all men" or "burn the male witches" … are males so disgusted by being male or females so disgusted that they are not the only gender of the species that ALL MEN are to be assumed to be rapists? No evidence, no case. YOU ARE NOT GUILTY JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE BORN A BOY AND NOT A GIRL!

  17. ABC news is so biased! There's no integrity in news these days. Do you know how many politicians, journalists and presidents heavily drink and smoke pot in their younger days? When Obama does pot it's cool, right? As for sexual assault, it's a matter of she said he said for over thirty years without conclusive witnesses. That tactic sets a bad precedent and will ruin many a good reputation. What goes around will come around.

  18. ABC hasn't been real journalism for years now. They are agenda driven, not truth driven. They don't care about the truth, they care about their agenda and how they can help implement it. Like NBC, CBS, CNN and the NY Times, they use their platform to try to steer public opinion rather than to inform.

  19. Stop the bias strategy
    You all make me sick
    Again PR strategy
    Coming from baby killing worshipers
    Lot of people got payed by the antichrist to smear Kavanaugh
    You lost the election
    Be humble and accept it

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