FBI director gives opening statement in Senate review of Nassar case – Car Mod Pros Portal

“I’m deeply and profoundly sorry to each and every one of you,” Christopher Wray said.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “FBI director gives opening statement in Senate review of Nassar case”
  1. Code of Federal Regulations Questions.

    Due Process And Equal Protection Questions


    The Seeker of Truth: 4 Separate Bullying Incidents While Engaged In Good Samaritan Activities. Chronic and Habitual Bullying by organized corrupt group. The Bullying Incidents are pernicious, malevolent, pathological, produced, directed and arranged, engineered, and staffed with operatives and agents of some as yet unidentified, political or religious bureau, church, religious order or political party network, or corporation. I cry havoc. Because the bullies and their "handlers" may possibly be seeking to infringe, or encroachment illegally, upon Due Process and Equal Protection, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, to me, and on the other hand to deny, interdiction, or sustenance, care, aid, and assistance, and human rights to myself personally as well as my homeless neighbor as I am seeing to his comfort at the place where he sits at 7th and Spring Street by the Van Nuys Apartments where I live.

    The Bullying seems to be personally and criminally motivated even though I don't know these people. There seems to me to be an intention to co opt, or indict, subjugate, subordinate, dominate, engaged in misogynistic sadism, and to subvert or corrupt, or tarnish the overall honesty, and to bismurch, and smear the integrity of my strictly charitable, "Good Samaritan", volunteer work toward Mr. Woodson. There is a conflict of interest. With whoever is the leader, "boss" of these insergents. Their boss is not my boss. And refuse to be subverted, and perverted by menace and bullying bureaucrats and insurgents, actors and players. I am not a co dependent. I have zero interest in co dependency, or dependency.
    This seems to be the aim of the bullying, and tyranny specifically, my submission to utterly unconscionable, and unsupportive social corruption and degradation. This violates my American Citizenship and violates my sensibilities as a human being. It makes no sense to become a crook. Who needs that?
    This is subversive. Espionage of some sort.

    Steps Taken to Trump The Bullies and Subversives and Indemnify myself against an apostate government, and an atheist government, hedonism and heathenism. This is the goal if the bullies, to conscript me into Evil. The bullies are subversives.
    1. I contacted the Central Division LAPD Senior Lead Office and blew the whistle in the Bullying Incidents.
    2. I contacted non-emergency police dispatch to send officers to the area where the bullying incidents occurred.
    3. I began writing out this deposition report to send to attorney, lawyers and other authorities.
    4. I am waiting now for the officers to appear so that I can get this matter off of my desk and over to the proper authorities.

    5. This was actually a breakthrough with regard to seeking the truth.

    My Good Samaritan Work is entirely independent, and individual volunteer for Howard Woodson, and occasionally others, at my own discretion.
    I share my own resources with the ond individual, and sometimes I may share with others at my own discretion.

    I engage in "Good Samaritan" help and assistance to my one homeless neighbor Howard Woodson from time to time.

    It just occurred to me that Howard may be a counter culture.

    A plus we now have an athiest government.

    But lately, for no rational or logical reason or cause, bullies have been engaged in attempting go infringe upon this independent, form of Charitable freedom of Religion, Freedom of Expression, Free Exercise of this "Good Samaritan" ministerial activity. I see to whatever small comforts I can manage for Mr. Woodson.

    Howard Woodson, the son of a lady that I went to church with in Pasadena.

    1. While trying to access the showers for the homeless at the LA.


  2. The FBI failed, we don't.know who, why or if they have been held accountable, so basically nothing. Yet the one person who asked for accountability for the Affganistan debacle is in jail, day 6. All Americans please contact your Congressional representatives today and demand Lt Col Scheller be released and allowed to retire honorably. Hope and pray for everyone to see the light and do the right things for everyone not just themselves. My opinion

  3. That sounded good Chris until you said the words "uncompromising integrity".. The FBI has been compromised for a long time. The way the FBI participated in the January 6th is a disgrace. The way the FBI was ready to do the same thing this past weekend is pathetic.. Many agents were dressed up as Antifa members. In fact the ONLY person that was arrested at the rally was an FBI agent that was a paid actor dressed in Antifa clothing.. Let that sink in as innocent people are still sitting in jail..

  4. This is just words. When i hear 'we're doing everything we can' I switch off. These people use this throw away phrase but never break down the actions they are actually taking.

  5. Regarding the agent that is "no longer with the FBI". Has he moved on to another law enforcement agency? Is he working for an agency that deals with child sexual abuse because of his "vast experience" with the FBI? Was he allowed to stay until he vested his pension and benefits? Don't we have the right to know this.

  6. Notice when an FBI does something illegal, it is a "mistake" and we will do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't happen "again". Government rarely holds employees accountable unless they do something against government or it is politically in their best interest.

  7. re these comments: I don't know if the public is beginning to wake up, or awake, or if they are just getting so fed up that they are beginning to sound like they are waking up. Nevertheless, the comments below are very good and the FBI Director is right about one thing, it seems that nobody trusts them. JWC

  8. Let me tell you FBI d directive a peace officer is a police officer they try to keep the peace between I been doing my job for along time I don't sit still maybe I should put 1million guns tell the gangs to go after but I don't I keep my word true even know I lie

  9. The Americans Citizens continue accept the shits that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are making and don´t take providenciales about impeach under both. China is growthing and in a next future will became the first country more powerfull worldwide. Wake up Americans befote that is late!

  10. He sounded very sincere but he was in office when all this was going on You just don't get to be the chairman of FBI I'm thinking he is.. not sure what you call 🤙 his title!! Big person, he needs to try to make it right with those girls .. all parties involved go straight to hell and jail!

  11. Where is the apology to the families of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd? We don't see you getting on Jared Fogle or Harvey Wienstien. Where is the apology to the families of Tamir Rice? Trayvon Martin? Do those lives mean nothing to him? I can't even think of a word to call this guy without my comment being deleted. #blacklivesmatter #defundpolice ✊🏻

  12. I'm sorry, I'm sorry…. What a lame excuse for his inaction over the years. Why is the guy still in office, mass suppression of necessary FBI investigations in the Trump era, complete failure to manage risk of the Jan. 6 rally, and in the Larry Nasser case likewise no prosecution of his employee's criminal behavior.

  13. “Totally unacceptable.” But so far he doesn’t say “criminal” or “prosecutable.” Hmmm. Let’s go on…
    “Fundamental errors” and “breech of trust,” as well. But no mention of any crimes. Okay, let’s go on.
    Now “failures” and “reprehensible conduct,” on the part of “certain FBI employees” not “agents!” Interesting, eh?
    Oops. That field office boss retired, so we can’t discipline him. But you were a prosecutor, weren’t you? Why didn’t you mention prosecuting him?
    Then he promises “accountability” but suggests that means “making damn sure nobody at the FBI ever forgets what happened here.” Does that mean there will be prosecutions of FBI agents? We’ll see. There are 36 seconds left….
    Nope. All he says is “that’s the best way I know to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again”—meaning more training, but no prosecutions!
    So remember here that he used to be a prosecutor. 1) did he forget that part of his life? 2) does he think we are that stupid?
    Conclusion: The corruption in amerikan government is so deep and thick that you can’t find a niche even to insert a paring knife into the problem!
    The Republic is dead. Leave the cities, go high up, and keep your powder dry! The official notification that you are no longer free will be made very soon! Expect it! JWC

  14. This is terribly sad. My thoughts and prayers are with the girls and their family. Sending love from Ireland 🇮🇪

  15. The apoplectic "morally superior" liberal Democrat operatives within the FBI covered it up to keep things quiet while Crooked Hillary ran for president. Shame, shame, shame

  16. So who is going to jail besides Nassar? The FBI has been known to be derelict in duty & focused on distorting victims' testimonies to protect officials & organizations in charge. I learned as a
    6 year old dtr. of union people to never never never talk to them. So the guys in question retired before their cases could be adjudicated. They should be subpoenaed anyway and they all belong in the slammer. As it is they are gone and the next bunch is waiting to do the same stuff. It's always been that way. Hearing, schmearing it won't change.

  17. Highly recommend this video! 👉👉Why the Housing bubble is so dangerously huge in China??? Spoiler alert: it is closely related to the Chinese government’s “planned economy” policy. Very in-depth and insightful analysis 👍👍 https://youtu.be/O-iQzbl9VEA👏

  18. Director Wray request a special prosecutor empowered to conduct a full and independent investigation and prosecute to the full extent of the law all responsible parties and enablers whether they are still employed by the Federal government or not.

  19. You may not know me, but I know everything about you (Psalm 139:1). I know when you sit down and when you rise up (Psalm 139:2). I am familiar with all of your ways (Psalm 139:3). Even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matthew 10:29-31). For you were made in my image (Genesis 1:27). In me you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28). For you are my offspring (Acts 17:28). I knew you even before you were conceived (Jeremiah 1:4-5). I chose you when I planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12). You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book (Psalm 139:15-16). I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live (Acts 17:26). You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). I knit you together in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13) and brought you forth on the day that you were born (Psalm 71:6). I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me (John 8:41-44). I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love (1 John 4:16). And it is my desire to lavish my love on you (1 John 3:1) simply because you are my child and I am your Father (1 John 3:1). I offer you more than your earthly father ever could (Matthew 7:11). I am the perfect Father (Matthew 5:48). Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand (James 1:17). For I am your provider and I meet all of your needs (Matthew 6:31-33). My plan for your future has always been filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11) because I love you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). My thoughts towards you are countless as the sand on the seashore (Psalm 139:17-18). I rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). I will never stop doing good to you (Jeremiah 32:40). For you are my treasured possession (Exodus 19:5). I desire to establish you with all of my heart and all of my soul (Jeremiah 32:41) and I want to show you great and marvelous things (Jeremiah 33:3). If you seek me with all of your heart, you will find me (Deuteronomy 4:29). Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). For it is I who gave you those desires (Philippians 2:13). I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine (Ephesians 3:20). For I am your greatest encourager (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17). I am also the Father who comforts you in all of your troubles (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you (Psalm 34:18). As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart (Isaiah 40:11). I will wipe away every tear from your eyes (Revelation 21:3-4) and I will take away all of the pain you have suffered on this earth (Revelation 21:3-4). I am your Father, and I love you (John 17:23). My love for you is revealed in Jesus (John 17:26). I am for you, not against you (Romans 8:31). He died so that you and I could be reconciled (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). He died so that righteousness could live in and through you (2 Corinthians 5:21) as well as to take away your sins (John 8:36). I do this by putting my spirit within you and through my spirit, you live righteously (Ezekiel 11:19-21). Jesus' death was the ultimate expression of my love for you (1 John 4:10). I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love (Romans 8:31-32). If you receive the gift of my Son Jesus, you receive me (1 John 2:23). No one and nothing can separate you from me, as long as you abide in me (Romans 8:38-39). A huge party is thrown in Heaven for each one of you who repents for your sins and believes in me (Luke 15:7). I am your Father (Ephesians 3:14-15). My question is… Will you be my child (John 1:12-13)? I'm waiting for you (Luke 15:11-32).

    Believe in Jesus, study and believe His Word – the New Testament, and be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20, John 5:24). 🙂

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