Family prepares lawsuit after viral police encounter – Car Mod Pros Portal

An Arizona family is preparing to sue for $10 million after police officers pointed guns at them when their 4-year-old daughter took a doll from a store.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Family prepares lawsuit after viral police encounter”
  1. One of police officer bring out gun on a guy who paid for mentos, while cop think he’s stealing the fckng mentos, wtf this world turning to

  2. It’s easy to be transparent once the public film and release the clip publicly then the police say there all over it yeah right

  3. Wow can we do something already about these bad cops i feel if caught for something like that double the sentences we get woupd be approved

  4. Notice how the cops these days always say i thought they were reaching so they can shoot, cops these days are trigger happy pussy wanna be gun fighters, and they wonder way people dont trust them anymore, that didnt look like protecting and serving to me, more like police state cops need to becareful because if the shtf they will be the first ones hunted

  5. Forgive me for saying this but i can't think that family isn't in some way in the wrong. We know little what happened and yet people jump to the race card before know the whole truth. There is something about this that rubs me the wrong way, the fact that lady in the background of the families interview might be their lawyer (if she is the lawyer) tells us that there is something there that they aren't telling us.

  6. And she's gonna responsibly place the money in a trust fund for her children………….. rrrrright, its more like Chappelle Show when they gave reparations for slavery. "I just bought this baby straight cash homie"

  7. Yeah they went fuckin nuts
    Dont fucking know why the family decided to flee the police when asked to stop. Notice how they arent at a store parking lot? Seemed that that tripped the cop's shit

  8. So many blacks are being targeted, and it is such a shame. When most Blacks are good law-abiding citizens and pillars in their community and church. I think it is more than just the doll, It is because were BLACK Period…No matter how hard you show any other race your smart, kind, loyal and dedicated to your family/job/church/home…They will find something wrong with even that…Sad

  9. Terrorizing and traumatizing people with over aggressive police tactics by overzealous police officers who appear to lack professionalism and the proper training to deescalate situations.
    Character, temperament, professionalism and trust by those responsible for policing the communities they swore to protect and serve matters.

  10. Arizona cops are absolute assholes; I couldn't imagine being black out here.

    I have never seen cops act this way. Worst of all they cannot take being wrong, zero accountability.

    Normally it's a pleasant conversation as long as you're polite – Not out here.
    They come straight out the gate with an angry demeanor.

    California's cops are not like this at all,
    Texas cops are also weary of open gun laws but even they are also nice if you're nice.

    I had a cop banging on my window the other night yelling at me saying I couldn't park on the street, 0-100.. While I was just waiting on a red light..
    Yelling at me saying I needed to roll down my window or I was going to get a 250$ ticket.
    I roll down my window and point at the light, and he looked so angry when I had a reason to be stopped and said get the fuck out of here.
    The anger in his face was shocking, and completely misplaced.

    I was dumbfounded at the complete lack of respect and humanity just because he can get away with it.

    I was driving at like 2 a.m. the other night in a rental, and turned right on a red light without stopping but instead slowing down- where there was clearly no cars at all and I had complete visibility.

    Chick cop pulls me over wanting to give me a ticket and a 2 hour lecture saying "do you understand what you did? No really do you get it?"
    As if I was a 3 year old.
    She wanted to give me a ticket but her printer didn't work. Thank god.

    Driving 15 years never had an accident – 5 of those years I drove professionally for work.

    Any human with common sense would've seen that what I did was completely safe, but not followed to the T of the law.
    Zero humanity, less about justice – more about asserting dominance.

    It's so fucking weird. I can't wait to leave this awful state.

  11. Since when were cops allowed to use filthy language? Totally unprofessional. Any cop that uses the F word while on duty should be immediately fired, no questions asked.

  12. FBI

    "The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government,the civilian population,or any segment thereof,in furtherance of political or social objectives.
    The intentional use of violence-real or violence-threatened against one or more non combatants,resulting in adverse health effects in those immediately affected and their community,ranging from a loss of well being or security to injury,illness,or death.
    Definitions by the medical profession put more emphasis on the psychological effects on victims and regard threatened violence as significant as is actual violence."

    This proves all law enforcement are terrorists.

  13. PERJURY violating one's OATH of office,PERJURY is treason and a felony.
    They cannot uphold their oath and war against it.
    The constitution of the United States of America is the Supreme law of the land.
    They took a OATH to the law,therfore they are bound to and by the constitution of the United States of America.

    The constitution of the United States of America supersedes and overrules all state constitutions and state and federal laws.

  14. Title 18 u.s.c. section 242
    Deprivation of rights under color of law.

    Whoever under color of any law,statute,ordinance,regulation,or custom willfully subjects any person in any state,territory,Commonwealth,possession or district to the deprivation of any rights,privileges,or immunities secured or protected by the constitution or laws of the United States…

    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both;and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section…
    Or if such acts include the use,attempted use,or threatened use of a dangerous weapon,explosives,or fire shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years,or both;and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap,aggravated sexual abuse,or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse,or an attempt to kill,shall be fined under this title,or imprisoned for any term of years or for life,or both,or may be sentenced to death.

  15. Title 18 u.s.c. section 241

    If two or more persons conspire to injure,oppress,threaten,or intimidate any person in any state,territory,Commonwealth,possession,or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any rights or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws of the United States,or because of his having so exercised the same.

    They shall be find under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years,or both;and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap,aggravated sexual abuse,or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse,or an attempt to kill,they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life,or both,or may be sentenced to death.

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