Family of bus driver who died of COVID-19 makes plea | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

Jason Hargrove had posted on Facebook about a passenger in Detroit coughing on him; days later, he fell sick.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVIOD19 #JasonHargrove


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Family of bus driver who died of COVID-19 makes plea | WNT”
  1. Here we are almost a year later , i'm from the other side of the world and to this day and for the rest of my life. I will always remember the face of jason hargrove and his plea , its something of which that has been burned into the back of mind whenever i think or hear about the pandemic / year 2020. i will remember you as an everyday man & a family man. A good man, my condolscences go out to your family . May we all continue to work together and stay safe to overcome the pandemic.
    God bless you Jason

  2. And yet people are hanging out on beaches and saying that they should be able to do what they want. The reason black ppl are being hit is because they don't like to follow directions. I'm black and I live around several black ppl and I see them all outside, letting the kids play with each other. So many not wearing masks. This is too much.

  3. People walking around in Springfield Massachusetts like nothing is happening…keeping parties and stuff …i wish they would lock this state down

  4. Is anyone going to comment on the fact the he looked like he was about to have a heart attack while making that video. The fact that I could see his breath and him sweating profusely is a pretty good sign that he may have been having heart complications. I understand that is very sad that we have lost this man but he was always at risk of dying by the Choices he made.

  5. So in a matter of life-or-death, we have to PROVE that it works before we give it? NO if people are saying that it's helping them, and preliminary studies and other doctors are praising it then why not give it the benefit of the doubt?. Come on people

  6. The fact that most jobs don’t offer sick paid days is greatly contributing to this pandemic in the United States, most people in NY live pay check to pay check. The system simply just failed us

  7. People please stay home thats the only way were gonna beat this virus also if your sick ware a mask and cover your mouth when you cough if you have to go out

  8. but I am thinking that he must have had the virus before this person coughed because it does not take hold that quickly.

  9. I'm so sorry Sir, that you lost your life, Live on in Paradise and thank you for your service. Sending prayers to the family and friends! LOIP 💔💔💔😥😥😥🙏🙏🙏🙏

  10. Im so sorry he lost his life but world please wear mask at all times and please mix up more medicine if it work even 1 percent to many people have already lost there lives trying to make a living for there families Lord please have mercy on thank you

  11. I'm so sadden about this how could someone cough and cough again not covering their mouth and not wearing a mask. To his beautiful wife you should go on every television show and talk about what this person did to your family. All buses has a camera on it. I hope this person get caught and go to jail where he or she belongs

  12. We’re literally dying because people don’t listen.

  13. Inez Qtaish dreamed a man was driving a yellow school bus with kids getting ready for a trip. Inez Qtaish had to drive the yellow long school bus, the yellow long school bus had no turning wheel, I had a card board box, looking for something to stuff the box so I can make a hold and stick down in the hole so I can drive the bus, I walked to the back of the bus, I seen two people I thought was under the sheets, James courts jr and a guy was conversating, I saw the sheet moving fast I lifted the sheet and a girl was under the sheet sucking James court jr penis, I yelled at the girl and said " get out of here. I got off the bus, I looked at the bus, I got back on the bus, I kept trying to find a way to make a turning wheel so I can drive the bus and take the kids on a trip, the bus only had the girl I put off, James court Jr and James jr friend.

  14. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️✝️✝️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  15. I'm considered an essential worker, I told my boss a family member was sick and they told me if I didn't have symptoms I should keep working. I finally lied and got tested and I'm positive. It's not a game, it's not a hoax. Please take this seriously. People's lives depend on it

  16. That’s why u must wear mask and protective glasses around people. Stupid ignorance selfish crazy people EVERYWHERE.

  17. I feel so heartbroken for the family 😭❤️❤️🙏Prayers of love for y’all

  18. We’ve been increasingly in danger of drug shortage in the US that are being highlighted during this viral contagion.
    I take a number of medications and have gone 6 months now trying to get my monthly Rx’s. So as a nurse myself after being told by my pharmacist that they’d been ordering and they are being told they can’t get it and they wouldn’t even give a reason or an estimate of when they could fulfill it. I actually looked up FDA DRUG SHORTAGES in their website and saw pages of drug shortages but mine wasn’t on there.
    Since 2008, we’ve seen even older drugs and generic drugs cost egregious amounts making pharmaceutical companies rich while our drug costs are crippling us. I had an ear infection so my doctor prescribed Ciprofloxacin otic solution. It’s an old drug in ear solution 10 milliliter for $330.00 $130 copay. It was shocking but this has been going on only hitting the news when epinephrine injection pens were doubled in price virtually overnight. When are we gonna put a stop to that?

    I have no hope of our president doing anything other then betray our trust while he pardons felons and disabling the benefits built into Obamacare resulting in the condition our healthcare system is in.
    What qualifies me to say this? 32 years as a RN working a decade in critical care and most recently I’ve been wellness program director and case manager in several different facilities from teaching hospitals to critical access. When healthcare dollars are being spent on third party “care management”, which are those who administer benefits but serve no actual purpose other than to deny you benefits or make your doctor spend precious time filling out prior authorization forms etc etc. this cost is OVERHEAD and only serves to take a significant portion of our healthcare dollar away from providing our actual care. When are we gonna see that is going into the pockets of people who we DON’T need? They can’t provide direct or even ancillary services and IMO should be eliminated. How much of YOUR healthcare dollar do you want to be able to spend on actual doctor visits surgery or prescriptions?

  19. I just think its very interesting how the feminist liberals at ABC did not specify that the passenger who coughed on the driver was a woman. God forbid a male passenger did that to a female bus driver all the woke feminist would blame it on toxic masculinity

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