“My family has already been given a life sentence. We’ll never get George back,” said Floyd’s brother.
#ABCNews #DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd
“My family has already been given a life sentence. We’ll never get George back,” said Floyd’s brother.
#ABCNews #DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd
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Fucked up
Derek Chauvin is going to have a HARD and I mean a HARD life if he is ever released from prison. How many people will hire him or feed him when he begs on the streets.
Lol why Gianna so ghetto already 😂 she made them all look bad 😩
The system and the hiring process to America police force as guilty as this monster.
What a vile despicable man. I hope he rots in jail and never makes it out.
7 year old in court ridiculous
We all know what he did was wrong.But we also must remember.The Lord's prayer."Forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation"/….Amen
Officer, Give Me your Gun (George Floyd Portland Protest) | Marcus Ward Show https://youtu.be/LqVpBrr-dqE
He should get life he killed another human being in a renders racist way
Gianna sounds like a drunk/high southern black grandmother.😂
Not a single tear or even give a damn he had for the Floyd family.
He didnt kill floyed he murdered floyed…
💆Heartbreaking! His daughter is smarter then all these adults in the courtroom!
POS DC better suffer daily in the PEN – The End
Gianna Floyd is wiser beyond her years; God bless her.
He just crying at how much money they made from this scam lol
She broke my heart, she wants to play with her dad.
Wonder what his time in prison will be like…
Why didn’t he get life without parole?
regardlees how much years his will sentence does not change anything becaused dereck is all ready sentence to life, the day his mudder george floyd;s it got life time and pluss lost wife children house just to mencion fews lost i wont be surprice if dereck does same as joel castro the ohio kidnaper just few day,s after sentence hange whit a blanket,
Floyd’s daughter 😢
White Supremacists Judge behind a rob