Family grieving after 3 siblings killed at Indiana school bus stop – Car Mod Pros Portal

The twin boys and their sister were struck as they crossed the road; a fourth sibling was hospitalized and the driver faces criminal charges.



By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Family grieving after 3 siblings killed at Indiana school bus stop”
  1. Prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. She just got sentenced today for 3 years smh 🤦🏾‍♂️

  3. The school bus driver was more guilty than the pickup driver.
    He was the one who signaled the kids to cross the road in the dark.
    He was in a hurry to reach the next route stop.
    He didn't make sure that the fast approaching pickup truck, coming from the front, MADE A COMPLETE STOP.
    By law, handicap transportation are not allowed to cause the passenger to cross the road. The same should be for school buses.
    The system is guilty as well.

  4. This is a tragedy I hope this lady get what she deserves three innocent kids lost their lives going to the one place were we as parents feel safe for them to go this will be a struggle for the parents I just hope that everyone gives this family a lot of love and support..

  5. She’s out on bail, that really upsets me. Hope she stays behind bars for good after her court date. She can’t be out and about recklessly taking the life of innocent children. I know accidents happen, but this just sounds like a total case of negligence.

  6. The real crime is that he’s a colts fan. He should be charged with 3 counts of supporting a terrible team lol.

  7. This is sad and the woman should have stopped but the kids should also have looked both ways before crossing the road, kids need to be taught that not everyone will stop because there are reckless and stupid people on this planet, so they need to look before crossing.

  8. What the hell was so important she had to speed by the bus and not wait for it?! People stop being lazy and wake up to go to work or wherever on time and make sure you aren’t speeding by and ignoring others on the road. This was a tragic loss 3 kids. Now this woman got these parents asking themselves what they did wrong. So sad for the parents.

  9. Some of these comments are disgusting. Let's clear things up.

    1. It was dark
    2. It was on a highway. The BUS STOP was on a freaking high way.
    3. She was likely going fast because it's a HIGH WAY

    She is not to blame. She didn't do this on purpose.

  10. Trust me they’re wouldn’t be that much damage to that truck !!! Staged Event

  11. Man o man… This is so heartbreaking. Honestly, if this were my children, I'd most likely be taking her spot in prison. I understand accidents can and will happen to anybody and everybody, but this wasn't an unpreventable accident, this was just carelessness. Check her phone, her breath and her arm and I bet you that one or more will prove that to you. You can try to use the "but it was dark, she couldn't tell that is was a bus, she thought it was a truck and she couldn't see the kids crossing the road" BS if you want but you'd be wasting your time. Because.1, the bus isn't the only vehicle with headlights and 2, it didn't happen around a sharp curve, looks like a straight shot to me. She had plenty of time to notice what was in front of her. So, If she didn't see the "red flashing lights, or the arm with the stop sign, or the kids crossing the road", then she was either not paying attention to the road or she is too damn blind to see and frankly she doesn't need to be behind the wheel.

  12. I cannot begin to imagine their pain! I am so sorry for these parents! Thinking of you & praying for you! 🙏🏻💖

  13. It amazes me how ignorant and oblivious people can be. I’m a resident to Indiana and just hearing about it as it went around my high school that afternoon, it really is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers to the family💜

  14. The truth is not everyone is suppose to be on the road. Its almost like its required by law to have a license when in reality they should hand out licenses how they do guns. Like a mental evaluation or something close to that because i know your car is a weapon and some people neglect that fact or think drivings all fun and games. Social media has alotta fault to like theu should monetize videos where people are recording themselves driving. Also why dont the cops go after the people who are clearly posting themselves driving or on facebook live? Alot of lives would be spared with a bit of common sense man.

  15. I wonder why God didn't protect them…Oh, well. At least he answered someone else's prayers about finding their lost keys though! God sure has his priorities straight! "Let's see…Should I answer this poor, African family's prayers today? Nah. I'm gonna let them starve to death. I'll let the 2 year old starve to death first. What's that? Bob lost his keys & can't drive to the store?! Fuck! I'm helping you, Bob! Don't you worry!" God can supposedly create an entire universe because he feels like it, but he didn't bother protecting these 3, innocent children? I've noticed a really funny way that Christians operate.

    Someone escaped death: "God protected you! You have a guardian angel! Someone's looking out for you!"
    Someone died: "God gave us free will." "What are you talking about, Sharon? A boulder fell on Steve's head! What does that have to do with free will?" "Um…God works in mysterious ways?"
    I can't come up with an answer that fits my narrative: "God works in mysterious ways!"
    I don't get it: "God works in mysterious ways!"
    This makes absolutely no sense, but I'm gonna make it sound like it makes complete sense & I know exactly what I'm talking about: "God works in mysterious ways!"

  16. There's No excuse for passing a school bus with their lights on, the poor family, so devastating. 😔

  17. So sad… God bless this family🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻… the children they are angels…👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

  18. I know God is such a beautiful God that the most high wouldn’t allow those babies to feel the pain. From our perspective it may look painful but my merciful Lord and Savior don’t let innocent ppl feel painful deaths. Thank you God Hallelujah I am so grateful for your mercy and grace May Peace and Love be with these children family. 🙏🏾

  19. She needs ten years for each child and even that is too kind.

    They need to throw the book at her. This just angers me so much…it is hard but I hope she does NOT get off.

  20. My stomach just dropped hearing this news. The trauma they are feeling. I have no words that could possibly take their pain away, but I still want to say how sorry I feel in my heart for you&your family. God Bless your 3 little angels. 💖

  21. 💔💔💔💔💔

  22. my heart goes out to u n ur family god bless u all uncle😇😇😇😿😿 my heart goes out to u i've cried even though i don't know those little angels 😿😿😿😇

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