Family files lawsuit against cruise line after toddler’s death l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The family of 18-month-old Chloe Wiegand, who died after she fell from a window aboard a Royal Caribbean ship, has filed a wrongful death suit that claims the cruise line is to blame for her fall.

The parents of a 1-year-old girl who fell to her death from the window of a Royal Caribbean cruise ship over the summer is now suing the company for negligence.

Indiana residents Alan Wiegand and Kimberly Schultz-Wiegand filed the civil lawsuit Wednesday morning, accusing Royal Caribbean of playing “a major role in the death of our child.” Their daughter, Chloe, would have turned 2 this week.

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By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “Family files lawsuit against cruise line after toddler’s death l ABC News”
  1. Their claim is that they want to "keep others from suffering the same fate." Well, keep your g'pa away from everyone else then and we'll all be fine. He's a murderer and should suffer the consequences like all other murderers. The cruise line is 0% at fault.

  2. I am just disgusted with this family trying to sue and make money off of this precious little girl’s death. The step grandfather lifted the little girl up over a safety railing and dropped her. He is solely at fault. Shame on the family for trying to make money in this situation. It’s so disgusting.

  3. The grandfather knew that there wasnt glass on the window and he picked her up regardless and she "accedently" slipped and fell. The family forgives him and now they are suing the cruise ship? That seems a little sus…….

  4. Well there is now video that shows that the step-grandpa literally dangled her outside of the window. Yes, he needs to be in prison.

  5. Its sliding door windows and has a lock that u press to lock look on the right side right in the middle at 0:59. ALSO i just got off Royal Caribbean cruise line and everywhere i go there are signs saying to be careful even when you walk upstairs it has a sign saying to be careful when going up to the next level upstairs outdoors because winds are strong and even in my room it says on the sliding doors when done to close and keep the doors closed and locked and never leave it opened and un locked so i failed to understand where the cruise ships negligence lies? And we would go every year and mom never allowed us near the rails as children much less near a window

  6. With the cruise video it shows the grandfather without question had to know the window was open he leaned over the railing out into the open plus even a blind person would realize the window was open from the noise, wind, and smell coming from the outside. The cruise line is not responsible for the childs death it's not like the child climbed up to the window and fell out she was PLACED THERE BY THE GRANFATHER!!! I'm sure the grandfather wouldn't have been charged with murder had Chloe's parents hadn't gotten greedy for money and decided to sue the cruise line and just grieve over the lost of their daughter and blame the idiot grandfather. Chloe's money hungry parents are as guilty as the grandfather.

  7. The case against the cruise line must be dismissed. Grandpa needs to be held accountable, and his attorney should be sanctioned for the frivolous lawsuit.

  8. Look at the video.. it’s shocking this man deliberately put the girl over the barrier.. it’s sickening and shocking. He murdered this kid and wants to blame the RC.

  9. When you have a baby with you, you have to be prepared for the worst so he should have assumed the window was open like most responsible parents would have done. If it were me, I would have reached my had out first to make sure the window was there and secure, I then would have held the baby up to look but set her down right away just because there is really no need for a baby to just hang out near a window like that.

  10. “I saw her fall.” So did the rest of the world. We can see all the lies too.

  11. I went out with sister n mother in laws n my daught around 2 yrs old. Grandmother took my daughter with her inside the store , I said okay. Its passed 10 minutes n I returned to them but my daughter wasnt with grandma n I check with my sister in law.. My heart droped, I left the cart behind, I was calling my daughter n checking the store for her. I found her in the bra n panties area… Who's to blame ? Mom in law blame me n its her faults .. Second time she cut my son hair without my permission n I just look at my husband like its ur mother..

  12. The cruise line will have some liability here. According to the reporters he looked over the rail first, not stuck his head out the window as people are saying, then he put her on the rail. If he really thought there was a window there, they can't convict him of homicide. The ship is gonna lose.

  13. TV show in Puerto Rico released the Royal Caribbean cruise ship video footage on tv. According to the people who watched the show said the grandfather walked to the window, leaned over the railing, came back took his granddaughter turned back to the same window and put the baby overy the railing and released her. SMH and parents want to sue. he better take that plea deal.

  14. I saw the video recently posted. You can clearly see the grandfather looking down the window for few seconds, then picking up the baby and not sure if he sits her down but couple min later she unfortunately slips off his hands, I guess🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️. It was his fault. I dont understand why the family is suing 🤷‍♀️.

  15. They won’t win this lawsuit solely from them claiming it was the cruise line’s fault for the baby falling over board.

  16. I think they are doing it because they know that grandpa is guilty and that's the only way that they can find a way not be guilty of negligent homicide. Maybe they're trying to make a deal with Royal Caribbean so police stop the investigation. Money talks. And grampa needs a good lawyer.

  17. This is why we cant have nice things.. because stupid people tend to be sue happy and disgusting they are using their daughters death to sue a company for money

  18. is totally the grandfather fault, the way they describe it while watching the video the grand father looked over the railing and onto the deck first and then sits the child on the railing, how the hell did the grandfather not know that the window was opened? lets say he had bad vision and didn't noticed that there were no glass in front of him wouldn't there be a breeze of fresh air coming in when the window is big enough for a child to fall out of?

  19. I don’t think the cruise ship is responsible. They won’t lose this one. Unfortunately it’s the grandfathers negligence.

  20. The grandfather leaned over the railing twice and couldn’t tell the window was open. I feel sorry for the family but that lawyer is ambulance chasing he really can’t believe anyone other than the grandfather is at fault. Let this poor girl Rest In Peace.

  21. I am curious about what the contract says when you sign and pay for a cruise. They aren’t going to win. I am certain there is a disclaimer saying to “watch your kid at all times and keep them away from windows. Inability to take precautions can result in injury or death.”

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