Families struggle to make ends meet while navigating COVID-19 economic relief | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

Nick Stanford says his unemployment insurance isn’t enough to support his family. Keith Walker, who doesn’t qualify for unemployment, says he’s had issues getting a business loan for his salon.


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By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Families struggle to make ends meet while navigating COVID-19 economic relief | Nightline”
  1. I love how they referred to the man by his FORMER job title and to the woman as "Man's fiancee" when SHE CURRENTLY HAS A PAYING JOB. What is this, ABC, the 1950s?

  2. His first mistake was trusting the government and staying home as they ordered…He has kids to feed, you best believe i would be out there trying to find any way to make money. He basically stopped going out because he was too scared of a manufactured crisis.

  3. Why are people making disparaging remarks about the couple with four kids? Adopted kids come from severe neglect and abuse and they adopted all four. What have you all done for children like this? Bless them! Both parents have clearly worked their asses off to have two successful salons – there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears in that. Sure, maybe they should have saved more, this will be a hard lesson learned. They'll be ok in the end and I'd love an update from them now that salons are open again. I wish them well.

  4. Just look at all the “stuff” these people have. Rather than saving money for a rainy day, they have been spendthrifts all their lives.

  5. The guy talking about not having waffles to his kids but then has a box of pancake mix in the background lol could’ve use that to make waffles 😂 all these ppl they interview have more stuff then me and I’m doing fine. 🤷‍♀️

  6. Why are they not getting the $4k a month the government is giving for unemployment? More if you have 4 kids.. The guys who own the salon, I get why they may not qualify. When you own, u have to pay for insurance urself. So, looks like they didn't purchase any. But the other family should have been getting at least $6k a month. The guys probably get a huge amount in food benefits bc of the kids. I noticed they didn't say how much but let us know the other family.

  7. This is really sad! I live in Austria and the government pays business owners 80% of their monthly turnover when forced to stay closed

  8. I got rid of my credit cards 20 years ago. Why. I learned that credit cards don't make you rich and increase your worth. Credit cards steal your wealth and are liabilities. In 2014 and 2016 I made economic changes that went against what I was taught about making money. I sought out financial education. We are struggling but we are not hurting.

  9. have kids as you wish…don't save a penny..don't have a rainy day fund..take huge mortgage ..live in big house…lose job…blame the system..blame the government…start crying foul..drain urself in self pity. This is becoming a trend these days!

  10. I think along with everything else’s this has gone to show everyone how bad unemployment that the states have actually is. Most states you won’t get enough to even pay rent let alone food, heat etc.

  11. $450 dollars…that's more than most people were getting regularly.
    Maybe blame consumerism.
    They aint never lived below their means and it shows.

  12. My heart breaks for these people. They’re doing their very best in such difficult and traumatic circumstances. My thoughts and best wishes to all of them. X

  13. This is a mess that should not have happened I feel that the senate could have came up and helped the people of this country and if they couldn’t then it was up to the president Trump but I remember that trump had told Mitch not to pass a stimulus? So I feel that trump should and could have done something for the citizens of this country it’s his job instead of his lies he could have helped

  14. Only millionaires rest..all middle class Americans struggle with job losses and different problems because of pandemic..

  15. So you didn’t create a life that could weather these storms. You lived beyond your means and now we’re supposed to feel sorry for you? Living within your means means preparing for these situations too, not just today’s needs. We paid off our house during the pandemic because we saved before this and decided for future security we would get rid of our very last debt. We are completely debt free so if either of us or both lose our jobs we can still go for 3 years before needing to get new jobs. You did it to yourself. I only feel bad for those who were in poverty before this pandemic. They are the true sad story.

  16. Is it me or is anyone’s gaydar also going off like crazy for Keith Walker 😂 🤔 🤨?

  17. Mi chiedo come mai gli americani non abbiano il senso del risparmio per i tempi bui e non tentino, come accade in Europa, di acquistare una casa

  18. People need to stop having two plus children you know before you get pregnant if you can afford it if you can't don't get pregnant and if you do get pregnant don't expect the government to come to your rescue because you made a poor decision….

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