Families of Muslims allegedly detained by Chinese government speak out I Nightline

Families of Muslims allegedly detained by Chinese government speak out I Nightline

WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: https://bit.ly/2L5muP2

Families tell stories of their loved one’s disappearances as China is accused of sending Muslim citizens, many of the Uighur ethnic minority, to prison-like camps that it calls “vocational centers.”


ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: https://hulu.tv/2wSmSrZ

#ABCNews #Nightline #China #Muslim #InternmentCamps #VocationalCenters #PrisonCamps


23 thoughts on “Families of Muslims allegedly detained by Chinese government speak out I Nightline

  1. The hell do you mean “allegedly”?

  2. Who would believe Mike Pompeo???

  3. This’s why God gives them Covid 19 and the rest of the world because the didn’t acting upon this horrific things they’re doing to Muslims.

  4. Americans are more like European people, but they claim the land from aboriginal people who doesn't even look remotely like them. I'm sick of the lies told by the reporters and the staged science by many those Ameture actresses.

  5. The world is suffering from this Virus! I believe ALLAH is fighting the world with this death sentence! Let the poet go Moses would yell! Martin Luther King would say GOD promise never to leave me ! Never to leave me! The world need to get together to let the people go! This is a real pandemic! Chapter two of the Holy Quran talks about this very subject!

  6. #FreeUyghur #SaveUyghur 🇮🇩

  7. WTF !!! Y are so many people/ countries against ISLAM ????? Url fail 2 understand dat ISLAM is 1 of da cleanest religion's cos we aint like url we wash our backside wen we r done n not like url who just wipe / n den y dont url wipe hands after eating its still messed so url have wash it whereas url backsides stink / we respect every religion n not like your'll & ISLAM IS DA FASTEST growing religion & we dont need da help of other countries and der armies cos we have ALLAH (Almighty)

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