Famed driver Jessi Combs killed trying set new land record l ABC News

Famed driver Jessi Combs killed trying set new land record l ABC News

The 39-year-old was trying to go faster than 512 mph a new land speed record for women when she crashed; she was widely considered the fastest woman on four wheels. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2ztKjJx

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23 thoughts on “Famed driver Jessi Combs killed trying set new land record l ABC News

  1. That is why if I am to counsel a couple with a troubled marriage I would always advise the husband to try to work it out with his wife. Try to listen to her and understand her feelings and passion. Instead of getting a divorce, try to get her doing some kind of sports, for example, this sport!

  2. 0:25 Jessi Combs was breaking Land Speed Records. Kitty O'Neill's first quarter run was 358.21 mph and she crashed at 368 mph. She went on to run the 1/4 mile, at 412 mph. Most recently, Yves Rossy runs the quarter at over 450 mph. Jessi was driving at 531.88 mph (855.98 kph) per hour, when she died. I believe this makes her the ninth fastest driver, ever.

  3. I think the fans deserve to see the wreckage without her in it. So we can take in what kinda catastrophe this resulted in not wait for something to come out 2 years from now? Just my opinion

  4. What is there to be proud of..be the fastest driver does not make u so great..it is just dangerous..as we always say speeding kills..
    Anyway i am saddened by her death..hope her family stay strong..

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