Fallout after President Trump’s 2nd impeachment – Car Mod Pros Portal

What to expect from a historic second impeachment trial in the Senate.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Fallout after President Trump’s 2nd impeachment”
  1. The dem mind always goes to wrongness, sin and antichristness, never an exception, I've watched them for 30 years, they are the forces of the antichrist, dah, see video at mike lindell . Com 100 percent proof the election was hacked and stolen, don't talk sht until you see video esp last half, see the truth they are hiding from you.

  2. Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats are saying that PresidentTrump is a threat. What about the Democrats they are a threat to President Trump. But I guess it’s OK for the Democrats a threat to President Trump. But it’s all wrong for President Trump to a threat to the Democrats. And I’ll tell you one thing the Democratic. The Democrats want to impeach President Trump for posing a threat on the White House. That happened on January 6, 2021. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats should be all needs to be impeached to. And trying to impeach President Trump for storming the White House. You got to be kidding me.

  3. Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats are saying that PresidentTrump is a threat. What about the Democrats they are a threat to President Trump. But I guess it’s OK for the Democrats a threat to President Trump. But it’s all wrong for President Trump to a threat to the Democrats. And I’ll tell you one thing the Democratic. The Democrats want to impeach President Trump for posing a threat on the White House. That happened on January 6, 2021. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats should be all needs to be impeached to. And trying to impeach President Trump for storming the White House. You got to be kidding me.

  4. Here is proof that Republicans knew all along the true facts behind Trump’s election loss — and yet kept silent for two whole months while he was earnestly peddling his election fraud claims:
    “[T]he former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters.
    The 27-page report, which was written by Trump chief pollster Tony Fabrizio, shows how Trump advisers were privately reckoning with his loss even as the former president and many of his supporters engaged in a conspiracy theory-fueled effort to overturn the election.
    The findings are based on an analysis of exit polling in 10 states. Five of them — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — are states that Trump lost after winning them in 2016. The other five — Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas — are states that Trump won in both elections.
    The report zeroes in on an array of demographics * Trump saw the ‘greatest erosion with white voters, particularly white men,’ and that he ‘lost ground with almost every age group.’ In the five states that flipped to Biden, Trump’s biggest drop-off was among voters aged 18-29 and 65 and older.”

  5. A chicken-hearted President who bent and protected a charlatan in a <quid pro quo>:
    Mr. Zelenesky shall remember how Mr. Trump intimidated him to do the <<quid pro quo>> and he later claimed cowardly that he was not force by Mr. Trump to do the defamatory investigate into son of Mr. Biden.
    If he can not remember he shall watch how Mr. Trump try to overturn the result of election by intimating and forcing GA official in a similar telephone call to Mr. Brad Raffensperger to steal 11780 votes for him. But on contrary to cowardness of Mr. Zelenesky, Mr. Brad Raffensperger has courageously resisted the charlatan Mr. Trump and told him he does not commit crime. The election has not been rigged, there was no irregularities in the GA-election and the machines have counted correctly, we have counted them by hand several times. Go to a coward President maybe he will help you by another <quid pro quo>. You are wrong Mr. Charlatan. In other word he told to Mr. Trump I am not Zelenesky who was easily intimated by charlatan, committed crime and lied to the world that he was not forced by anyone… Which was an international crime.
    It was a WHITE COLLAR CRIME you did Mr. Zelenesky that should be investigated and the convicted person should be punished. The international justice title of crime you and your friend Mr. charlatan Trump committed is <<obstaction of justice>>.
    Now, flip-floper Mr. Zelenesky, the fair weather friend of democracy!!!!! will make a U-turn and change the direction, may be he gets some millions dollars and makes Ukrain great again!!!
    Mr. Zelenesky thinks it is no problem to commit crime. Ukrain does not need trust, it need money. If later Qanon comes another U-turn! We are joking and mocking the world to get some millions dollars to Make Ukrain Great Again.

  6. The Constitution says:

    The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, *AND* disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.


    The trial's purpose is to determine if the President of the United States is to be removed from Office *AND* disqualified to hold any Office under the United States. It is NOT a trial to determine if a private citizen can be disqualified to hold any Office under the United States. Therefore if the Senate tries the impeachment against Donald Trump, then the Senate acknowledges that Donald Trump is still the President of the United States.

  7. HAA, the democraps have set the schedule for trial for feb.😡😡😡😡😡😡🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸

  8. President Trump was acquitted on his first impeachment for failure to reach the required 2/3 votes by the senators of Congress.
    President Trump was impeached by the House Representatives by a simple majority votes on his 2nd impeachment and he will be acquitted again as expected for failure to reach the required 2/3 votes by the senators of Congress.

  9. Here's what happened the first impeachment: On February 5, the Senate acquitted Trump on both impeachment articles… yep, not guilty

  10. President Trump. Best President ever. Hold that head up high. The Americans know what they did to you. And we know what you did for the American people. We Love You

  11. PELOSI WINS! … trump loses…. hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. Joke of the week.. Tromp to be crowned😂😂😂 baby Bye bye bye🎶🎶🎶

  13. LOL fake news, pathetic. Its not an impeachment if the senate doesnt vote for it duma$$, or when the house never votes for it, or if no evidence nor testimony is allowed or never sworn as truthful, as occurred in this case. Communist dictator biden is already impeached on "day 1" by your fake definition, as if there will be a day 1. Trump won 80% landsllde. Biden is already charged with treason and other high crimes, 25,000 troops ready to make the arrests in DC. The capitol riot was by 226 of bidens antifa blm terrorists led by killer john sullivan and CNN "reporter" Jade Sacker. Civil War, Communist Revolution, World War 3, Battle of Athens Tennessee. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Enjoy the shitshow. Er "fallout."

  14. Trump should be proud of making history with two impeachments. He stated he went to Washington to "drain the swamp" and fight the establishment. He made a lot of enemies doing it and these impeachments prove he accomplished his task.

  15. They will un impeach trump

    Im laughing right now


  16. We have video of harris saying she supports blmantifa riots so pelosi your saying impeachment for insurrection well harris your done an on camera

  17. Aaronic Blessing For President Trump

    Numbers 6:24–26

    24  “YAHUWAH, (YHWH), bless you and keep you;

    25 YAHUWAH, (YHWH) make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

    26 YAHUWAH, (YHWH), turn his face toward you and give you peace."

  18. The impeachment trial could be an opportunity for Trump to argue the issue, that the Supreme Court refused to hear, that would have given the election to Trump. The issue is whether state legislatures are the only group that can change state election law. Each of those swing states, have a state election code, that states that only mail in votes that arrive by election day, would be allowed to be counted.. There were rule changes in those states, NOT enacted by state legislatures, that allowed ballots to arrive up to 3 days later. Those late ballots swung the election to Biden. Trump should first argue, that based on existing state law, those late ballots are invalid ballots, that he actually won the election, based on existing state law.

  19. Government need to spend time on people and economy in the doom of Covid. Stop this Damm wasteful of money.

  20. So the prophet who had a vision that Trump would serve 2 terms and stay in office got it slightly wrong 😂 two impeachments instead.

  21. "oh absolutely no trial! these are no legal Scholars let's be very clear people they are zealot partisans who twist the constitution to find their meaning. If this were a Democrat who were being impeached they would be saying exactly the opposite.They failed the shoe on the other foot test let's look at the text of the Constitution on impeachment the president shall be removed on impeachment, that's the purpose. Once the president out of office he's an ordinary Citizen and to have a trial in the Senate of an ordinary citizen is a bill of attainder Congress has no Authority Under ordinary citizen. I can run for office,I can run for president in 2024 can they hold me in front of the Senate and say they're going to impeach me to prevent me from running for office? It's absurd. You can only remove a president , if you remove him , then you can than add the sanction of disqualification .You can't put a president on trial just to disqualify him for the future. That would violate the text of the constitution, the intent of the constitution."(AD)

  22. "And you can have a thousand schollars saying that he will be impeach after he leaves office. they are all wrong because they are partisans they are zealots and they would come out exactly the other way if the shoe were on the other foot and If This Were a Democrat.And, indeed they did go the other way when Clinton was tried." (AD)

    Senate impeachment trial ? they won't be a trial this is political theater fit only for politician or an actor there's no role for a lawyer they have excluded lawyers from this they had no lawyers yesterday the had no opportunity for the president of USA to present his defense and now they're saying I'll start the trial on the 19th and ended on the 20th that's not a trial, that's a kangourou court. (AD)

  23. 6 time business failure, 1 term presidential failure and 2 time impeached dumbass.

    Trump and his MAGATs made the US a third world country !!

    Homeless = Yes, Hunger = Yes, Covid deaths 401,856 with one more every 20 seconds = Yes.

    20 years jail and death row for treason is the only appropriate sentence!

  24. Pinky power and colonial cronyism is the world's biggest threat. It has been for the past 400 years.

    Pinkies are jealous of China leading the world and Native peoples fighting against colonisation.

    The world associates the US with racism, school shootings, invasions, riots, stupidity and lying.

    The stability of World Peace relies on the US staying home killing it's own people.

  25. 98% of the fake news media and talkshow host forced feed you that Trump is impeached twice. But did he really got impeached??? Why is he still in the office and still be President!!! So can you not see what's going on here!!! If you can't see it, then you have a big serious issue for sure. You people are so stupid. You can't see what's what's fed to you. It's very amazing. How are you still not awoke!!!!.. Mind blowing is what it is.



    පු ර ශ්ච ඔරි ව ම්ක ආද ඹීවය කීට ය ය වේ නි ඔට නී, රා මි ආද. ආය රි වි. වක්මඹු

  27. Prosecute Trump and send him to prison. He knew full well COVID-19 hurts so many human beings and is deadly to many human beings. Knowing this as he packed them into his rallies without the social distancing. These are superspreader events AND he caused a horrible spread of COVID-19 throughout our country! Prosecute him and send him to prison.

  28. Impeachment will NOT divide us anymore than the Trump administration has divided us.
    Impeachment will NOT incite violence any more than the Trump administration incited violence.
    Enough is enough!

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