NBC’s Jane Timm takes a look back and fact-checks President Trump’s claims about Covid-19, voter fraud and the 2016 election throughout the year.
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#Covid19 #Election #NBCNews
Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims On Covid And The Election Throughout The Year | NBC News NOW
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CORRUPT! Dems own media!
Never in the field of viral conflict was so little owed by so many to so few
The big losers: Fake news lamestream media, and big tech. It doesn't matter what they say, it doesn't matter if it's true or a lie. They lost the only power they had, the gift that God gave them it was trampled on by you. You lose CREDIBILITY.
They used it to try to take away our God, our faith, our pride in being American. They did not make it! 🦅🇺🇸We continue to be proud American citizen🇺🇸🦅
1. Actors and influencers keep your distance.
2. Politicians do you Job!
we are paying your salary.
🦅🇺🇸We the People🇺🇸🦅
🦅🇺🇸Trump 🦅🇺🇸🦅
I miss having good news on my notification list
Fact check this lol
When you prevent conservatives from watching the count, and when Trump wasway ahead and overnight biden took an enormous lead, and a van pulled in front of pollingb and pulled out boxes of ballotsband Dems don't want to check it out, there's a problem. Beyond that, JoJo couldn't even fill up all his little circlesbwhile President Trump pulled in thousands. And they keep finding thousands of uncounted ballots for Trump.. Modern media are incompetent. They don't even knowvthevdifference between editorials and straight news. If only they knew how to investigate!
Something mainstream media missed as did alt media on both the right/left…is the real reason why Trump vetoed the defense bill and why it is so cool that the Congress over rode the veto with this clause left IN the bill: "The NDAA also contains strong anti-corruption measures. Originally passed as the Corporate Transparency Act, these measures prohibit so-called shell companies with secret owners and operators, key tools of criminals and money launderers. The NDAA also regulates the antiquities trade, another haven for money laundering. The director of Transparency International's U.S. office, Gary Kalman, called the bill “one of the most important anti-corruption measures ever passed by the U.S. Congress.â€ÂÂÂÂ
Excerpt from Historian, Heather Cox Bishop Facebook page which daily highlights the news and how it relates to history in "Letters From An American."
Russia stopped the steal in 2016, thats the only ties to Russia.
USA cannot have a fraudulent president!👎👎👎
Additionally how many would have died if the red tape was still in place. Biden and democrats love excessive regulations.
FC? Really? I'm an independent. Mask reduce risk from 17% to 13% a virus is not bacteria. How treat symptoms not cure. He made it harder for students and black to vote? Really? I have a sister that can't get a drivers license but has an id. How do they buy alcohol or tabaco? Id is required. It makes it harder for non citizens to vote. Impeach? Railroad by democrats, never trumpers, and disgruntled employees. Try this with your boss, " But we've never done it that way". How long do you expect to have your job? A witness Marie Yovanovitch was responsible for the death of lady through improper procedures. Maybe we should have just let the Ukrainian government have her for that murder.
[Jan 2] \\ Wikipedia: "where two returns (Electorals from any State) claiming the safe harbor are received, AND "[i]f the Houses cannot agree … no vote from the state in question is counted. This result follows regardless of the governor's action."[21]:343. In 2001, a Congressional Research Service report authored by Jack Maskell "embraced Wroth's view of the statute, citing and quoting Wroth's article extensively."[48][47]:357. Maskell's CRS report also added more arguments based on the legislative history of the Electoral Count Act.[48][47]:357."
Republicans trump says georgia election is rigged STAY HOME!!!!!
FACT: Do the opposite of what he says and you'll probably get the truth!
trump sucks!!
"When I said the Chyna Virus will miraculously disappear in April, you know, with the heat; I meant April 2021."
"I said Chyna Virus, not the new UK virus."
Basically, I see Trumps Purpose in the Bible
That as the Declared Chosen One
Maybe he was indeed the Martyr, Who was Chosen to wake us All Up.
Remember, Jesus died for OUR SINS 🤢
In Fact, I just found this, which outlines the truth, Because it’s really time to ditch Labels – If We Are Honest with Who We All Are …
If you ask every american which president is the best ever and which is the worst ever. Trump would win the votes hands down as half the country think he is the worst and the other half think he is the best
i agree with jan brady – its always TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP! i'll be so glad, AND RELIEVED, when trump is gone. i'm so tired of that (very dangerous) cartoon buffoon i could just spit.
Trump's legacy… I hear that there is still polarization in Romania about Vlad the Impailer. I don't think the polarization is going away.
election is a joke, I feel bad to my fellow American friends that respect government all the way to North Carolina hope for justice, for President Trump being on the hot seat enough is enough… Respect Protect The President of United State.
74 million Americans vs 80 million. Whose the minority now
This lady has no idea what she's talking about.
Trump and his MAGATs made the US a third world country!
Homeless = Yes, Hunger = Yes, Covid deaths 356,328 with one more every 27 seconds = Yes.
New Zealander: Should I have a second pudding before Christmas lunch?
American: Can I go out on Christmas Day without getting blown to pieces downtown by a lonely MAGAT?
Trump WARP SPEED = 80% of US population waiting until late 2021.
US 356,328 Mexico 125,807 UK 74,125 Canada 15,606 China 4,634.
NO VACCINE & NO COVID = New Zealand 25 and Taiwan 7.
Chinese deserve their number one title again.
Collaboration and Co-operation is the future and Colonisation is history. No country needs the US help
or it's bombs.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters." – Trump.
"If the whole country is to be happy, not one ethnic group, not one family and not one person can be left behind."- Xi Jinping.
NPC News still producing propaganda for the libsheeple.
Trump won.
Mainstream Media is Satanic and you know it
The greatest BS artist in the history of the US
Twitter needs to ban Trump from it's platform
Activists aren’t allowed to fact check anything.
Trump lies lies lies, wanted to let us DIE!
Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins. 3
NBC – fact check – hahahahahahahaha – never checked Hunter("the smartest man I know) and the "Big Guy"
Trumps golf game has cost the tax payer according to the GAO 3.1 million a round at the Mar-Logo so 300+ rounds really ??? 900 million tax payer $$$$
We know who and what Trump is, it's been the entire republican party that has stood in the way. I'm sorry it's been almost the entire republican party.
I have a NEW word for word of the year 2020
To “trump†someone means either and/or:
Lie. Incessant lying which everyone knows is a lie but it is ignored by supporters and KNOWN by the liar, in this demo case Trump
Cheat. On wives in finance. Someone cons someone then they have trumped them
Steal. Wages from employees or money from domestic or FOREIGN govt
Many other applications but trumping is shameful
From the beginning of Trump's administration… Lies
This has got to be the most useless waste of cyber space ever. EVERYTHING and I mean every word that has come out of trump’s mouth is a lie. You have to be dumber than an ashtray to have believed a word. Trump is a pathological liar.
Wow! 26,000 false hoods by the Washington Post!
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I watch American news for entertainment, not information. I have a terrible bellyache, can't stop laughing.
Prove that mask work.
You won’t cause it’s baseless
Remove the bandaid feel better
Trump-Nation 2021-2028
The cemetery is full of many men, like Donald TRUMP, who believed themselves to be irreplaceable !!!!!!!!!!!!! This man is crazy …….
What is better?
2 months lockdown, economy goes down and will go back up?
Keep the economy going and over 300,000 deaths and more deaths to come?