Facebook Marketplace under scrutiny for alleged scams, criminal activity

Facebook Marketplace under scrutiny for alleged scams, criminal activity

ABC News Linsey Davis speaks with ProPublica journalist Craig Silverman on their latest report investigating alleged scams targeting consumers on Facebook Marketplace.

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43 thoughts on “Facebook Marketplace under scrutiny for alleged scams, criminal activity

  1. 😞 I got scammed out of $40.

  2. It’s also being used for prostitution. Just had some very very disturbing experiences trying to sell my laptop and Yamaha. I realized that it’s more than likely that women are selling sex. I would get messages like, “I can cum and get it now.” After I tell them the product is available. I just thought it was either a non-English person or a teenager troll. But it kept happening over and over. My husband comes with me when I meet a buyer at a public place. He makes the actual exchange. The last two guys followed through with the exchange but I have a feeling they were disappointed. The surprise on their face when my husband stepped out of the car was very real. I think I’m done with marketplace. We already had a Craigslist killer, don’t need a marketplace one.

  3. 🤬AND…nobody is going to do shitz about it.👎

  4. They forgot to add how its overun with hackers stealing peoples info and profiles. Then there is no way to get your profile back facebook has no customer service( like an actual person to confirm its actually you and not some hacker) and they have billions of dollars. You cant just pay real people to help us better deal with the hackers and kick them right off our account

  5. I have called out so many scams! People advertising for rentals cheap for nice places . People advertising rentals not even living in the town a place that would be 2,500 to rent offering 1,000 come on its Southern California.

  6. I hate Facebook I just created a brand new account recently and whenever I signed out it won’t let me back in it just says your page is temporarily blocked take my advice people don’t use Facebook.

  7. Facebook was a place I could go to keep up with family, but now it a play ground for the all those wanna be thugs to nit pick at other’s friends and family. These individuals doing all this stuff has been doing it for year’s. They really need to be monitoring everything on there.

  8. So FB changed their focus to speech control, and lost sight of a true marketplace. They've made thousands of positions with the speech police, why not for the marketplace?

  9. I don’t use marketplace but don’t they have a system of reviews like all major buying apps?? Also use PayPal!!!!!

  10. I spent $800 for a stolen car I could never register!!! 😩

  11. Wut the gate keepers sponsored hustlers reign coming to an end. Just and another Q PROOF! Social networking criminal enterprises collapse due to their own Crimes!$$ …stroke your middle fingure tah dat GATES 😒😂

  12. 👽🏹🇳🇿World leaders!!!! 🇬🇧Sue!!! Facebook!!!! scams and copyright infringement against humanity!!!!under state of 🇷🇺Texas!!! Mexico 🇺🇲border crisis!!!! 🇦🇺legislation etc


    AMERICANS DIE believing TRAITOR TRUMP and the FOX MAGAT MEDIA MOB (90% of who are vaccinated).

    Fox TV reporters pretend to be outraged while they spread disinformation that divide and kill Americans.


  14. Lol, Facebook wants the entire world on their platform while denying there are scammers in the world. Zuckerberg is not a genius, just a digital bully…!!!

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