F-16 that cut through warehouse was armed with live munitions

F-16 that cut through warehouse was armed with live munitions

The aircraft severed a sprinkler system but did not explode on impact; no major injuries were reported and the pilot ejected himself.




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32 thoughts on “F-16 that cut through warehouse was armed with live munitions

  1. Wait… I thought based on the plane that hit the pentagon that planes disappear completely on impact 😑

  2. Fighters have always been partially armed even in domestic air space. It's SOP. Not anything new or a big deal.

    Not having munitions on board is like carrying a pistol for personal protection w/o bullets…useless except as a paperweight.

    I would say this is an example of the media making a mountain out of a mole hill to fill the 24 hour news cycle.

  3. Okay. Why is it that the photos taken inside the warehouse show a completely different scene? In the aerial shot there are tables still standing and items on them. How is this possible if struck by an F-16?? And where is the plane?! Also, the plane in the cell phone video makes it look four times its normal size. This looks like, yet again, another fabricated and staged event.

  4. why do the keep drilling the live ammunition point.. can you imagine if these planes weren't allowed to regularly carry live ammo? all of a sudden we need them and have to spend a half hour trying to load each plane.

  5. I hope there were no Depleted Uranium weapons on the fighter. That stuff causes cancer and horrible birth defects.💀

  6. Can you imagine working a long day at your boring warehouse job, thinking about what ur gonna get at the grocery store, and then seeing a fucken fighter jet crash through the ceiling

  7. That nobody was killed is a miracle proving that God exists and looks after us. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  8. My English teacher was talking about the crash yesterday (I live about a good 20-30 minutes away). The fact none of the munition exploded on impact surprised everyone. It could have been there be a lot of casualties, effecting people on the freeway and the workers

  9. Most stupid focal point of the clip "Live Ammunintion!" It should have been why the jet malfunctioned? The physical, mental status of the pilot? What about no one was injured? Good example of poor journalism. Live Ammunition Really? Do you think they should protect with mashmellows?

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