Explosive recording appears to show Donald Trump say about ambassador: Take her out

Explosive recording appears to show Donald Trump say about ambassador: Take her out

Lev Parnas and a small group had a private dinner with Trump at his hotel in April 2018.




#WorldNewsTonight #LevParnas #DonaldTrump


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23 thoughts on “Explosive recording appears to show Donald Trump say about ambassador: Take her out

  1. That’s because he’s a punk ass little dweeb. And oh what a MAN he is handling crisis. The whole USA is fucked, COVIT-19 everywhere killing Americans, infecting Americans and our ECONOMY is FUCKED!! The stable genius has done nothing but RUIN America, embarrass America and destroy our reputation for excellence. Imagine America behind every third world country in progress combatting Coronavirus!! But this is what he does, run around bragging while bankrupting the country with his ignorant fantasies. We are no longer hero’s and champions m, we’re losers just like that lump of lard in DC!!

  2. What's so bad about this? The Ambassador was already under scrutiny and after what we've learned about her I'm glad she's gone. When a Ukrainian prosecution team asked for Visa'a to the U.S. to engage the Obama administration in regards to the corruption that was tied to Joe Biden that ambassador blocked their Visa requests and also denied them any line through to the President. She needed to go. I don't see a single issue with this tape. Where is this smoking gun that shows Trump is a criminal? This looks more like a desperate attempt to paint the President in a bad light. I'm still voting for him. I didn't vote for him in 2016. I didn't even think it was possible for him to win. Even after he won I simply thought the gridlock in Washington will stop him from accomplishing anything. He's gone on to accomplish so many of the things he said he'd get done. If you turn your emotions off people and quit being offended at every thing and actually measure someone by their metrics you'll see this is probably the most hard working President we've ever had. Stop letting the media tell you who to hate. Just stop hating.

  3. Remember he is CEO, he can fire who he wants. Don’t carry out his policies your history. Same as Bolton. When will you people realize Trump is CEO and President. You lot are stupid.

  4. Investigate Andrew Saul, the S S A commissioner. He takes his pay but does not report to work, he impercinates cops, he targets low pay employees and his spiteful action will cost tax payers 8 mlion a year just to prove a point. Get rid of Saul now

  5. Gran lección para la academia da el Señor exjuez Kent, con la exposición que realizo en el juicio político contra el presidente Donald Trump, muy detalladamente nos dice como es un debido proceso, para iniciar un juicio político a un presidente. Para los Señores del Senado con solo esta exposición debería ser suficiente para anular todo lo actuado por la Cámara de Representantes.
    Por lo tanto, deben dejar que el presidente Trump, siga su trabajo y que sea el soberano pueblo, el que puede votar, que de la última palabra y los demócratas se dediquen a legislar a favor del pueblo.

  6. United States government and all the agencies should have been tried for treason on September 11th 2001 just after the 9/11 false-flag attack when you lied to the American people and the rest of the world!

  7. Yep…she's a Hillary campaign booster and blocked evidence, showing 'a list' of companies that can't be touched or investigated.
    Trump has the right to reassign her
    She's shady too…along with Bidens.

  8. That tape sounds like a set up…. why would it be video taped and no one know , it was probably her video taping and having this other man asking him questions. SET UP!!

  9. Everyone knows she's part of the Deepstater's ,
    They and there media needs to go down for crimes against the United States !
    It's not about President Trump. They want the power back to hid there crimes !

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