Explosions could be heard in Kyiv as Russian forces draw nearer to the capital Friday | ABC News

Explosions could be heard in Kyiv as Russian forces draw nearer to the capital Friday | ABC News

Explosions could be heard in Kyiv as Russian forces draw nearer to the capital Friday.

Plus, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, the U.S. has announced more sanctions on Russia.

#ABCNews #OnLocation #BreakingNews


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41 thoughts on “Explosions could be heard in Kyiv as Russian forces draw nearer to the capital Friday | ABC News

  1. The Russian president’s decision to deploy large numbers of troops to eastern Ukraine has already triggered new Western sanctions on Russia. A full invasion could lead to land warfare on a scale Europe hasn’t seen since World War II, a bloody and devastating conflict for Russians and Ukrainians alike. What could justify even threatening that?

    Putin’s clearest answer yet came in a speech delivered on Monday. He believes that Ukraine is an illegitimate country that exists on land that’s historically and rightfully Russian: “Ukraine actually never had stable traditions of real statehood,” as he puts it.

    The overtures to the West from the current government of Ukraine are an attempt to stand up to this false regime, as is its antagonistic stance toward Moscow. This combination — an anti-Russian regime in what Putin views as rightfully Russian territory populated by rightfully Russian people — is unacceptable to him.

    “Ukraine might have remained a sovereign state so long as it had a pro-Putin government,” says Seva Gunitsky, a political scientist at the University of Toronto who studies Russia. “Reuniting the lands formally would probably not have been at the forefront of the agenda if Putin felt he had enough political support from the Ukrainian regime.”

    Putin’s basic claim — that there is no historical Ukrainian nation worthy of present-day sovereignty — is demonstrably false. However, this does not mean Putin is lying: In fact, Russia experts generally saw his speech as an expression of his real beliefs.

  2. The human aura energy field which is comprised of electro-magnetic emotion, thought, and other human aura energy particles is transmitted from electronic telepathy transmitters in use by the former Australian Federal Police Covert Operatives located in the 3 residential buildings I have been documenting on Facebook. Since that time those in possession of the A.F.P Covert Operations technology have been weaponising this discovery by continuously re-engineering the aura energy transmission effect for maximum effectiveness as an energy weapon capable of greatly intensifying the human targets emotional and mental states by maximising the use of various factors which includes the location of nearby conspiracy participants in heightened mental and emotional states and high ampage fusebox fuses. The weaponised use of magnified aura energy transmissions has been consistently used on myself for a lengthy period of time that I have been targeted by current and now former Australian Federal Police Covert operatives in what began and continues as an unfounded case that is based on conspirators scapegoating. At times, my behaviour and the speech peculiarities of my voice are tell-tale signs of the magnified auric energy transmissions being transmitted to myself by transmitter(s) in close proximity. Jewish John controls the auric energy particle base transmitter and computer control system from an apartment located at 7-11 Henderson Street Bondi NSW Australia. His base transmitter is small, bronze in colour and roughly mushroom-shaped in appearance. It is said to be glued to his desk with a cover over it as directed by the prime technology controller and pornographer Jonathan who is a former Australian Federal Police senior operative from Blacktown that was certified as deceased due to corruption involving former Police Minister David Elliott, a registered doctor and Long Bay Correctional Centre where he was serving a 10 year prison sentence for conspiracy to murder. It is consistently verified that unit 5 located directly beneath my apartment contains each of every technology in the bedroom. The location of these technologies is so due to the powerful effectiveness of close proximity. The presence of 2 updated large transmitters which are wide-build and low in height continue to be operated remotely via an internet connection in the bedroom.

    scapegoat.robert.russo is my sole personal Facebook account.

  3. GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦GO HOME Putin 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  4. God Bless President Trump back into Office. Amen.

    Religions are corruptable. God is not. God is Truth, the Way and Life.
    Christians are free thinking people that abandoned the Catholic church in year 1064 to seek a righteous faith in God.
    Catholics were extorting money for prayers.

    Christianity is faith-based. Christians congregate together to learn about Jesus. Matthew 18: 20, "Where two or more gather in my name, I am with them."

    Most Christian Churches have righteous intentions but, all free thinking Christians know to be cautious of the Devil.

    Declaration of Independence, " All American citizens have an inalienable right to think freely."
    Gee, I wonder what Divine Philosophy for humanity that came from?
    God rule is not tyrannical.
    In 1994, Ukraine gave up nuclear power, in a Deal to be protected by another government.
    This is why you never give up your weapons to the government and expect Government to protect you.

  5. 🇷🇺🇷🇺

  6. Let's Go Brandon 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

  7. Zelenskyy's account is getting fatter like Asraf Ghani, a runaway doll with trillions cash.
    insistent on joining NATO and willing to sacrifice the lives of millions of Ukrainians.
    Viktor Yanukovich tries to stay in the Eurasian unit but is overthrown by the traitors of the nation.
    Now feel the consequences of the crimes committed by the traitors of the nation.

  8. The world need to show military strength as well as economic sanctions. Russia will take over Ukraine kill all their leaders and the world will sit back 🤷‍♀️ as if they couldn't do anything. That's what pisses everyone off.

  9. Reports are Putin has become paranoid. And how do you drive an effective, permanent, self-imploding wedge between a paranoid leader and his advisors, military and unseen enemies??? PUT A ONE BILLION DOLLAR BOUNTY ON HIS HEAD–just like Putin's bounties on the heads of American military personnel. Oh yeah, the RATS would be scrambling over each other to kill Putin!

  10. The world is very small so all of the fallout eventually effects all of planet earth. This is not healthy for anyone or safe..I feel for these innocent people who are being effected in the immediate area though! Prayers with you. I am American, German, Austrian, Polish Russian and Ukraine ethnicity…It kinds of feel weird to have both parties in my blood.

  11. Russian troops have already killed hundreds of Ukrainians. 👹👹👹 Putin is a devil ❢❢❢ 👹👹👹

  12. Mr.Putin, i find it disturbing and discusting. I am disappointed after all your videos of you helping sick children, going to church, loving all those puppies. Now you slaughter innocent children and women,.
    If you have a politcal or military problem, you should handle it with them and not the citizens!!! Your more proffessional then this !!

  13. Biden doesn’t care!
    He is talking about a beautiful black woman judge and celebrate her today. Kamala is taking over his job soon.

  14. Guys comon you can do better than this stop this insanity… eho want to kill people likr that for no reason.. just… its ok right..? then making me an animal a crazy lunatic for revenge and blood thats life right? that is amazing right??

  15. People in the world are on the sidelines of murder ❢❢❢ 😫😫😫😫😫😫

  16. Our USA system is falling apart, the de-dollarization already begins and for this reason the USA is in a lot of trouble meanwhile China and Russia are allies and the true new global leaders, the USA can't take it but there's nothing the USA can do about it because it's too LATEEEEE!

  17. Honestly these "sanctions" drive me nuts. It's like seeing a 10yr old beating a baby bloody, and then the parents say "OMG you're being so bad. We're taking away ALL YOUR PRESENT Till you stop punching this baby. This is a big no no." and not doing anything besides refusing to buy their 10yr old anything/leaving the baby to continue getting beaten. Not saying Ukraine is a baby or anything, it's just an example. It's so horrendous. Stay strong Ukraine. Wish we could join the fight, show you guys you aren't alone.

  18. Man Mr Biden looks so tired and sleepy. Let him nap. Or we’re gonna have what’s her name up there and no one wants to listen to her.

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