Health experts have been vocal about their concerns over the New Year’s Eve celebrations in the U.S. cities, as the country faces its worst COVID-19 surge on record.

#ABCNews #Omicron #NewYearsEve


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Experts urge caution ahead of New Year’s Eve events as COVID-19 surges l ABC News”
  1. Fear not foks! With omi cron (moronic scrambled word) Israel has a NEW variation of rona: its called FLURONA. yes, a mixture of flu and the vid. One must ask: but the TEST cant tell the difference in the Vid and flu–So how can there be a NEW strain? How indeed.

  2. To all vax xed and unvax xed: Happy Healthy New Year to you. PLEASE GO OUT AND LIVE YOUR LIVES. ENJOY THE WORLD. Use germ caution whenever you can. My heart puffs up seeing so many people saying: F YOU, SCIENCE! MY LIFE, MY HEALTH, IM GOING TO LIVE MY LIFE.

  3. vaccines will not stop the spread of covid, especially for people with poor health, vaccines do not perform as well since they only enhance immunity against covid, which requires innate immunity in the first place. More precaution is needed than vaccine alone

  4. 😂😂😂
    I want the Fauci vaccine

  5. The thing I am going to tell you is weird but a cure. If you follow this tip strictly, it is possible that you may get infected with covid 19, but you never face the worst. It is my life time experience of pneumonia and inflammation. I have suffered the hellish pain of pneumonia and inflammation throughout my life. When antibiotics stopped working I followed this tip very strictly and it's been two years, I won't face neither pneumonia nor inflammation, I have a very sensitive body and if I eat a tiny thing that is a little inflammatory, my body acts immediately upon that , if I eat two or three pieces of bread I got a body pain, if I eat an orange I got sneezing immediately and if I eat a vegetable, it takes me three to four days but my body tells me that it was inflammatory too, pneumonia made my body too sensitive so I have sorted out these foods and, I have been working on this theory for a long time, and it took me more than 20 years to sort out these foods .
    Apply the following diet plan strictly for some days during covid 19 infection and you have no fear of any type of pneumonia and inflammation. A human body takes 15 days to produce antibodies against any virus and it is a natural way to avoid the over inflammation.
    Anti – inflammatory food list
    1. All the meaty products [everything, like eggs,  pork, beef, mutton, chicken, fish etc.(eat them grilled or boiled or you can use pure mustard oil or pure butter clarified to cook them )] . 
    2. Wheat ( and all the products that are made from pure wheat, not biscuits, cookies or breads because they contain vegetables oil). 
    3. Gram, cheakpea( chana or kabuli chana). Masoor dal.
    5. Green leaves like spinach, lettuce, etc.  ( green leaves mustn't be sour, bitter or spicy ). 
    6. All the Dairy products (they must be made from pure animal milk like butter clarified,  curd, cheese, fresh milk ). 
    7. Pure Mustard oil, turmeric powder, red chili powder , white sugar, sea salt, coriander powder and leaves, butter clarified. 
    8. Lemon and curd ( lemon and curd are non – inflammatory things  but they act differently with different  foods, with the suggested foods they never be a cause for inflammation). 
    If someone get affected with covid 19, he must avoid lemon for some days because he already would have eaten something that lemon acts as an inflammatory thing. But if the patient would have been eating the suggested diet very strictly for more than 18 days then he can add lemon  in his regular diet it will never be inflammatory then. The patient has to apply this diet plan very very strictly because consumption of a single fruit,dry fruit, vegetable or vegetable oil, onion, garlic, ginger and all non suggested cereals , lentils and a little thing besides the suggested diet may affect the whole result, so apply this thing strictly for fifteen days and see the result by yourself.
    Note- feed your infants with mother milk or pure animal milk,( formula  milk acts like a poison during the covid 19 infection because it contains vegetables oil.
    (if the patient follows this diet plan strictly his body acts over covid 19 like an animal body does, he may get affected but never faces the worst, and he never be needed to be hospitalized ).
    (covid 19 is fetal for those patients whose body act overwhelmingly on covid 19, if someone's body doesn't act overwhelmingly he never faces over inflammation and it's nothing but a different sort of comman cold for him, if you follow this diet plan your body never act overwhelmingly on covid 19 believe me Our natural immune system is capable to neutralize this virus, but it needs time because a human body does take 15 days to produce antibodies against any virus, and it is not covid 19 that kills the patient directly but it is a cause for death. The thing that kills the patient, it is over inflammation, because over inflammation destroyed our respiratory system and in lack of oxygen our whole system get destroyed and the situation becomes dreadful )..,,..

  6. Stop all the fear mongering it's not helpful. Omicron is the mildest variant so far its a good sign that the virus is weakening. It also spreads much faster which could ultimately speed up an end to the pandemic. This will all be behind us soon and we'll be good for another 100 years until the next one hits.

  7. To all YTs , vaccinated, unvaccinated young ones and children My Best Wishes for New Year 2022 is to use amla oil regularly on hands, forearms and face when going out and washing often with w and s, including safety measures.

  8. You guys literally spent 3 minutes on the rioters in January, with names and sentences given to them, but then spent less than 5 seconds saying “the SUV that plowed the the parade in Wisconsin.” This is why people distrust you, ABC, so much.

  9. 3 new US Covid cases every second ! Going backwards after 2 years. Are Americans becoming less intelligent?

    New Zealand have had ONLY 51 deaths. America who likes to think it leads the world, truly does with a WHOPPING 846,900 !

    US parents protest at school meetings about? A: 185 school shootings in 10 years B: Masks.

    The USA, where you used to be able to own people but now suddenly wearing a mask is having your freedom taken away. H.Franklin

  10. The way I see it. Let them go out. If they catch it. That’s on them . Obviously nobody listens nor cares 🤦🏻‍♂️

  11. Deblasio's parting shot is to keep the biggest superspreader event in America alive – #NYC's #balldrop…Deblasio is the reason why many independent voters will choose Republicans over democrats in the 2020 midterm elections…I hope he is handcuffed by the same #NYPD he led…he deserves prison for his indifference towards spiraling crime rate & making new Yorkers sicker & then holding new year to celebrate omicron in NYC

  12. This is never going to end with the media they love the fear porn they're addicted to it it gets more clickbait and makes them more Revenue especially more Pharma paychecks

  13. Thank you Dr Fauci and President Biden. Simple and effective to welcome the new year. We’re boosted, live our almost normal life, KN95 masked up when out in crowded indoor and outdoor spaces, protect our vulnerable relatives, friends, individuals and kids

  14. Be responsible. Ignorance (and stupidity sadly) is the root of misfortune. Let’s minimize the overworked/overwhelmed healthcare-frontline community load. Properly worn KN 95 and surgical masks work quite well and are helpful

  15. These so called experts don't understand… we don't give two shits what they think.
    Seriously says an unvaccinated person who's had covid and lived to tell about it. Heard immunity…

  16. Covid has been huge, but also shows us how globalist will exploit a disaster for their agenda. Unfortunately in our own administration we see how the government wants to profit from the vaccine they invested into with gain of function. That story will never be told because it's truth.

  17. To all YTs , vaccinated, unvaccinated young ones and children My Best Wishes for New Year 2022 is to use amla oil regularly on hands, forearms and face when going out and washing often with w and s, including safety measures.

  18. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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