Ex-police officer charged in George Floyds death faces judge | WNT

Ex-police officer charged in George Floyds death faces judge | WNT

A judge set Derek Chauvin’s bail for the second-degree murder case at $1.25 million as a lawyer for one of the officers charged with aiding and abetting placed blame on the veteran officer.




#WorldNewsTonight #DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd


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34 thoughts on “Ex-police officer charged in George Floyds death faces judge | WNT

  1. Rookie Cops please seek a different profession its Not the 1980s anymore don't put your life on the line its not worth it don't get caught in the mix cause you will go to jail!!!!!! 👍😎

  2. I think defund any law enforcement agency does not help anything just makes things worse..Get rid of the bad apple only why should the other good law enforcement pay,,bottom line their is good cops and bad cops things like this show the bad cops…DON'T DEFUND ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT…Maybe use taiser gun to subdue the person to handcuff. Individuel and take him to jail..

  3. Unpopular Opinion : Possibly corona Infected crackhead resisting arrest, if i was an officer i would not want to even touch that guy with my hands and be as far from him as possible. Not because he's "black" but because hes on meth. I have seen edgy meth heads, extremely unhygienic, they are completely different animals from sober or drunk people, very high tenacity unpredictable fidgety and cunning. Very scary stuff.

  4. Hem been a Rocki does not have nothing to do with that it's human behaver he act like animal and his serving time i been ir he only does 5 years but he Will trues me so defendían hem pointless You like hem send hem letters went he's lock up

  5. Cops don’t know that putting a lot of pressure on subjects neck and back can cause death.broking their breathing paths.

  6. We don't need to defund. We need to reform police schooling and be more like Germany and Norway where they need to go through at least two years of training.

  7. No matter what people say how you put it is still a massive DQ, the Man's dead something should be done just can't look around… We need to stop it! 😷

  8. Ok, but why is that man not stopping with his hands up behind his head and complying at 2:48? If l seen any officer that points a taser at me, l would comply and not complain about it if l believe l am liable or guilty before courts of law. I would complain if it because of my skin colour or race, but what chances of being racially abused by a on duty officer out of thousands here in this state who aren't actually racist but professionally great? Not all officers are racists, it just the odd one or two that are unlawfully abusing their power of stop and searches, and some more than 12 to 32 officers that are bullies who ain't racist but abuse their power by intimidating their colleagues, victims or certain members of public and that a fact. The officer walking towards him, that allegedly overused his power and took advantage can be seen pointing taser at the man. Why isn't the man complying, or am l missing something? Why does it seem like this is only half of the story, judging the decision of this officer protocol to make a lawful arrest at the time? Where is the full video description link so l can do my criminology report and listen to video with the sound?

  9. I don’t support crooked cops dirty racist cops at all point blank period but the good ones the ones who do their job correctly with no malice no bias no prejudice and without ignorance I support they are doing their fucking job and those are the ones who are also getting affecting Js as much or even more than the dirty ones step inna cops shoes for a day and then talk …get rid of the dirty ones yes 100 percent do not discredit ones that are doing their job correctly and without prejudice or excessive force

  10. And that’s my problem with that group of protesters that pretty much chased him out or verbally kicked him out he supports black lives matter movement I fully believe that they should not fully defund the police department that will solve nothing ppl are fucking ignorant and react off emotion rather than logic u defund the police and have no one there to pull over the drunk driver before he rams into ur car and kills u and ur 7 year old child or chase down someone who raped little girls and boys ect who will do tht …:Ik that bitch isn’t so no I don’t support that group of protesters as far as the full defunding Js need to have more psych training more emotional training it has nothing to do with firearms yes cops use them but if u know anything about firearm or self defense with a firearm ur brain and ur thinking with save ur life more times than that gun will any one can pull a trigger it’s when why and how that separates a trigger happy cop/person from a skilled trained cop /person

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