Ex-NFL player killed over a parking spot in Colorado

Ex-NFL player killed over a parking spot in Colorado

Anthony “T.J.” Cunningham was fatally shot in a dispute over a parking space; the former University of Colorado player, who was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks, was 46 years old.


42 thoughts on “Ex-NFL player killed over a parking spot in Colorado

  1. TJ "The Judas" is  dead.  It does not surprise me in the least.  The media is playing how 'great a guy" he was.  He was not… He threatened my life as well, "I will have you take care of if you ever come to CU" was his reaction when he found out I knew about him screwing Rashaan Salaam out of over $170,000 and was going to out him as the liar he was.  ESPN even told me The Judas was going to have me removed from CU events.  They were not 'best friends' as The Judas kept trying to steal the narrative.  They had not spoken for over 8 month from his doing Rashaan dirty.  He was an evil manipulator & is burning in hell.  What will happen when the truth comes out about his dealing drugs and being a principal of students?  Then fired for working with Universal Herbs dispensary & escorted off premise by security? Just ask Why fired?  Media should do some basic due diligence.. He is more like Jessie Smollet using the media for his own 15 minutes…Good Riddens.

  2. BLM!! WHERE YOU AT!? There have been plenty of police shootings of unarmed blacks and racism, but the fact still remains that black on black murder is at the top of the list. We have to help ourselves before we can fix anything else.

  3. wow .. a black man shoots an unarmed black man and its first degree murder … a white cop shoots an unarmed black and its vacation with pay and probably a promotion after the vacation … smh… the judicial system definitely must have a different set of law books for blacks

  4. Marcus Johnson brought a gun to what was supposed to be a fist fight. T.J. Cunningham didn't have a gun, and it cost him! Only cowards want to settle fist fights with guns. Johnson will almost certainly be spending the rest of his life behind bars, if Colorado doesn't have the Death Penalty.

  5. Fake news😂😂😂

  6. He shoot em cause he didn't want to get his ass whooped pbp.. Fucking clown 🤔

  7. Sad 😢 Very Very Sad That He Was Gone

  8. Another brotha bites the dust from the hands of another black man! When will we ever learn and take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming white folks or blaming other nationalities for our problems that we create for ourselves??? Ya'll need Jesus Christ as your lord and savior your souls are going to hell

  9. If cars weren’t invented this would never have happened

  10. He can look forward to nothing and a lot of man 👨

  11. This is how real men do it ✨✨💫

  12. This shit is why fighting isn't worth it anymore because everyone just wants to shoot now these days. Violence is never the answer but at least back then you got to live to see another day after a fist fight.

  13. I bet it went down something like this… "Fuck you nigga! Dis mah pahkin space!" "Nuh uh fuck you nigga I be here first" "Fuck you shit fuck fuck shit shit!" And then it was POP! POP! POP!

  14. Coward didn’t want to throw hands , punk

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