Ex-Juul executive sues over allegedly contaminated pods l ABC New – Car Mod Pros Portal

Siddharth Breja is accusing the e-cigarette company of knowingly shipping out 1 million contaminated pods earlier this year without telling customers.

#ABCNews #Juul #Vaping #ECigarettes #JuulPods


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Ex-Juul executive sues over allegedly contaminated pods l ABC New”
  1. Juul is the reason the vape industry is taking a huge attack. Purposely infecting people so these corporations can force people to buy cigarettes.

  2. big tobacco bought juul because it was the industries leading company and they did exactly what they intended to do which is run the company to the ground and be the front runner of the "youth vaping epidemic" to eliminate the vaping industry. If vaping was harmful why would Canada and United kingdom publicly announce to their citizens vaping is safer then smoking. U.S is a buisness and big tobacco their top seller is lacking in sales.

  3. I smoke nothing but the mint flavored juul pods and I have for a long time has not negatively affected me at all.
    Except for the fact that I'm now addicted to the nicotine in the pods😂

  4. Looks like big tobacco companys are pretty pissed about juul taking all their customers. That's really what it is. All the younger kids are using juuls now and lots of people have quit smoking and turned to either juuls or some other electric nicotine device.

    What I want to know is:
    what is the juul liquid allegedly contaminated with?

  5. Sounds like more garbage IMO

    According to the court documents, Breja spoke out in an executive team meeting in early February against the company's intentions to resell "expired or nearly expired pods." He also claims he suggested that the company include an expiration or "best by" date on the packaging, or at least a date of manufacture.

    "Contaminated pods", now they're just "old" pods.

    It's not food for christ sake.

    edit: Here's the important takeaway

    While the cause of vaping injuries hasn't been determined, and no single product has been linked to the lung injuries or deaths, the majority of people affected vaped products containing THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Nicotine has not been eliminated as a possible culprit in the outbreak, because some of those sickened reported using only nicotine devices.

    Conspiracy theory time: Juul sees the market potential of their product, and they want that 35% stake back at a much cheaper price. Run the hit job articles!

  6. Juul is a fu**ing joke!!! My step daughter came home last year for a visit she saw that her dad had a juul. He asked her how she even knew what a juul was. She went on to say that people that worked for juul were are her school and talking too the kids about juul. "They didn't want students to start smoking juul but if they were smokers already then juul was the way to go. When I heard that they were at the junior high talking too students about there product they obviously went after the youth market.

  7. I believe this, you can tell if the pod is longer then a year old When the E-liquid is dark. This can also make side affects worse. I gave up this crap after I lost it and it’s Ben the best thing I can do. I can breath better, no longer wheezing, I eat better. This stuff is poison and worse then cigarettes

  8. C.E.O. Kevin Burns ~" Half our customers are drunk and vaping like hell, who the fuck is going to notice the quality of our pods."

  9. At the end of the day giant corp rich people need to be in prison immediately instead of
    Killing millions. Big companies are literally worse than hitler when u combine them.

  10. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 f JUUL will never buy now shame on them

  11. Well… I definitely use the Virginia tobacco flavor…. I went from smoking just over a pack of cigs a day to 1 cigarette a day… I still think it’s better than cigarettes… for me

  12. but imagine that all this shit is made up and they're arguing over all this made-up shit and you all are consuming this made-up crap in your body for nothing literally for nothing absolutely nothing it's the same as coffee you physically do not need anything that is in a cigarette a juul pod or a vape pen none of it helps you in any way you idiots also I quit smoking 3 years ago so I used to be an idiot as well 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out Altria exec's have been green lighting tainted pods to start this whole round of vaping scares. Last I saw their stock was up and cigarette sales didn't decline for first time in years.

  14. I will never understand why any person (other than cigarette users) would ever put a juul up to their mouth. Smoking is fucking disgusting no matter how you do it.

  15. Juul needs to be held accountable and bankrupted for this crap. I’m sick of corporate greed and corruption

  16. Dont buy pods theyre a waste of money, go get yourself a starter kit from a reputable source and use only authentic coils, as well as buying your vape juice from large reputable companies (most vape juices have lot numbers and actual dates they were made for protection) Don't blame vaping, blame the people who arent regulating their products as well as they should. Shame on them for releasing potentially harmful substances to save a few bucks

  17. You knowingly harm and kill people, you'll be charged and sent to prison. But when corporations and the rich do it, it's a fine to pay, and people lose their jobs as CEO's with a severance package of millions of dollars.

  18. Why is it called whistle blowing when somebody rich or powerful tell it? If Anybody else normal or poor its called snitching.

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