Belgian doctors are describing their situation as a war zone as Europe faces a surge in COVID-19 cases with countries such as France instituting new lockdowns to combat the spread.
Europe battling second wave of COVID-19 as hospitals struggle to keep up

Donald trump
"Character of people" are the most important ingredients to abide orders from the government-to fight spreading of COVid. Wearing of Facial Mask, hand washing.. social distancing,is very simple to follow even the grade schooler can easy to follow.
political will of the government is WEAK, should have strict implementation to fight Covid.
be safe
Wonder how much money the Chinese Communist Party is paying this Media Mouthpiece for the CCP??? The number have just been published but we could give the apparatchiks and chance to “fact check†🤣
Skip to 2:30 for the CCP’s glee over the much higher fatalities from their virus than… their numbers suggest:
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please extend the lockdown in europe
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Talking about boosting numbers
If that was the case there would be people dying in the streets , ambulances rushing through the streets day and night , grieving families , cemataries overwhelemed …. Where is all that ??? We keep hearing but not seeing ??
lockdown was there to cope up with situation , there's no need of lockdown again
According to the official statistics, South Africa has turned into one of the greatest epicenters of Covid-19 in the world. Since the beginning of April to the 12th July, the cumulative number of infections in South Africa has doubled about every 14 days. On 12 July 2020, 264,184 cumulative cases have been recorded, slightly more than double the 131,800 on 28 June, 14 days before. South Africa was firmly on track to record half a million cumulative infections by 25 July. Community spread appeared unstoppable. At that rate of increase, 1 million would have been infected by 8 August, 2 million by 22 August, 4 million by 5 September, 8 million by 19 September, 16 million by 3 October and some 32 million by 17 October 2020. That would represent 53% of the population of over 59 million people. The daily number of new infections should then have dropped off steeply. On that trend, over the first two weeks of October, between one and two million new infections were likely to occur daily. The growth of new cases in adjoining areas, such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Botswana and Lesotho was much, much slower.
However, on 13 July, the number of new cases in South Africa dropped significantly by about 1,440, or about 11%. The day before, the 12 July 2020, sales of alcoholic beverages were prohibited in South Africa, creating a false impression that the ban was the cause of the drop in numbers. However, this is false, because the normal lag period of some 5 to 10 days between the introduction of a new measure that is effective, and a reduction in case numbers, was completely absent, clearly identifying it as fake. This trend of a reduction of new cases continued daily and became progressively stronger. The result was that, today, 7 November, the official cumulative number of cases in South Africa stands at 734,175 instead of well over 50% of the population, had the 'trend' of doubling every 13 or 14 days continued. There is no rational reason for a ban on liquor sales to cause such a sudden, steep drop in new cases. Hence the conclusion is that, over the three-and-a-half months before 12 July, the numbers have been manipulated up, as were the numbers on recoveries. Death numbers, on the other hand, were manipulated down:
The question is, why have the case numbers been manipulated up?
Early this year, South Africa applied for an IMF loan of US$4.3 billion at a very low interest rate. On 27 July, the IMF publicly announced that the loan was granted – Most likely, South Africa was informed of the grant earlier than the public announcement, perhaps around 12 July? Clearly, the numbers in South Africa have been manipulated up to impress on the IMF an urgent need for funds to fight the epidemic in the country. Most of the funds are likely to land in the pockets of corrupt people in positions of power and their family.
A further question is, what is the real motive for the ban on liquor sales?
The answer is that the ban on liquor sales will most likely drive many liquor stores out of business. The liquor trade is seen as lucrative, easy business. White owners of such businesses are exempt on a racist basis of financial assistance to weather the covid storm, including the IMF funds. Many of these businesses are likely to go bankrupt and be bought up at bargain prices by black politicians, their family members and other black business people, perhaps using some of the IMF funds paid for other contracts where contract prices have been loaded –
Fraud and corruption assume many a guise. The South African government is rotten through from top to bottom and the people in power are out on the loot. They saw an opportunity and they jumped on it. But at the same time, they are doing the South African population a grave disservice, endangering peoples' lives and livelihoods – subsequent waves of infections in South Africa have been masked by the huge false first wave. But, what the hell, never miss the opportunities a good crisis offers for personal enrichment, hey? This time, however, the South African black elite defrauded the international community, their co-members of the IMF – perhaps strategically a grave error?
Where is dane's mask
Looks Like China is playing a game. How its possible that every country facing increasing cases and origin of this is not getting affected? also how second wave come suddenly at highest spread rate? something fishy, isn't it?
Still and still… This virus hasn’t yet dead. Please take all the precautions ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ»
End game: population control. Save the planet so elite can enjoy
What would happen if 99% of people followed the protocols, i.e. masks and distancing?
France has almost as many daily cases as the USA with less than 1/5th of our population, and yet they still blame this virus on TRUMP?
_Trump – Pence 2020_ for freedom, safety and future
I'm eleven so I can't do anything and it makes me feel pathetic.
Instead of marching take care of each other instead. My health depends on your health and vice- versa. My economic well being depends on your health, my health, and that of the community. Government intervention is needed- not just in the form of lockdowns. Will they/ we ever learn?
BREAKING NEWS : Doctors Speak Out against the ScamDemic LIE > DO This NOW > Please sign petition to hold Fauci and the so-called health experts accountable for their Crimes Against Humanity / Mass Murder (Don't forget to confirm your signature in your email) <<<<***********
More lies. Hospitals are not really filling up at all. Media lies again. Not falling for it avain.
Send Joe Biden over there, he will shutdown th virus, after his nap.
Somehow, they’ll blame Trump:(. Idk why I gave this fake news channel a view.
Belgium is not "one of the worst areas", it literally is the worst area, having 1.700 cases per 100.000 people in 14 days:
Where is the fucking oxford vaccine
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind." Jim Morrison. Don't follow the media.
A new study confirms that the leading cause of death is birth.