Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mom arrested again | ABC News

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mom arrested again | ABC News

Fotis Dulos was taken into custody on new charges of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, officials said. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Dulos #FotisDulos #JenniferDulos


46 thoughts on “Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mom arrested again | ABC News

  1. Everyone thinks they are smarter than ctv, dna, etc. Idiot. He will be found guilty and his girlfriend will do time also. Look forward to a long life in prison.

  2. He loved his children but not his wife …so he got rid of her by killing her coz that's the only way a narcissistic psycho like him knows and does.He'll be caught one day, just wait and see.Meantime, enjoy your freedom with those GPS and ankle bracelet.

  3. Can we track Fotis’ on the day Jennifer disappeared?

  4. I bet he's found out about that's a lot of blood. All that blood on her clothes, and fishing knife found in the garbage, a bra all with blood on it. Poor Jennifer. Shame on you whomever would hurt her. A bloody pillow, missing rug. Which mist have Jennifer in it, the rig. He probably threw her into the ocean or a deep well. Unless he threw her in a manhole.

  5. You “love your children & that’s about it” no mention of your ex wife ummm I wonder why?!?

  6. You don’t love your wife and hopes she is found soon? 🤔

  7. It sounds like they don't have a case. No body, no weapon and no proof a murder was even committed
    Evidence tampering? You have to have real evidence to tamper with it. The cops are just fishing. Harrassing this guy into making a mistake
    Well of they don't hsve a body or a weapon or proof she's even dead they , by law , have np case
    But you have to remmeber, this is in Connecticut, a dumb yankee state. Where a man is guilty automatically if a woman is the "victim" and they don't need no "stinkin evidence" or due process of law.
    A man , by their thinking, can't be allowed to win, no matter how big a bitch the woman is .

  8. His children are lucky to be alive. If he would kill their mother, he doesn’t love his children. That’s one sure way to break their hearts forever. If he could do that he could’ve really hurt them.

  9. always two sides to a story, a fight can get out of hand, women know how to drive a man to do something crazy, like Bill Burr said, "a good hiding does not just fall out of the sky there is always a reason, I am not advocating any justification for murder, I am just saying, thats what women do especially when they stop loving somebody. There has to be a reason why he killed her if of course, he did which is probable

  10. Where’s Nancy Grace

  11. Lotta psychics and master detectives in these comments with absolutely fixed opinions and only the information the media and police/prosecuting authorities want them to see. Y'all shoulda become profilers!!

  12. I Hope They Find Her 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  13. This creep just wanted the other woman without the financial loss a divorce to the victim would have caused, just look at the home. Who else would have any motive to harm his wife in such an elaborate way.

  14. Investigators can do better then that…They can use gps on his truck and phone to find where to look for the body… Arrogant asshole who thinks money can buy him freedom…it's a matter of time before this joker is back where he belongs.

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