Eric Garners mother: ‘No police officer should use the chokehold’

Eric Garners mother: ‘No police officer should use the chokehold’

Gwen Carr discusses the House police reform bill, Black Lives Matter protests and police accountability.


30 thoughts on “Eric Garners mother: ‘No police officer should use the chokehold’

  1. The first thing police need to know is to read their job description. Police shifted to a gang of criminals in uniforms. They need to be trained on how to deal with situations without escalating them to killing, especially when the targeted person is not a treat. They are quick to kill. Eric was selling cigarettes and was killed by police. How???? That excess use of force was just unnecessary. When police are sent to deal with real issues like crimes and gangsters … They fail terribly…I'm just so done…. Whoever defend these types of police behaviors are just sick in their heads. Period!!!

  2. Yeah…But what if the 250 pound, 6' 5", BLACK, assailant puts a choke hold on the 180 pound, 5' 10" police officer? You gonna tell the officer he can't put a choke hold on the assailant? Doesn't make sense!

  3. I’m sorry for the mother, but this is an obvious appeal to emotions on ABC’s part… what’s new tho

  4. Why did George Floyd say he couldn’t breathe BEFORE he was on the ground? Look into it people. This outrage is sparked by a farce.

  5. Or just, you know, train officers how to use an actual chokehold. That guy wasn’t killed because of the chokehold, he was killed because the officer has no idea how to do an actual chokehold. A proper chokehold would have the guy out in seconds without suffocation or much pain (because against popular belief, the common chokehold is actually vascular and cuts of blood, not air). So no, don’t ban chokeholds. Teach cops how to use them. If I were a violent criminal I would want to be put in a proper chokehold. It’s better than some of the other options. Like getting tazed.

  6. So let's take more or less than lethal tools away from him and I only give him a f**** gun to use it for speeding tickets to! On the side of road with the M4 on a big piece of paper write your ticket out lol!

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