Epidemiologist discusses how COVID-19 is spreading

Epidemiologist discusses how COVID-19 is spreading

Dr. Albert Ko, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, explains the ways people can come in contact with the coronavirus.


50 thoughts on “Epidemiologist discusses how COVID-19 is spreading

  1. just an added thought. what if China is deliberately releasing these diseases to kill off its elderly population because the average life span of Asians are 125yrs old? there economic resources are depleting and forced to eat rats, bats, dogs, cats…stuff like that. and diseases are jumping species that normally wouldn't? and spreading because they're our top 3 imported resources of goods?

  2. who cares about covid…my concern is this BUBONIC PLAGUE. my question is..
    Now that fleas are spreading the plague, how is the US going to help prevent a break out in NY??? I don't live there but i do hear that NY has beaver like rats! lots of bed bugs! if sheep in China got tainted with BP by fleas, 2 people have died from eating marmots???for what reason idk. diseases are mutating every day! what other diseases can be spread by fleas. syphilis. HIV. HEP C. I'm not paranoid, I'm just wondering if anyone on YOUTUBE can shed light on this. because if COVID-19 is killing, what's next?

  3. The virus is spreading like wildfire Cuz the media is lying to us because the media are into their plan of reducing the world's population because the media's and the journalist or not doing their work telling us that they have mixed the AIDS virus with the SARS virus to create the covid-2 aka covid-19 dec 19th 2019 and that if we don't protect ourself we will all die. you guys are making jokes in the media creating debates but you are not telling us the truth you just keep showing us people with pins on the jacket representing the reduction of the world's population since the 19th of December 2019 the Chinese warn the world. donald john trump closed the doors. Thats the only news that's important. You guys don't have one journalist. you guys don't have one person that said the truth since November 2019 all the news are accomplice, they repeat what they are told they don't investigate they are no journalists in no establishment. Not one real journalist they just want to have their paycheck and they repeat what they are told to say they are dogmatic.*NO TESTING, NO VACCIN, NO PLAN BUT THEY WANT YOU TO GO BACK TO WORK, MONEY IS ALL THEY WANT, THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE DEADS.
    The World Health Organization refuse to give the USA a sample of the virus and told them it wasn't contagious from Human to human from December 19th to the 11th of February 2020 they are guilty as Sin
    how people pass on the virus in video.

  4. All the public health bodies and epidemiologists were fast asleep. Paid to sleep and collect their pay cheques when they should have been sounding the alarm. All of you should resign en masse.

  5. I'm glad you're here and want to keep it that way <3

    First, if you have a healthy immune system, local business needs you! Keep those lunch appointments. Go out to dinner on date night! Economically, this is hitting minimum wage earners (those living paycheck-to-paycheck) the hardest.

    If you're immunocompromised, wear nitrile gloves, glasses, and a mask or scarf when in public. Shield your mucous membranes!

    If you're immunocompromised, consider using UberEats, Munchy's Delivery, Shipt, or a local Taxi to deliver food/groceries/supplies.

    Everybody, adopt the double-wash concept. Wash your hands when you leave a place. Wash your hands when you arrive somewhere.

    Everyone, don't touch your face! Leave your eyes, nose, and mouth alone unless you just washed your hands, and wash them again after touching your face/eyes,nose,mouth.

    Don't touch keys, handles, knobs, or buttons on public keyboards, doors, elevators, or busses/trains unless you are wearing nitrile gloves or using a paper towel at least. If that's not possible, use a knuckle rather than fingertip, and wash your hands promptly.

    Be careful. Stay healthy.
    Let's all get out of this alive.


  6. “We’re at the tip of the iceberg”. Um…no. We have just begun to climb the iceberg.

  7. Wont survive past 9 days on mail? Most mail can be 2 to 3 days transit times and that assumes the mail carrier is safe. Please practice normal cleanly procedures when opening mail and packages.

  8. Why would type 1 diabetes make you more at risk? It's an autoimmune disease, so it means your immune system is overactive. I get that being sick can make it more difficult to manage your blood sugars, but that's entirely different. People really need to stop lumping all of these things together.

  9. Looks to me like nature has joined forces with the goodness of humanity's collective consciousness. Nature is now at war with the old school and old money's unethical financial power choke hold that governments corporations and the Catholic church have on the goodness, love and invention of humanity. Please now everybody pray or meditate to help the love of the father within the universe cleans the world of the hoarders of power, knowledge, technologies and wealth take down all the selfish, evil, hateful, envious and corrupt lairs that withhold the truth. Pray and meditate that no harm comes the truthful peaceful loving ones and for all world governments to swiftly wright up a 2020 inheritance tax that would take 70 to 90% of all covid 19 victims and take the 99% wealth from the 1% and abolish homeliness, hunger and make this life be good for many and not just for the privileged,

  10. It lasts NINE DAYS on surfaces!😳

  11. Truthfully, I am getting irritated by the constant barrage of news reports and stories about the virus. There is nothing more today that could be done about it yesterday. Wash our hands, don't touch our faces. Ok, I got it. The rest is fear mongering. It may infect a lot of people, but it cannot be stopped if it does. The layered fear the news is instilling is not helping anyone. The stress it is causing people will actually lower their immune system, so STOP ALREADY.

  12. Transportation is the cause of the spread of any contagion. Without transportation contagions do not spread. To stop the spread of any contagion,  stop all forms of transportation immediately.

  13. You CANNOT compare COVID to flu as it is half the picture. Say the death rate for COVID is 1% (not WHO’s 3-4%) and flu is 0.1%, BUT the estimated infection rate for COVID-19 is 2-3 people per infected person, while flu is 1.3. So say 1 person with the flu infects 1 other person, while one person with COVID infects 2, see how that works out EXPONENTIALLY.
    FLU: 10 people infect 10 people, who then infect 10 people etc.
    10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10, so 100 infected
    COVID: 10 people infect 20 people, 20 people infect 40, 40 infect 80 etc
    10+20+40+80+160+320+640+1280+2560+5120+10240, so 20470 infected.
    And from there it just gets EXPONENTIALLY worse.
    Now apply the death rates: flu 100 x 0.1%=1/10 person dead; COVID 20470 X 1%=204.7 people.
    COVID needs to be contained not downplayed.

  14. What about the health care delivery system being overwhelmed? If only 10% of the infected need hospitalization but we have exponential growth in this virus, the health care system will be stretched (not to mention health care workers out b/c of infection). And regular emergencies won't be stopping for the virus. This, as I see it, is the biggest threat.

  15. Coronavirus is already widespread in USA! King trumpy says no tests, no coronavirus! King trumpy says publicly he doesn't want "the number" of Covid-19 cases to increase. If you don't get the test, you aren't counted. Testing for coronavirus does not exist in the USA! First, King trumpy recalled all the Coronavirus tests as defective, then, King trumpy took over all Coronavirus testing. You can spread it a week before you feel sick, and another week after you think you are well. Almost all victims have serious infections afterward. If intensive testing began now, Covid-19 would be over in 4-5 months. If not, Millions will die. King trumpy.

  16. Why still we don’t have a cure? We could make advanced weapons, go to space, install satellites, invent things and many more. Why couldn’t we find solution on this. I don’t know but I don’t think that finding a cure is even more complicated that rocket science.

  17. Why isn't there free testing going on for everybody…you can't contain or stop the spread of something you can't see…government needs to be more proactive & not reactive…

  18. Go shopping, touch an infected trolley or basket, shelf or product. Go to the car, steer it, touch the switches and buttons, the seat, fill up with fuel, touch the pump. Get home, take the infected products out of the bags, and place them on your shelves and around the house so that the whole family can touch them. Use hand gel for safety? Next day go to work, touch the infected steering wheel, switches etc in the car, your hands are now infected again. Scratch your nose. Get to work and touch everything, every door handle. Now everyone has it. Share the car? Now everyone has it at home too. 2 weeks later your workplace closes, the school closes, and so do the shops you went to, and a few people, maybe you too, are dead.

  19. Obviously, Dr Ko didn't do the homework. Yes. Singapore and Hong Kong did wonderful jobs. In Korea, the religious sect deliberately hid the exposure and travel history. No government can control that in a democratic country. There is an element of authoritarian control in Singapore and Hong Kong, but nothing like China, of course.

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