Empire actor Jussie Smollett indicted in Chicago l ABC News

Empire actor Jussie Smollett indicted in Chicago l ABC News

A special prosecutor is reviewing the actors case after charges he allegedly staged a racist and homophobic attack against himself were dropped.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/39xqIZc

#ABCNews #JussieSmollett #Empire #Chicago


46 thoughts on “Empire actor Jussie Smollett indicted in Chicago l ABC News


  2. Why isn’t he in jail along with Robin Roberts?

  3. Everyone in America knows at 2:00 in the morning trump supporters walk around in mega hats with rope and a bottle of bleach waiting for the moment a gay black man appears to attack. We should all be very worried and blame trumps brain for this…

  4. Ok people Jussie was completely wrong for saying he was attacked by white racist. With all the racism going on in this country right now we don't need someone that clearly wants attention to pretend he was attacked when he wasn't. This is no different from when a white person lies on a black person and says a black person either raped, assaulted, threaten, etc. a white person. Either way WRONG is WRONG. Jussies needs to be held accountable to his actions as long as if the roles was reversed and he was white, this situation should be handled the exact same! I hope Jussie talks to a mental health professional because clearly he needed and wanted that attention for all the wrong reasons!

  5. âš– incoming

  6. He is not the only one who should be taken to task. Personally I think Foxx should be in more trouble then him, it is actually her job to hold criminals accountable and she refused to do that in this case. What reason could she possibly have to have not done her job here.

  7. Bro it’s been a year leave this man alone please

  8. Can’t get no current info on Smollett..A big cover up ….May the most high God bring Smollett to justice since we got a slug limp justice system .

  9. He’d enjoy being in jail too much bc he’s the “gay Tupac “ lol

  10. Marxist got expose hardcore yo😂😂😂


  12. Jussie Smollett created a fake hate crime all because he wanted a better paycheck. Jussie was making $500,000 dollars every episode. He was in 80 episodes on Empire. He made 40 million dollars in total. So I think Jussie should go to prison for 40 years so he can think of every Million he was ungrateful for. That would be real justice.

  13. JAIL THE turn muncher 😂😂😂

  14. I guess a lot of people don't know why Kim Fox dropped the all the charges well it was because she was given 400,000 dollars to drop the charges by a billionaire name George Soros but of course she said it was founding bullshit but hopefully she gets charged as well fuckin crooked ass Democrats. If you want to see for yourself it's on YouTube the title of the video is

    Prosecutor who dropped Smollett charges was given $400k by George Soros

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