Emilio Delgado, Luis from Sesame Street, dies at 81

Emilio Delgado, Luis from Sesame Street, dies at 81

ABC News Will Ganss is remembering the man who brought joy to generations of children.


23 thoughts on “Emilio Delgado, Luis from Sesame Street, dies at 81

  1. Here’s my top 10 favorite human characters on Sesame Street:
    10. Leela
    9. David
    8. Linda
    7. Charlie
    6. Nina
    5. Gina
    4. Gordon (and Susan, Miles and Chris)
    3. Maria (and Luis and Gabi)
    2. Alan (and Chris)
    1. Bob (or Mr. Hooper)

  2. Ephesians 2:8-9

    8 For by God's grace are we saved through faith; not by works, (or being a firefighter or law enforcement or a hero or a marine or a veteran or a war hero or dying for your country or actor or puppeteer or News reporter/anchor or a soul singer or killed by a terrorist or a sports hero or our heritage or ethnic background or a fashion designer or engineer or a rock star or body builder or a writer or cooking show host or walk into a room and lite up a room with their smile or a pioneer or a trail blazer or trending or a legend or a super pop star or bounty hunter or race car driver or football coach or country music singer or basketball star or civil rights leader or being modest or being humble or a Disney star actor or game show host or making people laugh or making people happy or never killing anyone) 9 it is the free gift of God, not that anyone can boast of their salvation." Eternity will not be about any of us or what we have done. It will all be about Jesus Christ who died on a cross to save us from our sins. We all deserve hell and then the Lake of Fire that burns with sulphur and fire on Judgement day.

  3. I was in the middle of watching "The Golden Girls" on Hulu where Dorothy's son needed to be independent. Out of the episode's subject, I was about to watch the news and later watch some "Sesame Street" on YouTube. May Luis rest in peace.

  4. It’s a shame that we’re losing all the people that were influential in our childhoods when my grandma told me Emilio Delgado died and I saw his face I was like aww no not Luis some people will always hold a special place in your heart. I still remember when mr.hooper died.

  5. Oh no! 😔 RIP 🙏🏼

  6. I shed a tear of joy for this man. Bless his soul💯🕊

  7. Emilio Delgado was very awesome! He is in a happy place now. He was fantastic as Luis from sesame street. I am so grateful he shared his talent. Rest in paradise Emilio Delgado 💐🌼🌷

  8. Suuunny day……
    Mid 80s to early 90s episodes, here i come. Que DIOS lo reciba 🤲

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