Embattled Buffalo Bishop resigns amid widespread criticism: Part 1 | Nightline

Embattled Buffalo Bishop resigns amid widespread criticism: Part 1 | Nightline

A whistleblower sparked the scandal last year when she leaked internal church documents about clergy abuse.


ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: https://hulu.tv/2wSmSrZ

#Nightline #BishopScandal #ClergyAbuse


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38 thoughts on “Embattled Buffalo Bishop resigns amid widespread criticism: Part 1 | Nightline

  1. Why does the interviewer look like a fat Chris Hansen 💀😂

  2. I’m convinced that that is the reason that priests came up with the little job of being a “altar boy”. What a load of crap!
    Religion is the root of all evil.

  3. The "moral authority" of the Roman Catholic Church is nonexistent in the disinfectant light of day.

    I served as a UCC pastor of a small Kentucky church. I was told that I was a mandated reporter. I.e. any instance of child abuse I was required to report. Why is Rome exempt?

    Any child who is/was abused by clergy needs to report said abuse. Any parents of abused children by clergy need to report it to the police. Obviously the Church won't report itself.

  4. It is time ALL PEDOPHILES are arrested, tried and sentenced for their crimes—and permanent placement on the Sexual Offenders List. All societies need to stop protecting anyone who sexually abuses a child under 18 yrs of age. If a church protects its ministers by transferring one from place-to-place to avoid scandal, then both church and offender need severe permanent consequences.placement on Offender List and church listed as a haven for offenders (expensive monetary fines to rehab

  5. ABC did the exact same fuckinh thing as these people did by keep the Epstein story on the down low for years. Covered for the pedos until it exposed itself. They are just as guilty. Epstein didnt kill himself. I hope this whole house of cards keeps falling on all of you!

  6. Crimes like this should be exposed and investigated. But this horrific behavior isn't limited to the Catholic church. The major problem with the focus on Catholicism is how much cover it gives to the same behavior in other denominations and religions.

  7. ABC should have been this aggressive with Epstein and Prince Andrew several years ago when they decided to cover up the story, aiding and abetting in the molestation of countless little girls

  8. Brave man for speaking up. 👏👏👏💙

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