Elizabeth Warren delivers remarks after ending presidential campaign – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Massachusetts senator was one of the first candidates to announce her 2020 bid. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3ctqeWd

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, the progressive candidate who ran against corruption and pumped out more than 50 policy proposals during her campaign, suspended her presidential bid on Thursday.

“I will not be running for president in 2020. But I guarantee I will stay in the fight for the hard-working folks across the country who’ve got the short end of the stick, over and over,” she told reporters at a media availability in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday.

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By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren delivers remarks after ending presidential campaign”
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  2. Warren was described by Obama administration officials as a grandstander and narcissist. She came in third in the Massachusetts presidential primary. How could she expect to get the nomination when she never won any of the primaries?

  3. Why didn't Elizabeth do the Cherokee medicine dance for her brother? She could have saved him with that. She is a disgrace to the native american people for not at least trying the dance.

  4. Elizabeth, you are such a hypocrite. Tell others not to take big money, but yet you did.
    I hope you do NOT make the short list as VP…should be Yang, he's awesome.

  5. If she'd have stopped saying "Look…" at the beginning of so many of her statements…"Look..", as in "Look here, you dimwitted aresholes…". I always found people who speak to other people by beginning their statement with "Look…" are just self-entitled, overly self-infatuated idiots who are offensive. She is that to may voters and her "Look" routine was just off-putting to an intelligent person. Kiss my ass, Liz! We're not your flunky students at Harvard.

  6. Welcome to the USA — a country where Warren didn’t get the nod because she’s a crap candidate, but because the country is sexist.

    In reality, the woman is an uncharismatic liar who claimed to be a Native American for her entire adult life and benefited from said claims. My family has long thought my great grandfather was Native American, which would make me 1/8. But I’m not going to go around and call myself a “person of color” and reap the benefits that are in place to make up for the suffering of thousands of indigenous people. She also took money from campaign donors for years, and now that she gained notoriety — she tried to take the moral high ground over less known candidates by claiming she doesn’t do that anymore while they do. She’s a crap person and a crap leader with crap policies. Has nothing to do with her vagina. People like Tulsi Gabbard and Nikki Haley are fantastic women on different sides of the aisle — they are the ones that should be getting support in the future. But if the DNC keeps pushing Warren/Clinton/Harris types, it’s a no-go for me.

  7. I admire Elizabeth Warren for her policies and her presentation. Gender is secondary and not the reason so many wanted to vote for her. People voted for Trump because he was “different,” yet voting for a female for the same reason seems to be a no-go for this nation… 🤷🏻‍♀️

    It’s sad to look at the comments section & see people’s focus on her gender. It was the reporters who kept asking her to speak on that, she didn’t choose to focus on it.

    She spoke repeatedly in the duration of her campaign about student loan debt relief and better healthcare options. As for the US’s struggle to vote for a female to be president, let’s not delude ourselves into thinking it’s irrelevant.

    Many other developed nations have had & do have female leaders at the helm. It remains to be seen how many more women run & are held to male standards and declared “not the one,” with no clear reasoning other than “it just doesn’t feel right.” She wanted to help the people that our current leadership is ignoring. She scared the crap out of Wall Street. There was a lot of good there, nothing to do with gender.

    I respect Warren and I’m grateful she’s staying in the fight to get this country out of the gutter. We’re lucky to have her. ❤️

  8. Democracy and socialism are the same thing.
    Historically wherever people’s health and education have been taken care of people
    became more productive and the economy improved massively (Norway, Denmark,
    Canada, Sweden, Australia). Think about it. The US owes 23 trillion, China 5
    trillion and the planet altogether 80 trillion. There are institutions/entities
    around the world able to lend that kind of money to governments. If they are
    more fairly taxed they will only lose a bit of luxury and in fact they might
    become more productive and happy. Not a bad deal for seeing people around you
    also improving and also being happier and more productive. Definition of word
    social is (where the word socialism comes from obviously) ‘relating to society and living together in an organized/civilized way’. Black people
    have 10 times more chances to make money and live a better quality life in

  9. Elizabeth Warren is a major sexist, how can anyone not see in the first minute of this video? Only racists care about race, only sexists care about sex.

  10. Wait I forgot I all ready paid off my student loans. Could you please cancel my house payments and car payments instead. Here is an Idea how about only paying for a college you can afford.this is so dumb why is this even talked about?

  11. The ONLY reason we the people get the short end of the stick is because of you elected people Who only care about the power and money that comes with the position. President Trump please put term limits on all of them !

  12. Little girls have to wait? I’m fine with a female president but not if she isn’t qualified, she is as qualified as she is Cherokee

  13. You didn’t lose cuz you’re female you lost cuz you’re a boring, rude, identity politics moron

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  15. As if little girls can relate to your old lying ass! Democrats play the victim card more than the race card! Someone tell Warren women are the majority in this country, not the minority! Quit crying asshat!

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