Elizabeth Smart brings together group of abduction survivors – Car Mod Pros Portal

In her new special, Smart brings together six women who were held captive to discuss their experiences, how they’ve moved on, and they lend advice to Jayme Closs, who was kidnapped for 88 days.


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Elizabeth Smart brings together group of abduction survivors”
  1. I'm so glad these women are able to talk with each other and support each other. This is such a horribly specific situation that no one else can begin to understand.

  2. I wonder how many girls who went missing,are held somewhere , I think about Jaycee who was held 18 years and elasbeth who was held for 24 years by her own father.

  3. Where is Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight? Anyways I'm praying for all the women that are currently abducted and bound in a basement somewhere as we speak… may God visit and comfort them 🙏🕊

  4. When the one girl said “knowing you can never say mom again…” I broke because I never had nor ever will have a good relationship with my mother. Although Ik ones mother dying is different than ones mother being psychologically and physically abusive and manipulative it’s still in both instances being without a mother though and I felt for that woman when she said that.

  5. Jayme is a survivor. That girl is meant to be here. I hope she can get through what happened. I know many can't. This group is so so important.

  6. Very incredible, powerful women, may God heal, restore and pore you all with love, strength and peace. May your lives be a pillar of hope for others ever. 🙏🏽❤️

  7. U should investigate the person behind Pewdiepie, H3H3podcast, Mamamax , and corpse. They're part of a network of killers hiding in plain sight. They kill kids. Using a device known as RED(Radiological exposure device ) they're able to give victims cancer, cause aneurysm and heart failure while making content around it. Tik Tok also seems to be doing the same. I imagine people are getting paid big by big names in order to stay silent.

  8. Teenagers and even funny enough young adults get brainwashed by what they see on YouTube. Or in a video game

    Because people spend lots of their time on their phones and get these crazy ideas. People get bored it come from being bored and you have nothing to do. Like homework is done, you already helped your parents with the chores in the house. So it’s natural you’d want to take the day off to have time to yourself!!! That’s ok people can’t be expected to do constant daily tasks.

    Although when you do go online it’s ok to look up stuff like that. But it’s another to say” well I heard that these people burned a few Walmart’s so I might try that too,”

    If you on YouTube think” ok this isn’t really happening it’s an add for people to try stop bullying or racism, because st the end they give you the number to call if you’re bullied or harassed by someone in anyway!!! So how can you think of becoming the bully when they post a number knowing people might contact you and now you’re screwed you’ve lost all the one who stood by you because of what you did? How do you sleep at night knowing you did that stuff stuff and hurt another person? What would your parents think or you’d foster parents? Because they still took you in so obviously they’ll love you. But seems like you don’t Love them or anyone back. That’s not right!!! »

  9. Because it seems kinda creepy because you can search up anything on YouTube and it can turn a person on a very very bad path if you don’t catch them in time. That’s the issue

    Look at Breck in 2014 he became like the bully he was kinda rude, because someone brainwashed him over playing a video game. So if that can happen to someone by telling them imagine just seeing an anti bullying video or and anti sex offender video. Ones that are meant to help people but sometimes the off person takes it out of context. They don’t think that what they are seeing is not real online.

  10. I think most of these bad people don’t start off bad. I think at one point they were caring, outgoing, and wonderful people.

    But like I said on Twitter people can snap, and I think YouTube has lots of do with the bad choices people make these days. Teenagers will look up stuff like crime shows and think” well if this person can kidnap a person or a child then I can do that too” they get these crazy ideas in their heads

  11. I dont understand how someone thinks its OK to take someone and hold them against their will for their own selfish reasons. I just cant comprehend it. And to kill a Childs mother , brother and take that child from them… what gives you the right??! it makes me sick. so thankful all of these amazing ladies are safe now.

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