Effects of supply shortages begin to set in

Effects of supply shortages begin to set in

Many big box retails and mom-and-pop shops alike are being affected by the shortages.




#WNT #WorldNewsTonight #SupplyChain #Retail


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38 thoughts on “Effects of supply shortages begin to set in

  1. Funny, I can’t afford this expensive rise in cost anyways…… I made it from paycheck to paycheck…. Pajamas it is along with snow boots and a good meal with my amazing family——- that’s all I need anyways!!! I always thought materialisms needed to be left out of Christmas anyways——- Welcome to the second thanksgiving folks!!!!

  2. There is no shortage of it is sitting on ships…. It is simply being denied by its chain of command….. A supply shortage can be defined by a lack of natural recourses….. Don’t be fooled, follow the money……

  3. Just saw something on my Google feed saying that the problem isn't product shortages it's "Americans are buying too much stuff" that's causing the shortages. Uh, HOW? When over half of us are broke, waiting for stimulus money to survive another month? Maybe it's the wealthy buying too much stuff, but it's not us. We don't have the money to by anything when back rent and utilities are paid. There's just nothing left to purchase anything.

  4. We control the supply chain by how involved we are in the production process. We control the length of lockdowns by how willing we are to submit to rule we have no reason for enforcing. We control the level of respect we receive in the work place by quiting jobs where we aren’t respected by management or employees. We decide it all unless you give the feds the power because you’re too lazy or fearful.

  5. We don’t have a food shortage issue it’s a people issue with millions in debt with credit cards and student loans and don’t know the difference between an asset and a liability.

  6. Why is Xi Jingpin speaking on Americas behalf?

    Whoops my bad Branden……..I mean Biden, you almost had me fooled every time you speak squinting your eyes as you read what you’re told! Who’s a good boy?? You’re a good boy!!


  7. So now the government are starving us to death!!? Why doesn't President Joe Biden doesn't do anything about it? Why the government doesn't do anything about it? Is there something behind all of this? Maybe a New World Ordered like George W. Bush said it. Maybe the great resets? I don't know why will anyone will be having cargo ships with freighters doing nothing in the waters?? If no one will help why the American people don't wake up and started doing things already since the government doesn't do absolutely nothing!?

  8. When there isnt a crises government creates them . So tell me how much does a long shoreman make? Why all of a sudden you charging 7000 a truck load vs 2000 to unload . Biden you deliberately destroyed . This is a world stage and all you leaders are in on the reset . Its a plan to eliminate the middle class . The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer . This is a depopulation agenda . They only want to sustain 500 million . One thing your not counting on is 1 Jesus is coming 2 Your all gonna stand before that great white throne . 3 Tribulation period for us is 7 years . Where your going for eternity every day is Halloween 🎃. So happy Halloween .

  9. Get back to some bare basics. Make simple meals , make your own cleaning supplies, learn to sew, learn to plant a garden, learn to preserve the food you can get, economize on household utilities, use water wisely/learn to collect rain water, learn to hand wash and line dry laundry, spark up the grill and cook outside to save on electric/gas, shop only at yard sales and thrift stores, make your own laundry detergent , bake a birthday cake instead of buying one, bake your own bread , wash your own car, mow your lawn instead of paying someone, stock up on food while its still reasonably priced… this is how my parents raised 4 kids on 2 very small incomes. We grew up healthy ,happy and learned alot about just being together as a family.

  10. Begin to sink in? This has been predictable since we started intermittent shutdowns around the world. It gets better too, because all the crews currently stuck off shore on these ships will get tired of living off of oatmeal and powdered eggs, and will probably bounce back to their house next time they are in a home port.

  11. Oh, no!!!!! Everyone run in circles and wave your arms. It’s time to lose your sh** and panic! 😑😐

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