Economic impact of COVID-19

Economic impact of COVID-19

The big takeaways from spending patterns this holiday season.

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26 thoughts on “Economic impact of COVID-19

  1. How can we prevent government, health “professionals”, and the news media from arbitrarily destroying the economy and our lives due to a flu ever again?

  2. 美國 vs 沙地阿拉伯

    (1) 美國的人口是3.28億,沙地阿拉伯的人口是0.34億,美國大概是沙特的10倍。

    (2) 執筆之時,美國的確診人數是2,550萬,沙特的確診人數是36.7萬,美國大概是沙特的70倍。

    (3) 美國的確診死亡人數是42.5萬,沙特的確診死亡人數是6,359人,美國大概是沙特的67倍。





  3. Covid 19 is going to impact 2021 because it is expected to last into the summer. It's destroyed lively hoods. This will be felt for a long time

  4. What would’ve been preferable? : 2-3 weeks of strict lockdown to burn out the virus, (which we should’ve done)……or 9-10 months of half assed inconsistent enforcement with a significant portion of the population running around mask less yelling and screaming in supermarkets, megachurches, Trump rallies? If your business can’t survive a two week lull, YOU DONT HAVE A REAL BUSINESS and healthy population was just delaying the inevitable.

  5. How about some (REAL BREAKING NEWS) > International Lawyers Suing over the FAKE Covid-19 PCR Test Numbers and ScamDemic FRAUD > Over 20 cycles give false positives (the CDC says over 33 cycles are useless, and Dr. Fauci says over 34 is useless) > PCR Tests in the US are set "mostly at 40-45 cycles" – meaning (Most if not all Cases based on this test are meaningless and useless) 100% FRAUD ~Yet, Fauci has not said a word about the FAKE PCR Tests driving the Numbers. Proof Links available for anyone interested, including Video of Fauci saying over 34 are meaningless. BONUS – Video of Global Court Case by Lawyer Reiner Füllmich > over the FAKE PCR Test

  6. USAmerica, You are imitating the murderer dogs of South Korea that you are using to slaughter and destroy the Prophet Yi and families of Jesus and his servant Prophet Yi. And USAmerican are imitating South korea's policy without any countermeasures. The United States, like South Korea, brutally destroys and perishes incomparably to Sodom and Gomorrah. / Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / Crime is only a crime and there are only penalties for the law. South korea and USA, the den …… / Trump Admin. Requests Supreme Court Invalidate Obamacare

    Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / They broadcast crimes of falsehood and manipulation, making criminals heroes, rationalizing crimes through religion, and concealing crimes. In addition, they live a luxurious life with the power and money of abuse of authority and live with the benefits of crime. The time for the criminals of Satan and the Devil is over. Kill the murderers of South Korean and American ('Mang Won') more brutally. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    There is no hope for the dead. Only work for living people.

    Find what JESUS said to the disciples in the BIBLE. Also, check the same in the Old and New Testament. You know what to say for living people. Tell the truth to people. There is no national security law in the BIBLE. / Cierran temporalmente sede de funeraria por velar persona que habría tenido COVID -19 en…/status/1276312988115521537/photo/1

    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.

    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.

    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    From Continue

    BREAKING: The U.S. hits a record number of daily coronavirus cases — over 37,000 infections — topping the peak seen in April during the initial outbreak…/status/1276351993775296512/photo/1

    After the Obama Reveals (US Democratic Party) 'CIA Torture Report', Why criminal Nancy Pelosi <US House Democratic > Majority Leader visited Crimminal South korea government?! (It has advised the US Congress dimensional cooperation on key issues between South korea and the US) For what?! Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, <Even now, after 27 years> by Abuse of authority and Assembly Bill for crime. /

    “I’ve been very clear that I can’t support Donald Trump,” said Carly Fiorina, a former 2016 Republican presidential candidate and CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

    There were essential things during the war. Chocolate, tobacco, alcohol, canned food, aspirin, water, cash, etc. What is the situation now? All the time, At the broadcasting station's press, criminals said 'Don't worry. Be happy.' Critics of TV and radio stations who say they are happy have spread the Corona Virus 19 around the world. Must be punish to all of them. / Even if people die and the economy of the country is ruined by the plague of punishment. This crime of murder is being committed for the benefit of they crimes. ……

    El Gobierno se prepara para endurecer la ley del tabaco con el objetivo de reducir su consumo y promover hábitos saludables

    Una de las novedades será la subida de impuestos

    Don't worry. be happy. Always like criminals on TV and radio stations of South korea and USAmerica. Just got a News without evidence. For intervening in the presidential elections in the United States. South Korea's evil murder massacre criminals (Mang Won) are committing torture …..

  7. YES!!! The reality is the CASES are through the roof!!!!!
    I do believe we have got ourselves a full blown "CASE-DEMIC" people!!!!!
    Bring your seats to the upright position, stow your tray table and buckle up, its about to get silly!!!!!

  8. Grand Master WIZARD Michael of the oaths of psalm 110kjv and the MELCHEZIDECK Priesthood, in His name all gods are commanded to read this then obey
    READ AND LISTEN, EMS, BRO………. electrical magnetic SIGNALS…….. I'm top WIZARD with Michael……
    To the SISTERS OF LIGHT, To the temples of MANN-CHAN and RI-CHAN, you will OBEY MICHAEL and you will SURRENDER any and all REMOTES I take or who CHOSE, MANN-CHAN and RI-CHAN you also surrender remote and obey King Priest MELCHEZIDECK Grand Master Michael, if you disobey more punishment will come, you pay MICHAEL star wars games and surrender remote of my VICTORIES,  there isn't laws in star wars there are rules, TO THE BROTHERHOOD IN THE KNOW, YOU WILL OBEY ME, I AM GRAND MASTER KING PRIEST MELCHEZIDECK, present yourself as surrendered or we come back for your children's children. I am Michael, EMS, electrical magnetic SIGNALS, mann-chan and Ri-chan are little gods to me, you obey my human sacrifice and oath of claims to govern or your children will be PUNISHED for your crimes. I AINT NO FUCKING CONSPIRACY, FOLLOW THE RULES OF MY REMOTE OR YOUR PUNISHMENT WILL BE SEVERE
    Yaagogg surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest  MELCHEZIDECK,  Grand Master Michael,
    Legion surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael,
    Prince Yahshun surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael,
    Yurashuha surrender remote and all subordinates under you, to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael,
    Grace and Sally high priestesses surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael
    Black Warriors surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael,
    Power demons break your links and surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK, Grand Master Michael
    Demons of mind bending and confusion surrender remote and all subordinates under you to King Priest MELCHEZIDECK

  9. Why is the only concern small businesses. What about workers? Sick sick society you want people to deliver your food and groceries and drive you around like a servant but heaven forbid they get any help only if you’re already rich and own a business


  11. We couldn’t afford to shop this year 😑

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