E-cigarettes could lead to lung irritation: Study l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Researchers looked at Juul e-cigarettes and found chemicals which they say can irritate airways and prompt the respiratory system to become inflamed.

#ABCNews #ECigaretts #Juul #Vaping


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “E-cigarettes could lead to lung irritation: Study l ABC News”
  1. FDA needs to make them list all products!!!!! I started vaping a butter maple flavor juice and my lungs got fucked….cigs never fucked me up like this.. it was only after I switched to vaping for 8 months. Little did I know I was most likely vaping Diacetyl because it gives a butter flavoring. I knew to stay away from Diacetyl but thought it wasn’t in my juice since it’s not on the label. But that’s not how it works ppl….it’s lumped into that “natural and artificial flavorings”….so pls be careful…just putting my story out there since I know before I got sick I thought this was all a bunch of propaganda and thought vaping was the shit. I started feeling chest pains and sorta like I was breathing out of a straw.

  2. They was vaping burnt plastic not knowing how to refill their juul pods. Broke teens will smoke the butt til it’s dry. They puff too hard. But anyway, vaping helped me quit smoking and got me off nicotine. Been off for more than a year

  3. Millions of people vape every day and if there is any evidence of reaction between flavours then these "researchers" need to publish their results so vapers know what combinations to avoid. Studies that use weasel words like "may" or "could" are less than useless and should never be published. There are enough real problems to worry about without this growing moral panic about vaping.

  4. 🤦‍♂️
    You Don’t Say?

  5. How is any different form 🚬 doesn’t people release putting any chemicals in lungs

  6. Ha lung irritation. Try popcorn lung. Look up poly ethanol glycol 400 (pg) that's what's in it. They have to use pg400 to prevent separation of ingredients.

  7. I don't get all the "yes but cigarettes are so much worse" comments. It is news, it's important for people to know that these things are not the risk free thing they are sometimes purported to be. It's not that long ago that i heard people often saying "its just water vapour." They might be the safer alternative, but thinking they are risk free might be causing people to have one glued to their lips 18 hours a day with no intention to ever stop using it.

  8. Most of the research I have done on these electronic cigarettes and liquid Vapes for nicotine substitutes is more dangerous than actually smoking a real cigarette the FDA doesn't regulate these companies and for one reason for more teenages to become addicted to make believe cigarettes why do we have to have the biggest Vape Puffs out there we obviously know you're vaping we can see you when we're driving down the road these companies are manufactured to produce young children to continue to smoke cigarettes these Vape companies eventually going to put the big cigarette companies out of business also if you go to smoke a vape your mouse is smoke a real cigarette at least and the chemicals are posted online where you can see what you are actually smoking I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 9 years old only because the lady next door used to tell me I look smart and intelligent all I do is look dumb and stupid hooked to nicotine for the rest of my life started smoking at 99 cents a pack of Newports and now almost $7.15 a pack for one Newport it's ridiculous I've learned to grow my own tobacco seeds and learn to roll and continue going forward with my own homesteading stop relying on big USA marketing to do what you want to do in life you smoke cigarettes grow tobacco you smoke marijuana grow marijuana you want to eat fruits and vegetables eat fruits and vegetables by planting the seeds you want whatever you want in America is out there so you can make yourself get on YouTube University and look it up

  9. A sweet flavor FAVORED BY YOUR CHILDREN contains acetals 🤦‍♂️

  10. Any form of smoking is bad for your lungs period doesn't take a rocket understand that one! But cigarettes kills more people every year! That's why vaporing a.k.a. E- cigarettes exist. So people can quit gradually off cigarettes. Thanks Phillp Morris for killing so many people with chemical enhance cigarettes!!🤦‍♂️

  11. Let's interject some common sense into the media's e-cig hysteria: your lungs evolved to absorb oxygen, not e-cig or cannabis oils, smoke, particulates, etc. Everyone knows this. Some don't care. Like you pampered asshats in regard to the shit coming out of your tailpipes – that's a lot worse for the gen public than e-cigs. But you keep buying vehicles and flying jets with engines that fart half burnt dino gas. You're going to have to get over this and move on.

  12. Ooh interesting😃🙂☺😉

  13. I was hoping the e cigs would lead to sterilization so the douchebags who smoke them can’t have (more) kids.

  14. I mean, your inhaling chemicals into your lungs. Cigs, ecigs, vapes, etc. There is no absolute "safe" alternative to smoking… except not smoking 🤯
    Im a smoker, i know what im doing, but I feel like people pretend to be surprised when inhaling anything but air goes wrong 🤣

  15. 1,300 deaths every day from tobacco and 0 from vaping. That statistic would put big tobbaco out of business so I wonder who funds these "studies".

  16. I promise you there is not a single human who likes the crembule flavor. It tastes like the old honeycomb cereal mascots bumhole. Also, this is a study in it's early stages and for the love of god would you please stop reporting on these until they undergo more rigorous review. Not just this subject, but news stations just jump on these headlines and hardly ever make amendments after the research undergos peer review

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