Dubai rings in the New Year

Dubai rings in the New Year

Watch Dubais incredible fireworks show to bring in 2022.


24 thoughts on “Dubai rings in the New Year

  1. I'll never understand why the focus is always on Dubai every year!! it's always the same thing and it's not even the best! there are other countries doing much better stuff! I love Dubai but I'm really tired of this!

  2. Covering the face with eyes is an obligation and not a Sunnah, and the evidence is that Aisha covered her face for Hajj when men taught her by the order of the Messenger. So does he remove the obligation, which is revealing the face in Hajj with a Sunnah, which we will not be punished for? The imposition is still imposed by another, and this is in all religions, and it does not prevent communication, because communication with a mind is not a face, as we communicate in an exam, so Ibn Hanbal is the correct.

  3. Repent to Jesus Christ !
    “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  4. Happy new year to all 🇪🇺 from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 hope 2022 year will be a year of love, friendship and peace

  5. I saw your helicopter!! if that was you guys 🎉😯

  6. Everyone is standing outside without mask and then these people ask why covid is not ending 🤦‍♂ grow up people take responsibility for your own action cause you will end up killing yourself and others because of your carelessness

  7. Вот бы Дубай забрал к себе своих братьев и сестёр…вместе новый год встретили и жили все вместе!!!!!

  8. UAE👍👍

  9. دبي

  10. Happy new year 🎆

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