Driver arrested in hit-and-run of 7-year-old – Car Mod Pros Portal

Police arrested Dominic Weaver, 28, who police said slammed his black sedan into a child, sending her flying into the air.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Driver arrested in hit-and-run of 7-year-old”
  1. The kids ran out in the road but yes he should have stopped and called the cops and with the camera I think he would not have really gotten the charge since the kids just ran across the street

  2. She needs to heed her own damn advice and not run into the road without looking. He was going too fast, but even if he hadn't been, he still would have hit her. Nobody has time to react that fast.

  3. "watch where you're going"
    Says the little dumbass who aimlessly ran at full speed into the middle of the street without looking both ways, which at that age, most children should know how to do. Driver should not have fled the scene, but we sadly live in a society where parents are not responsible in any way, shape, or form of their children's behaviors. Of course most people in this situation would panic and speed off, not knowing what just occurred, and in shock. Maybe we wouldn't see these hit & runs so frequently if certain laws were to use some fine-tuning.

  4. That little shit is at fault , “watch where you’re going” you’re lucky you’re not crippled , how about YOU watch both ways before running across the street like a physco.

  5. I have a message too for the little girl look both ways when crossing the street.
    To all parents watch your children please 🙏

    Just saying!

  7. He did the hit part, but she did the run part. He could see she was okay and was probably in shock. I wouldn't be TOO harsh on him. I'm not saying he was without a blame. But seriously, "Watch where you're going?"? KID, TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE!

  8. If you see the full video, he (the driver) tries to get out, but the girl (Hazel) runs off, so he (the driver) figures it's ok.

    In the driver's defense:
    -The girl ran off afterwards, so he thought to do the same, honestly, what was he going to do? Call the cops? While they look for some kid that he says he hits? You know how bad that seems? Especially when the kid is seemingly gone, (given the girl runs off by the time the cops get there)
    -He wasn't going THAT fast, it just seems like that because of how sudden the girls ran in front of the car, I can calculate by the length of the car and the stopping distance it takes, (given he's applying full pressure to the brakes), that he was only going 30-35 MPH, a reasonable speed in a city during rush hour (it seems).
    -finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the dark grey, black cemented coating over the floor indicates, CLEARLY that the street is for motorists only. There is a color difference and texture difference for a reason.

    Things the girl did wrong:
    -SUDDENLY ran into oncoming traffic,
    – didn't use the cross-walk
    – running in a crowded street where it seems cars are plentiful,
    – running in general, because the parents are too lazy to take their kids maybe 2 miles to a decent park!
    – MOST IMPORTANTLY didn't look both ways

    Sure, should the driver have made a report to make sure nobody would arrest him? Yes. Also an insurance report because of the little-clearly visible dent she made? Yes.

    Are they just kids not knowing what they're doing? Yes.

    Is it the kid's fault? No. Is it the driver's fault? No.

    Its the parent's fault for not keeping track of their spawn, and letting it run loose like some wild animal, until they do, i will treat it as such! Parents used to raise they're kids WAY better back then! We all know it! Because this never made the headlines in the 90s! Or 80s! Or anytime before!

    Edit: changed my mind

  9. I don’t blame him for driving off. He hit a white girl. Just imagine what the cops would have done to him.

  10. oooh maybe the mother needs to teach her children to 'watch where they are going'… where the hell is the parental responsibility of teaching kids the road rules…sorry but that comment from the child who practically threw herself at the car was a disgusting display of poor parenting

  11. So its a hit n run when the victims get up and run away.. like what else was the driver supposed to do if she seemed ok to leave the scene.. I confused

  12. I don't feel so bad about drilling the stop and look both ways mantra into my children's head's.
    That's the true failure here. Both children seem intelligent enough to comprehend that logic,so someone is failing their children due to the fact that there are idiot's everywhere and your children should be prepared to encounter them in a wide variety of situations, including crossing the road….

  13. I find it amazing how many people are victim-blaming the parents and children while trying to make excuses for the driver. Few seem thankful that the child was not seriously injured. FACTS:
    1) The driver was driving too fast for the area.
    2) Fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime.
    3) Attempting to hide the vehicle is attempting to conceal the evidence of a crime.
    4) 7-year-olds cannot be expected to be as cognizant of their surroundings, especially at play.
    5) The driver was not paying attention, which is inattentive driving.

  14. This one is one is on the parents SMH. What happened to looking before you cross the street? What happened to paying attention to your children? This parent sucks. If weaver was smart he’d sue.

  15. The children ran straight in front of the car suddenly.. he hit the brakes… the driver can do so much.. the driver did stop instantly.. little kid it was your and your parents fault.. don't run into the streets without looking both ways for oncoming vehicle

  16. The next thing we hear is how the mom sues the driver. I want to point out that the reason the girl flew so far has to do with how fast she was moving across the road. The car may have pushed her her 10 feet but because of her speed, she flew about 7 feet to the side. If her child isn't cognitive enough to mind danger, mom should have been present. Mom should have interjected her daughter after she indignantly told the driver to watch where he was going. Mom should have told her that she caused the incident by crossing the road without looking both ways. Now the girl thinks she was not at fault and is likely to do it again.

  17. She lucky them kids need 2 look both Ways an stay out if tha Street An Why He Get locked up That wasn't a Hit an run He stop an looked 2 see if she was ok Hell She got up an Ran off Hell I Would have Drove off 2 I bet if that was in tha inner city It Would have been a Different story

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