Dramatic moments as private plane makes emergency landing in Susquehanna River | ABC News

Dramatic moments as private plane makes emergency landing in Susquehanna River | ABC News

The FAA is investigating why the aircraft had to make a splash landing in a Pennsylvania river, near Three Mile Island.


#SusquehannaRiver #EmergencyLanding #PlaneCrash #GMA


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30 thoughts on “Dramatic moments as private plane makes emergency landing in Susquehanna River | ABC News

  1. News anchors be like, "cool, we've got material for this morning!"
    Then they start rehearsing their clear-eyed, serious face with grave tones as they lazily come up with some apples to oranges comparison that they imagine will make the story relateable, but really only serves to confuse things. The 15 seconds of famers hope they don't come off like ass-hats.

  2. There goes the media, using a DECOMISSIONED nuclear facility and Sully Sullen Berger’s event 10 years ago to make this story blow up into something bigger than it had to be. Yes, it landed in the water. But really? TMI was no factor as it’s literally 3 miles away from the runway, and the sensitive components are untouchable by a small aircraft when it’s surrounded by multiple feet-thick concrete. Get a grip, ABC.

  3. The news media is so stupid! Saying that the plane missed the runway? They couldn’t make the runway due to engine issues. Get it right news dorks

  4. Damn fake news…….lol😁😁😁😁 well that certainly isn't a dry run.

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