Dr. Fauci to Muir: ‘Universal wearing of masks’ necessary to combat COVID-19 | WNT

Dr. Fauci to Muir: ‘Universal wearing of masks’ necessary to combat COVID-19  | WNT

In an interview with “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir, Dr. Anthony Fauci called images of crowded school hallways disturbing, and said the virus wont go away spontaneously.




#WorldNewsTonight #AnthonyFauci #COVID19 #SchoolReopening


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41 thoughts on “Dr. Fauci to Muir: ‘Universal wearing of masks’ necessary to combat COVID-19 | WNT

  1. Is that the same doctor who told us NOT to wear masks and now recommends to wear 3 of them…one on top of the other?….is that your hero??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. He is no expert. Maybe an ex- spurt. Shut up Fauci. Your disastrous response to the pandemic is terrible. We should have done what Sweden did which is protect the weak, the elderly, and the sick, and then kept the economy open so people weren't losing their businesses that they work so hard for all their lives and people weren't committing suicide and people weren't using more drugs and alcohol. Also, your terrible policies caused the government to spend trillions of extra dollars and they can't even balance their budget. Your agenda must be to ruin this country. Sweden has a lower per capita death rate than our country and look how they handled it. Build a herd immunity WITHOUT a vaccine.

  3. Doctors Speak Out against the ScamDemic LIE https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/media/ (Proof COVID-19 PCR Test are FRAUD – FAKE) The Reported CV19 Test Numbers mean NOTHING..! https://thehighwire.com/videos/covid-testing-fraud-uncovered/ https://thehighwire.com/videos/willful-ignorance-on-display-at-the-fda/

    US PCR Tests are set at 37-45 cycles. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html

    Dr. Fauci admits anything over 35 cycle produces False Positives of Dead Virus. https://twitter.com/i/status/1323231083442262018

    Original Interview showing Dr Fauci doesn't know anything about Covid-19 for sure and that he is just guessing, and the PCR Test is meaningless


  4. “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” – Dr. Fauci (March 8, 2020)

  5. And apparently not in Utah for some reason?!?!?🤷‍♀️

  6. I hate that it's actually possible to get this under control and we aren't.
    Stop being dumb people, please!
    Can we not have a bloody horrible winter, I for one don't want to…

  7. Covid is real
    It’s sad it’s going to take someone you all know to die to realize that

  8. Comment nr 1.000. I live in Barcelona where the mask situation is absolutely ridiculous. If you are out running, skating , biking, rollerblading or doing some other body activity, then is totally ok not to use a mask . It makes no sense what so ever …….I only wear that stupid mask when I have to get supplies from the supermarkets.

  9. Well that’s cool you have this Liberal agenda having Mother “F’ers” push economic Doom?

  10. Humanity Is Being Deceived.
    Viruses, Natural or Man-Made can be controlled in the Cells with Angstrom Mineral Solution of Copper and in the Bloodstream with Colloidal Silver. Angstrom is the size of the minerals which can enter the cells & Colloidal Minerals are too large to enter the cells, but kill viruses & diseases in the bloodstream. Humanity is led to believe there is no Hope or Cure, when there is Hope & Natural Cures, Not Profitable To The Medical Pharmaceuticals Industries. COVID-19 like most Life Threatening Diseases is “ANAEROBIC”, which can be Effectively Killed With “Ozone” & other Oxygen Therapies, which are Suppressed by the FDA, AMA, Medical/Pharmaceuticals Industries.
    Newsweek 06/29/2020 suggested a 50% False Positive Rate for COVID-19 TESTS. This is the Science they want you to Trust & Believe In. Read, This Is A Bio-Attack Alert, by Dr Robert B Strecker.
    Look Up:
    1. Angstrom Mineral Solution of Copper
    2. Colloidal Silver
    3. Oxygen Therapies
    4. Ozone Generators
    5. Essential Oils
    6. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
    7. Dr Robert B Strecker on Archive dot org.

  11. So I can't believe this guy thinks he knows anything. The CDC did a study this year showing that the masks have no effect, I repeat, no effect on the infection rate. So if we do not wear a mask, we have the same chance to catch it as when we do wear one. And why is youtube so against our 2nd amendment rights taking down relevant videos that show the truth but letting leftist propaganda be seen. If you don't believe it, do the research. Am so tired of people acting like they know everything yet they don't take the time to do the research to learn the truth.

  12. This is not a game people. Just make it MANDATORY to wear masks. More people will die due to our ignorance. 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷

  13. Why should we listen to you dr. fauci?have you reviewed all the studies on wearing a mask?Are yiu the only "expert".please let us know the pros and cons and other opinions you must have encountered.What is a case and what does that mean?thanks

  14. Fauci an expert? How many patients has he treated? None. HCQ, zinc, and zpac is the cure according to REAL doctors. Fauci wants the vaccine for $$$$. He's Bill gates buddy. Wake up people this is all garbage.

  15. Dr Anthony Fauci is an American hero, telling the world the hard truths that loads of anti-American "citizens" (i.e. republicans & democrats) don't want to hear about reality, about vaccines, about risk, about cause & effect.

  16. If nonscientists proved all their beliefs & assertions, such as their political beliefs about cause & effect,

    as rigorously & objectively as scientists proved scientific theories like Big Bang, Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW),

    & evolution, then the vast majority of people would change the vast majority of their beliefs.

    There exists NOTHING special about the hypotheses that scientists try to prove or disprove

    that warrants any greater standard of proof compared to ANY OTHER belief/assertion/sentence that ANY human

    makes involving nouns & verbs.

    Beliefs such as about what "terrorism" is or what they think "terrorism" is & how much "terrorism" is justified or what acts constitute "terrorism" or "war" or "serving your country". ANYTHING is "serving your country". It's an UNFALSIFIABLE UNQUANTIFIABLE assertion.

  17. Fauci is the ONLY medical advisor in this corrupt administration telling us the TRUTH. Please everyone WEAR MASKS!! VOTE OUT those who remain complacent and let TDRUMP DESTROYED our country and Economy. Why doesn't TDRUMP MAKE BARRON'S SCHOOL OPEN? It's okay to use our children as GUINEA PIGS but NOT THE CHILDREN OF THE PRIVILEGED?

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