Dozens of people reported missing in Colombian protests – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Victor Oquendo reports on the deadly ongoing protests and violence at the hands of Colombian police causing the president to reverse course on proposed tax hikes.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Dozens of people reported missing in Colombian protests”
  1. Maybe we need to all wear the same clothes same bandanas. Gas masks and guns at the ready. They want to push it and organize against the free world we will come up with answers to take power back.

  2. aidez-nous, la répression du gouvernement est brutale, morts, décapités, disparus sont des milliers. aidez-nous. Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi la communauté internationale ne fait rien.

  3. Last night they burned a person and threw him in to the river, and tonight one person shot dead. This is getting worse.

  4. The reality is totally different, Colombia is being attacked for the communism, terrorism and guerrilla with strikes and vandal demonstrations. It happened before in USA, Chile, Peru and Ecuador, right now is the turn of Colombia with other protagonist but with the same malefic plan. God Bless our military and police forces who are defending our nation and citizens from communist, terrorist, guerrillas, drug traffickers and the enemies of democracy.

  5. The corrupt NARCO GOVERMENT is killing us because we protest against their abuses…S.O.S. COLOMBIA 🇨🇴

  6. May 30 2021 Daniel Steven Sanchez he was 16 year old. He was 16 years old, a boy, captured by the police, appears hours later burned and shot in the forehead, Killed with your tax money and ours. Siloe, Valle del Cauca Colombia.

  7. @CNN @dw_espanol @bbcmundo @dw @nytimes @NYCFCEspanol @NYPArg @nytimeses @nycgob thanks for the support my friends 🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴💔💔💔💔🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇨🇴🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️🕊️🕊️🕊️RESISTE Colombia ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇴

  8. Colombian protests keep going. Police still killing people. US must be avoid drugs traffic definitely and DO NOT STILL SUPPORTING ALVARO URIBE NARCO.

  9. Empecemos por algo mas facil e inmediato

    Convenzamos a nuestros futbolistas a no jugar la copa america, hasta que no haya conciliacion entre los directivos del paro y el gobierno
    Let's start by asking our football players to boycott "Copa America", unless the government listen to the Colombian People.

  10. And also does the tax reform mostly affect big and small company more than the actual poeple coz when tax go up payload also go up is it true or I'm I just dum

  11. I can ask see the police view of the situation and kinda agreed of killing thou to the poeple action.
    They are only human and humans sometimes snap.
    But I can also see in the protestors side I can also see how violent they are soo.
    We. Can see a paradox poeple being violent and Police doing the same
    It's there job right and they can't do nothing about it and I have a question how many police died or got injured too I wanna know the police side not only the rioters side but can wee see bought side of the matter.
    Soo we can see who's in the right like property see it.
    I can only mostly see the rioters side not the police side but no one would believe a police who works in the government. But could wee see it.

  12. . The United States please extradition Uribe the dictator, for drug trafficking and crimes against humanity (6402 extrajudicial deaths) and his puppet Iván Duque for sponsoring the death of 50 protesters. Here in Colombia, there is no justice. 😭😭😭 European Union do not abandon us.

  13. No one around the world truly gives to shits about what’s going on in 🇨🇴 Colombia , please people writing here don’t be naive , it is UP TO US COLOMBIANS TO FIX THIS !!!!!

  14. Colombian Brothers, all of America has been governed for 525 years and has maintained as kings the same Jewish-European families which are not interested in anything more than their own well-being.
    Now Colombia is currently in the richest area on the planet and it is impossible to know its gross internal power since the figures have always been manipulated for the well-being of the elite.
    Why don't they control the bank transfers of politicians in Switzerland for example ???
    Judicial systems also designed in Switzerland to make murderous politicians immune.
    How do they want Peace if right now the real thieves of these countries are relaxed, guarded by the police forces in one of their many properties planning the next million dollar coup on Monday.
    And on the other side of the coin, citizens killing each other to get the basics and voting for the same parties again.
    I wish that we have Peace and Justice.

  15. People see us as the problem when really its the polices fault this most likely started as a peaceful protest then the police came with tanks armoured cars armoured police officers real guns tear gas

  16. Is about TOTAL CORRUPTION and IMPUNITY, inside of the Colombian Government!!!! DUQUE IS a Big LIAR when is talking about what is happen!!!!!!. Thanks for share the truth!!!!!!

  17. Los nuevos falsos positivos del sociopata del Matarife apodado Uribe!!! Vergüenza de gobierno!!🙄. Gobierno " bruta"l y " bestia"l

  18. 🆘 Colombia🆘 The Government are killing us 🆘🆘🆘🆘

  19. It's not really different with myanmar right now. They almost killed over 30 innocent people who only fight for justice. You guys stay strong and safe. Don't stop fighting for justice. I support you from myanmar. 💪🇲🇲❤️🇨🇴

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