Dow’s plunges 10%, most since 1987 market crash | ABC News

Dow’s plunges 10%, most since 1987 market crash | ABC News

U.S. financial markets fell even further on Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing more than 2,350 points, almost 10%, in the biggest single-day decline since 1987. READ MORE:

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#ABCNews #DOW #StockMarket #Economy #Coronavirus #DJI


50 thoughts on “Dow’s plunges 10%, most since 1987 market crash | ABC News

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  3. I am hearing blamed on corona, Trumporona, fed etc. Was it really necessary,and wise for the Federal government to intervene at this particular time, as to Reset the temperature, so do speak of this market? Unless, we are talking about a totally different wall street. The fed acted unprofessionally. Let the market fix itself. This is not politics. This is a different arena.

  4. the dow will stop at 8500, gold will stop at 500 oil will stop at 20, march 16th, 2020 who is the great pretender? ajjajajajajjajajaj……………………………………………………………………Sci2020

  5. who remembers this question "how will the caronavirus effect the chinese economy"? ..

    How about u focus on yourself 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣😂

  6. STONKS 📉🚽

  7. The next crash will be 50% down when we have negative interest rates and when stimulus can hardly
    have effect as money dies as fast as it is put in. We will see such a day within the next five years…
    these were just tremors.

  8. Now’s the best time to buy shares

  9. I haven’t been that entertained since the stock market Crash in 1929

  10. Couldn’t listen to this whole thing two women trying to talk economics? Ugh

  11. It will crash. Only reason it’s still standing is because they are propping it up

  12. Stock Market : 🔻⬇️📉. When’s the funeral??⚰️⚰️⚰️…..hold it……No more than 250 can attend⚠️⚠️⚠️

  13. Trump gave an 11 minute press conference on Wednesday evening, as he
    spoke, market futures began to rapidly decline as everyone lost
    confidence in the President to handle this crisis. When the market
    opened on Thursday it immediately lost 7%, until the circuit breakers
    paused trading for 15 minutes. The market re-opened and we ended down
    10% for the day. The markets cannibalized almost 7 trillion dollars of
    wealth yesterday. If you take that 7 Trillion and divide it by Trump's
    11 minute speech, Trump lost America $636 Billion dollars per minute.
    You know what that's called? "Stable Genius"!

  14. I’m sorry we not at the bottom yet ; the fed will learn you can’t bail out corruption in government; between 6000-8000 is bottom

  15. When the outbreak in China was severe, U.S. stocks didn't fall because the stock market had faith in the Chinese government's measures. When the outbreak in China was resolved, the stock market fell because investors were not confident about the outbreak in the United States.

  16. 当中国疫情严重时,美股没有跌,因为股市对中国政府的措施有信心。当中国的疫情得到解决的时候,股市下跌了,因为投资者对美国的疫情没有信心。

  17. Commenting on this now so I can show my future kids this comment and let them know I took advantage of this market crash and made a lot of money. (Hello my future kids, I love you and listen to your mother. She's right I'm wrong) #LawOfAttraction

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