Dow suffers worst day since 2008 | ABC News

Dow suffers worst day since 2008 | ABC News

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Monday’s trading session down 2,000 points or 7.8% amid coronavirus fears and the steep sell-off in crude oil. READ MORE:

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29 thoughts on “Dow suffers worst day since 2008 | ABC News

  1. I'm certain an truly reasonable response to covid-19 could have tapered this…
    I also feel, if a more responsible approach to the economy in general (e.g. tariffs) could have maybe made it more resilient

  2. The stock market was created by the rich for the rich. You know what my credit is 0 and that's a good thing. The stock market numbers have no meaning to me what so ever.

  3. 1984=1948
    Orwell, Frued, Trotsky, Hilter, Stalin, Tito, Boris Johnson, Trump, and Franz Ferdinand all come Vienna Bavaria in the 1910s, Vienna was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Netenyahus mentor trained under the founder of the NKVD/KGB Zeve Jabotinsky in Poland where the origins of Merkle, Bush, Cheney, Skull and Bones, the Catholic all seeing eye, Knights Templar, Likud Party, and Auschwitz can be found. Zeve Jabotinsky was born September 11 1902…
    Trump was inaugurated on the 100 year anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution aged 70yrs 7 mths and 7 days. Kurdish territories and greater azrael make the exact borders of Assyrian Babylon, israel is the canaanite word for Saturn, Holocaust is latin for burnt offering, Maga is latin for Wizard. Vatican is greek for sacred serpent, Dracuul is Latin for Order of the Dragon (Zeus) Seig heil means Hail Zeus, Trump has a giant mural of Zeus on his gold plated penthouse ceiling on the 66th floor of 666ft Trump tower, made with a $160 million loan from George Soros. Fuhrer means chosen one, Trump in gematria is "messiah"
    It's the Holy Roman empire, the world is Queen's Commonwealth under maritime law everything else is hegelian. Right wing govts are sympathetic to aparthied israel, hence the global right wing bolshevik coup.
    #AryanIndoAryan alliance

    1/4 violent revolutions succeed vs 1/2 peaceful velvet revolutions, you also need a model to replace it with, or else what's the point?

    We need scaled direct democracy, citizen initiated referendums with thresholds and a social contract means people can vote their own policies without rulers. Thorium energy renders oil and money obsolete

    Direct Democracy

    Thorium in 5 minutes


  4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. Dow Jones📈 fixed too benefit the rich.💰💲 roll the 🎲 corona virus my ass.

  6. Hahaha. As long as the blame isn't put on the banksters and politicians ! Blaming the crash of a ridiculously over leveraged stock market on corana virus, is like blaming your home foreclosure on the fact that you have the flu !

  7. you do know this is why we had a gold standard once upon a time so the richest ten percent can't put the rest of us in the poor house by printing money infinitum to bail themselves out of jams. If Trump is a real conservative he'll let wall street swim or sink on it's own and ask the Fed to keep out of it for a good while but my suspicion is he will come running when wall street whistles just like every president for the last thirty plus years because Wall st owns DC. and that's the size of it. The CEOs need a another gigantic bonus.

  8. we supposedly can't afford a lot crap but when we want to bomb some brown people in another country we got plenty or give money to bunch of predators like wall st. All you babyboomers should have rolled that retirement fund over while the gettin was good. Rule no 83 never get too greedy that it hurts you

  9. Of course falling oil prices lower the cost of doing most business, and will also have favorable effects on much of the economy. Odd that goes unmentioned.

  10. The truth about today's drop? Saudi Arabia priced in a recession today, with what was done today, that's what wall street read but won't tell you. and, as to being out of the woods? honey, we are just about entering them.

  11. stop trading now for at least one week! this is worse situation then 9/11. there is no reasonable trade taking place for the moment. tomorrow the market will crash 10-15% if trading is allowed. this whole thing looks too much like a manufactured crisis.

  12. The stronghold of superpower, United States has collapsed by coronavirus after all. Market reflected outrageously thesedays despite Federal Reserve reduced benchmark interest rate for recovering consumption and investment. Although circuit breaker operated since 2008, Dow jones index had dropped 1000p yesterday, Trump addressed national state of emergency finally and fulfilled disinfection act cross the country, WHO announced this catastrophe as global pandemic after all. Many futurologists and anthropologists and sociologists are simultaneously saying this tragedy is curse of God. No ones in nature are above God. Because Jesus Christ is center of the world not U.S. not even Trump!

  13. I cant believe the stock market almost crashed. 😂😂😂😂

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