Dow plunges again on coronavirus fears | ABC News

Dow plunges again on coronavirus fears | ABC News

Stock markets tumbled on Wednesday, and are down more than 20% from their 2020 peak, as the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a “pandemic.”

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30 thoughts on “Dow plunges again on coronavirus fears | ABC News

  1. 2016 was Ebola 2008 with swine flu every election year they try something new China's already going back to work but keep the stock market falling so I can go buy me some and get some money like all the rich people do

  2. THE SKY IS FALLNG …THE SKY IS FALLING¡¡¡ 😒😒😒 this is bullshit …New Mexico ain't lit red and its here 😒😒😒

  3. Next phase – multi ethnic race riots.

  4. Now we know that crashing the stock market was made on purpose.
    The Saudi killing the price of oil was suspicious and now banning air travel when the market is in bear territory let no doubt about it.

  5. “I have coronavirus”

    Kid named virus: 🤪🍻

  6. Weird how no countries want time out. Close the borders to evaluate what’s happening with the virus. Take a month and keep their people safe. Australia of all countries letting people come and go. They are stupid. Uk government too. Had I been prime minister and back when China first had it, that’s when the doors to Uk would have been shut.

  7. Yup exactly why I stocked up on carbon activated masks from Viruses are the size of a micro dot on the cell membrane. you need a mask that will ACTUALLY capture nano organisms from entering in order to stay safe. NOT TAKING A CHANCE

  8. Flu hospitalizations and deaths over 5 months, October 1-February 29
    620,000 cases, 52000 deaths
    Cvirus hospitalizations and deaths over 2 months, mid January- mid March
    Proposed 1050 cases, 32 deaths.

    Speculate every hospital had 100,000 Covid-19 test kits,
    1,000,000 cases, 32 deaths.

  9. This is the biggest human tragedy. Is it possible that there is a 'foul play'? Meaning is there a human factor in causing virus to mutate, make it extremely virulent see it can propagate, reproduce, isolate it, colonize it and then introduce to bats or otherwise? I have feelings that it can be done in a sophisticated lab. This is not the time to point fingers who did it, but ask look what have you done! This is the excess of money which makes people blind.What fearing is not the virus itself but the fearful power of human mind. Excess of money does NOT make you rich What make you rich is if you love mankind and you are loving peaceful and truthful. Then Khuda (God) loves you then you are Rich regardless of how much money you have.This is the major sign of apocalypse and end days or last days. Soon there will be Descent of the True Messiah. But what is the identity of the true Messiah? What Khuda (God) told me that there are few extremely important things to recognize the True Messiah. He must be Extremely intelligent, genius , he must have achieved something is his life MUST NOT OWN any property or estate or any piece of land, MUST have a SINGLE NAME. MUST be a believer in Major prophets namely Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and others. He must be truthful PEACEFUL and love mankind regardless of color, creed, origin religion. There are already many false messiahs around. So wait soon he will reveal himself. Thank you for reading all this.

  10. CONTAGIOUS: Asymptomatic Stealth

    AIRBORNE Ultra Contagion

    WMD BIOWEAPON: Yes , Bill/Melinda Gates foundation takes place back in October 2019. Now lets just put the

    entire operation into effect this year 20 year month 01 January, (Event 201) and see if the plan

    really works out.Event 201 Pandemic Exercise < Look it up 🙁 QC

  11. Shut down the internet . It’ll kill the virus.

  12. Come find the news they hide😉

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