Dow plunges 800 points amid growing recession fears | ABC News

Dow plunges 800 points amid growing recession fears | ABC News

Wall Street is reeling as investors appear to be rattled by an escalating trade war with China and fears of a slowing global economy.

#ABCNews #Dow #Stocks #WallStreet #Investment #China #TradeWar


48 thoughts on “Dow plunges 800 points amid growing recession fears | ABC News

  1. On election night 2016 late in to the night Rebecca Jarvis reported that the economy was already showing clear signs of declining after Trump's victory! I shit you not & if you don't believe me look it up! ABC & that bubble head Rebecca are full of crap.
    Oh guess where Jarvis received her huge break…. On Trump's apprentice! Ungrateful little snot rag!

  2. My God I swear… Economy does fine "must be Obama" does bad "Trump" gets better than the last 50 years "Obamas policies" bad again "Trump"

    Pick a fucking lane liberals. When it does good again I'm guessing its all obamas policies which totally took fucking years to implement right? Fucking retards.

  3. Thank u Trump😡🇺🇸

  4. what goes down ( like Stormy Daniels ) Must go Up ! 😁😁

  5. F%CK BIG BANKS !💪🇺🇸

  6. ABC. Are you protecting a pedophile? Reports are there are BIG ANCHORS at ABC who are in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book. They have been out for WEEKS. Now 5 days ago literally thousands of names and numbers were publicly released. Since no one else will ask: What is the response to these reports? I know there are others like me affected by Pedophelia for a LIFETIME and we want a public ANSWER

  7. Doom and gloom chicken little media. Oh what’s that? It’s up today?
    Oh, chuckleheads sold valuable stocks yesterday and today Non Panic people bought up those stocks at great investment prices?

    Silly ABC News trying to influence the 2020 election cycle.

  8. I get out mi portafolio and buy B coin. Same 💩happens in the 2007,many people lost their savings in 401 now I have opción. 😂👊🏻👊🏻💲B coin 👍

  9. The people that support trump through all this don’t have enough money to invest in their future, so recessions don’t affect them. They consider it a loss when they don’t win the dollar back on their lottery tickets. They blame others for their lot in life and all their mistakes, just like their savior does.

  10. This is why Jehovah’s Witness don’t vote! It’s run by satan. Jesus himself literally “Ran” from politics . That’s Why he said “his kingdom is no part of this world” (John 18:36)

    John 6:15 “Then Jesus, knowing that they were about to come and seize him to make him king, withdrew again to the mountain all alone.”

    If Jesus “ran” away from politics, the shouldn’t we “follow his footsteps?”

  11. Nothing is really happening yet. Last August the same thing happened and the drop, though not as sudden, was lower. Compared to last August, the Dow is actually up. But these people want Trump to loose so bad that they’re trying to scare people about the economy. Just look at the one year graph of the Dow Jones and you’ll see what I mean.

  12. Dude we just hit 27,500
    That inverted yeild shit how long has that been happening??
    Don't worry it won't last shit!!
    We'll rebound within a month back at 27,500/28,000 before November and Dow Jones 30,000 in 2020.

    Fuck Democrats, fuck their secret terrorist operations with Walmart as a contractor framing it as white supremacists, got Beto O'Rourke laughing his ass off when mentioning the mourning families!

  13. Trump 2020 🤣😂

  14. Trump killing the economy with tariffs.
    Trump: The deep states tryna take me down! Fake news! This is all the Democrats fault. BWAAAAHAAAAHAAAHAAA!!!! SMFH.

  15. ❤💙💚💛💜❤💙💚💛💜❤

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