Wait…. Did she say a manatee was in her front yard 😲😲😲
Hogorina / specific dog lovers 1 GE Review updated: Aug 24, 2019
Several presidents had dogs for utilaterian concealments. One should not hang this perception, if it would have actually existed. However, consider roosevelt and hitler. Masochism is aimed towards both of these characters. Why should it not be directed towards political whores too. Arn’t many of them our neighbors? This in it self, is hard to swallow. Awful! Inject your favorite political whore into the canine affair.
We have a mania spreading out through America tied to the craze in owning dogs. Searching back in the past to Vienna, Austria in the mid eighteen hundreds, one meets with the identical situation surrounding, the dangers of these animals, as being used for various personalities, for transitional implications of individual anti-social inadequacies. The Late Doctor Sigmund Freud and cohort, Karl Jung, along with Max Nordav, made lengthy studies of split personalities and their relationships with specific canines.
In the last several decades hundreds of dog fighting clubs were abundant i America. Psychiatrist long ago persisted that individual masochism was the actual reason for collective canine fighting. Masochism is discovered throughout humanoids as natural outlet for the release of pent up anti-social repressions. In it self, man instinctually harbored aggression as a survival weapon against weaker individuals, to obtain food and shelter. With contemporary existence, a concealed anti-social predisposition to literally satisfy mental instability, through torturing others, or the self, by civilized means, in a legal manner, masochism, self-hatred and getting artificial sexual highs
Considering the love for canines in normal family life is not categorised, as some what mentally suffering from a personality suppression complex syndrome. Self-abasement in being surrounded by one or several barking dogs gradually stamps out any noticeable impediment, distractions that might thwart opposing the subconscious release of hidden sexual inhibitions.
Considering the love for canines in normal family life is not categorised, as some what mentally suffering from a personality suppression complex syndrome. Self-abasement in being surrounded by one or several barking dogs gradually stamps out any noticeable impediment, distractions that might thwart opposing the subconscious release of hidden sexual intuitions, that are needed for an artificial high. This sudden release of forbidden sexual infatuation qualms a disturbed mind, reversed back into the real world, until masochism is to be daily released by Hollyweird’s subimatiog flicks.
The dog-loving masochists cleaves to have several dogs and their racket for long periods at night, and By indirect satisfaction, to worry neighbors, that brings on self-torture of reverberating masochism.
Lol your going to trust corporate America for the protection of family and government. Good luck. I will trust my .45. Why arent we arming more people. Create more positions for officers. These cowards always go where the guns are not. The more places that start banning guns the more shootings you'll see in those areas. These killers go where they think they can get the most people and that's unarmed areas the answer is not to take away our Firearms or our Second Amendment. Civil War will come if people start erasing the Bill of Rights.
@10:31— well there goes the Euthanasia business! If Diet soda kills. How does it remain a product for sale?ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Ariana is stupid lawsuit – her ponytail is considered public property becuz everyone has used that caption and she has not copyright her ponytail she only was shot a photoshoot for it that means girls watch out you can't do a high pony (i.e Camila Cabello watch out gurl, you in danger!) and many people do spoofs online and they aren't marketing her for that she turned them down they went out of their way to do a watered down imaging of the current state of pop culture (pop culture Ariana ushered in) so girl you have no case u stupid bish but being sore they still did what they needed WITHOUT YOU what a conceited little diva bitch hmm. Same thing when designers have knock offs at h&m and other done for the public trust me you will lose cuz u aint copy right shit. gee thanks just bought it was round before Ariana – let me just google lyrics and see what other songs come up or info Ar. #MakeSureUrHouseIsSqueakyClean before you go round wasting our tax dollars Ari. #LikeUNeedtheMoneyOrMaybeUDO#UAINTNOTAYLORSWIFTMAYBETHATSWHYUNEEDTHEMONEY
OKAY I am mentally ill and diagnosed and medicated but they keep saying all these gun people are mentally ill what diseases causes this to happen and is it in the water? I split off/ I tend to black out and now what does that mean if I had a gun near means when I shift I will go shoot people? Maybe I should buy a gun and find out huh? They need to start doing your news jobs and investigate cuz saying a general statement is Mental Health Abuse and Stigma and its gonna affect my demographic who will get judged. I heard rumors of Trump building more mental hospitals and I'm sure I will be a target soon when he starts to lock us up just cuz we are all ticking time bombs and gunmen/gunwomen #NotFAIR#IMHUMANTOO#STOPABUSINGUSMENTALLYILL#SEEUSHEARUSSAVEUS
hell there a little late to the table the biggest threat to americans is unrighteous americans who want to live outside what is right for all americans those who fail to speak out an those who fail to act are just as guilty as those who commit these heinous acts of violence they must not realize that they cant profit offer our lives for too long because the idea of a true america is still very strong an change is kicking down there door Shalom
Listen to how they lie about the gun laws they twist things around Private Sales are the number one way Firearms are sold are you sure about that cuz that's not the number one way they're purchased and do you really think he convicted felon is it going to care if you make a new law Banning Private Sales
😥😥😥😥damn that story of the man's wife was horrible😢😢I hope this disaster slow down
ABC, all crap news and never ending crap, why are all your other channels disabled to make a comment, oh I forgot your crap[.
I thinks it's great to have a horse on the plane for that person if it helps the person. Unlike this news broadcast!!!!!!!
Wait…. Did she say a manatee was in her front yard 😲😲😲
Hogorina / specific dog lovers
1 GE Review updated: Aug 24, 2019
Several presidents had dogs for utilaterian concealments. One should not hang this perception, if it would have actually existed. However, consider roosevelt and hitler. Masochism is aimed towards both of these characters. Why should it not be directed towards political whores too. Arn’t many of them our neighbors? This in it self, is hard to swallow. Awful! Inject your favorite political whore into the canine affair.
We have a mania spreading out through America tied to the craze in owning dogs. Searching back in the past to Vienna, Austria in the mid eighteen hundreds, one meets with the identical situation surrounding, the dangers of these animals, as being used for various personalities, for transitional implications of individual anti-social inadequacies. The Late Doctor Sigmund Freud and cohort, Karl Jung, along with Max Nordav, made lengthy studies of split personalities and their relationships with specific canines.
In the last several decades hundreds of dog fighting clubs were abundant i America. Psychiatrist long ago persisted that individual masochism was the actual reason for collective canine fighting. Masochism is discovered throughout humanoids as natural outlet for the release of pent up anti-social repressions. In it self, man instinctually harbored aggression as a survival weapon against weaker individuals, to obtain food and shelter. With contemporary existence, a concealed anti-social predisposition to literally satisfy mental instability, through torturing others, or the self, by civilized means, in a legal manner, masochism, self-hatred and getting artificial sexual highs
Considering the love for canines in normal family life is not categorised, as some what mentally suffering from a personality suppression complex syndrome. Self-abasement in being surrounded by one or several barking dogs gradually stamps out any noticeable impediment, distractions that might thwart opposing the subconscious release of hidden sexual inhibitions.
Considering the love for canines in normal family life is not categorised, as some what mentally suffering from a personality suppression complex syndrome. Self-abasement in being surrounded by one or several barking dogs gradually stamps out any noticeable impediment, distractions that might thwart opposing the subconscious release of hidden sexual intuitions, that are needed for an artificial high. This sudden release of forbidden sexual infatuation qualms a disturbed mind, reversed back into the real world, until masochism is to be daily released by Hollyweird’s subimatiog flicks.
The dog-loving masochists cleaves to have several dogs and their racket for long periods at night, and By indirect satisfaction, to worry neighbors, that brings on self-torture of reverberating masochism.
Lol your going to trust corporate America for the protection of family and government. Good luck. I will trust my .45. Why arent we arming more people. Create more positions for officers. These cowards always go where the guns are not. The more places that start banning guns the more shootings you'll see in those areas. These killers go where they think they can get the most people and that's unarmed areas the answer is not to take away our Firearms or our Second Amendment. Civil War will come if people start erasing the Bill of Rights.
I love it ! Mitch McConnell just dumped the gun control responsibility on Trump , like the the guy who farted then blames the dog !
Good move Walmart
They should bring animals to help the people surface animals
"Poor me something tall and strong make it a Hurricane before I go insane…"
@10:31— well there goes the Euthanasia business! If Diet soda kills. How does it remain a product for sale?ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Girls dont win at everything stupid !!!!
"DORIAN LASHES OUT!"… are you serious? Talk about hyperbole…these people are sick! Fake news!
Then the rocks ban the rocks ww 111
booo walmart snowflake bitches
Ariana is stupid lawsuit – her ponytail is considered public property becuz everyone has used that caption and she has not copyright her ponytail she only was shot a photoshoot for it that means girls watch out you can't do a high pony (i.e Camila Cabello watch out gurl, you in danger!) and many people do spoofs online and they aren't marketing her for that she turned them down they went out of their way to do a watered down imaging of the current state of pop culture (pop culture Ariana ushered in) so girl you have no case u stupid bish but being sore they still did what they needed WITHOUT YOU what a conceited little diva bitch hmm. Same thing when designers have knock offs at h&m and other done for the public trust me you will lose cuz u aint copy right shit. gee thanks just bought it was round before Ariana – let me just google lyrics and see what other songs come up or info Ar. #MakeSureUrHouseIsSqueakyClean before you go round wasting our tax dollars Ari. #LikeUNeedtheMoneyOrMaybeUDO #UAINTNOTAYLORSWIFTMAYBETHATSWHYUNEEDTHEMONEY
I think they should be allowed for those with special circumstances
And for other unfortunate dill with it
OKAY I am mentally ill and diagnosed and medicated but they keep saying all these gun people are mentally ill what diseases causes this to happen and is it in the water? I split off/ I tend to black out and now what does that mean if I had a gun near means when I shift I will go shoot people? Maybe I should buy a gun and find out huh? They need to start doing your news jobs and investigate cuz saying a general statement is Mental Health Abuse and Stigma and its gonna affect my demographic who will get judged. I heard rumors of Trump building more mental hospitals and I'm sure I will be a target soon when he starts to lock us up just cuz we are all ticking time bombs and gunmen/gunwomen #NotFAIR #IMHUMANTOO #STOPABUSINGUSMENTALLYILL #SEEUSHEARUSSAVEUS
That poor man who lost his wife and couldn't save her right in front of him! #HEARTBROKENMANRIGHTHERE
hell there a little late to the table the biggest threat to americans is unrighteous americans who want to live outside what is right for all americans those who fail to speak out an those who fail to act are just as guilty as those who commit these heinous acts of violence they must not realize that they cant profit offer our lives for too long because the idea of a true america is still very strong an change is kicking down there door Shalom
Listen to how they lie about the gun laws they twist things around Private Sales are the number one way Firearms are sold are you sure about that cuz that's not the number one way they're purchased and do you really think he convicted felon is it going to care if you make a new law Banning Private Sales
Darrion, how is it safer if the bad guy breaks the rules, brings a gun while law-abiding citizens are helpless to defend their family?
Private sales,NO background check THAT IS STUPID DANGEROUS MAKE NO SENSE
😥😥😥😥damn that story of the man's wife was horrible😢😢I hope this disaster slow down