DOJ launches investigation into Minneapolis Police Department

DOJ launches investigation into Minneapolis Police Department

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris call on Congress to pass police reform.

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41 thoughts on “DOJ launches investigation into Minneapolis Police Department

  1. Where’s the investigation into Kamala’s lost virtue?
    “I’m speaking.” ~ 🕳

  2. Итак говорит Бог зачем вы встали против моих законов которых я создал 10 заповедей вы стали делать што вам хочется и нада но я Бог строго взыскивающий и воздам по делам вашых я первый и последний Аминь

  3. Hip hip Hooray, Justice at last !

    Justice now for all future US human rights abuses both domestically and internationally.

    Looting and burning isn't BLM or Antifa. It is thieving Americans from both the left and the right.

    It is now time to Stop blaming China, Russia or Iran. End racial injustice! "We can't stop here." J.Biden.

  4. Extremism within the police and military ranks maybe why US troops are still stationed in Germany?

    Are they writing travel logs? Learning to be Nazis? Elvis was stationed there 60 years ago.

    How much has the US spent on the 76 years extremist training holiday since GI Blues?

    Let's hope the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is followed through.

  5. The world does NOT want the US to resume a leadership role after the absurd stupidity displayed.

    The world wants the US to take a collaborative role. Maybe a quiet back seat would be better suited.

    The world associates the US with racism, school shootings, invasions, stupidity and lying.

    World Peace relies on the US staying home killing it's own people. When was America great?

  6. Biden and Harris the two biggest cowards in US history. Why they’re trying to get black and white Americans against one another china and Russia are ready to destroy us.

    Don’t you think that now, after the guilty verdict of a clearly open and shut case that was, nevertheless, not a forgone conclusion — that after glimpsing the latent goodness we are in fact capable of — that it’s time we started to embrace it and become Americans worthy of the name? Maybe we can start to do that. All it takes is wisdom.
    So the next step? Rid Washington D.C. of the false Republican bullies and Trump wannabes that currently infest the Senate! You get me?

  8. In China🇨🇳, No one would report a minority death.
    – if someone does, they'll be disappeared.

  9. That’s a good start. Now let’s launch the same investigation in police stations all over the country.

  10. 🙏🏿G2💞🌎💞2G🙏🏻

  11. If you're not a right-winger, then you have down to earth parents who've taught you right from wrong. To love, not hate. And to judge others, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Don't let their narcissism, greed, anger, selfishness, and bigotry diminish your hopes for a more peaceful and accepting society. Just be glad that you're on the right side of history, and keep your family safe. God is on your side. Peace and love from a fellow American.

    (This message does not apply to the morally bankrupt)

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