Documenting the Seasons of Justin Biebers tumultuous personal life

Documenting the Seasons of Justin Biebers tumultuous personal life

In Biebers new YouTube docuseries, the pop superstar talks candidly about his past struggles with drug addiction, his own mental health and preparing for a comeback.

#Nightline #JustinBieber #MentalHealth #Celebrity




29 thoughts on “Documenting the Seasons of Justin Biebers tumultuous personal life

  1. There is a reason Jim Carrey and other famous people such as Keanu Reeves really grind into people the facts of fame. It will not bring happiness if you think it will, you will find yourself more depressed than ever. As Billie Ellish said as well, fame is disgusting and makes you a zoo attraction, and turns people into their lowest form of fanatical dogs. People are wired to be interconnected and our social upbringing hijacked our brains into thinking this means unconditional acceptance and never ending waterfalls of love from complete strangers… ever heard of the cancel culture? Not to mention the effect a negative article has now multiply that factor by 100. Fame is not the answer people please do not fall into the trap, the more money I made the more depressed I was in the more I close myself off from the world the only people that want to be my friends or my employees and being 30 years old it was extremely tough not having any friends that liked me for who I was but wanted me for my money and position. Attempted suicide and recovering drug addict here. Sending all my love to you unconditionally♥️

  2. Wonder if he got delivered 🤔! Crazy how we know God but we leave him and he never leaves us, then after we have had enough of life and go threw it all Jesus is the outlet!

  3. It’s gd that he knows when to stop and when to keep going. He’s now really mature.

  4. Missed the old Justin,I'm glad he found God again 🥺❤

  5. Ugh and to think everyone in my class hates him because he got arrested back in 2014- They don’t even know what he’s been through?!! His music??? His music is awesome.

  6. I love you Justin 😘😘

  7. You the reason for a new season
    Making music and writing a song
    O!! Baby baby has been so long
    I am excited to see you get started
    Hearing your voice I know you made the right choice
    Now is the season and you the reason 😊🙏

  8. Does he want us to feel bad for him😒

  9. We honestly have ourselves to blame, we railroaded this kid so many times over the years, it can really cause a lot of damage. I hope he surrounds himself with positivity from now on.

  10. I feel bad for him, being in the music industry is terrifyingly horrible mostly he started in the music industry when he was a teenager. Good thing what happened to Justin Bieber didn't happened to Shawn Mendes, Shawn started in the music industry when he was 15 or 16 I think and it's a good thing nothing bad happened to him.

  11. Justin yo se mejor que nadie cuando algo se acaba ee y mas cuando no acaba vien ee pero los abusos de alcol y dorgas no es la enfermeda delain ee no es la picadura de una garapata ee eso no es cusa de salir desnudo ee adelante de un niño ee chao

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