Disney star Cameron Boyces parents on last time they saw their son | ABC News

Disney star Cameron Boyces parents on last time they saw their son | ABC News

Victor and Libby Boyce speak exclusively to ABC News Robin Roberts about the special memories of their 20-year-old son and how they plan to keep his legacy alive.

READ MORE: https://gma.abc/2Mh1ypS

#ABCNews #DisneyStar #CameronBoyce #Descendants #Descendants3 #Epilepsy


42 thoughts on “Disney star Cameron Boyces parents on last time they saw their son | ABC News

  1. Cmreons mom n dad is holdng their tears. Speclly his mom . 🥺💞💔

  2. Don’t be left behind. Jesus Christ is coming. Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly…”

  3. I can tell you with 100% certainty as someone who has Epilepsy, you almost never get diagnosed with Epilepsy until you’ve had at least your second seizure.

  4. Rest in peace Cameron Boyce you will be missed and remembered forever buddy you died so young at age of 20 from a Epilepsy Seizure in your sleep you will be missed and remembered was was born 1999

  5. The lady is very much 👎

  6. Why did you guys let him go home . You have him not go home 😒 whyyyyy did youuu this is your fault you died im sorry

  7. 😢😢😭😭😭

  8. So sad I can’t stop my crying

  9. Such a beautiful person.❤️🙏 Rip Cameron.
    The dad is right May 13 2021 I was so blessed to wake and text my sister and had the privilege of telling her how much I love her (Valarie) the next morning she passed away in a car accident…. If feels like your instantly a different person… ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. My son started having a weird seizure type episodes suddenly and each time I took him to the hospital or the doctors offices nothing showed up as abnormal. I thought about something that hit me. He was playing a game on his Nitindo DS. As an whim, I took it from him and low and behold his seizures stopped! He played it one more time and i kid you not, he passed out the next day and didn't remember he did. The game has colors, fireworks shiny looking things and flashing lights coming at you.

  11. I feel horrible for Cams parents my child and my nephew watched Descendents and they loved Cam. I just wish his parents had one more hug and kiss and goodbye. 🙏💙praying for the family and friends

  12. 😞Sad so sad. May he RIP. Gone but not forgotten. 5/28/99 – 7/6/19

  13. I miss him 😘🥰😓😥😫😤😡

  14. I find it so weird that it’s been 2 years. I still can’t believe he’s gone. Rest In Peace Cameron Boyce, we miss you so much.

  15. So 😔🙏🏿

  16. Can’t believe it’s been 2 yrs. fly high Cameron

  17. This video kinda taught me a lesson because I would always yell at my family (especially my mom) for like stupid reasons and like i would always get mad at her for not doing what I like. Spend more time loving each other than arguing over small stuff.

  18. So sad that he died so young,but what that should remind everyone of is this,the LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away,and if anyone young or old dies without JESUS,no matter what they did,no matter who they are,if you die without JESUS,even an untimely birth will be better than you!Most People are never told this,but it is The only and best thing one will ever do in your existence on this earth!

  19. 😔😭 Hope God's treating Cameron well

  20. I didn't even know he passed away. Wow what heartache for his parents. 💔

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