Retired Secret Service Senior Special Agent, Donald Mihalek, discusses the Department of Homeland Security’s criminal probe into the deleted text messages tied to the Jan. 6 attack.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “DHS inspector general opens probe into Secret Service deleted text messages”
  1. You can't cooperate fully and be transparent at the same time you are deleting the most incriminating texts in the history of the your department, Any more than the police in Texas can be doing their heroic duty (as Greg Abbott tried to ass-pack us)
    and be colossal cowards that they have proven themselves to be. We are not concerned with how many documents they turned over, but rather the documents they didn't.
    One thing I suggest that the department of homeland security or the secret service should not do is to try to overthrow the United States government. Better to leave that to Putin and Trump. No matter how much they are paying you.

  2. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 Just wake me when I can vote for Trump again. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

  3. The United States of America has begun in it's downward spiral of world revelance as a Democratic Republic . Cowardly corrupt authoritarian leadership has caused the United States to lose its moral ethical and honorable leadership of the world as a Democratic Republic. Downward spiral has begun and ends up in the obscurity of this great nation onto a banana Republic. The baton of world leadership has passed or is passing to another leader probability of it being China greater than it's ever been before as corruption infiltrates the US government from within and destroys it from within by weak dishonest men of no character. LONG LIVE DISUNITY CORRUPT NONTRANSPARENT AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIP FROM THE LIGHT ON TOP OF THE HILL UNTO OBLIVION AND IRRELEVANCE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL. Sadness great sadness with tears for the end of this great nation.

  4. Let’s do the FBI DOJ and all the criminals in this administration, they are all in bed together, and the media as well.

  5. It’s almost like there’s one person who destroys everything and everyone he’s ever been involved with.

  6. If they did what they know they should, they would have saved copies of all those very important messages. If they didn’t know those messages were important enough to save then they may not be competent enough to be in their positions.

  7. Oh come on guy IT (or WHOMEVER is responsible for implementing a particular software update or equipment upgrade) has to make certain that someone is NOT in the middle of using the computer or device. Moreover, back-ups of data must be done BEFORE any changes are implemented as one should do before handing their personal equipment over to someone for any alterations or changes or risk potential corruption or loss of data. In addition to that, the department head MUST collaborate with them. The right hand may not know EXACTLY what the left hand is doing, but they absolutely must coordinate.

  8. They will protect their own or minimally hide the worst and protect the most agents they can. We can no longer trust the SS… he's already seeking out the official explanation.

  9. I don’t understand why they are playing games about the text messages being deleted. Everyone knows damn well that they can be retrieved, they just don’t want too and they are doing all this for show like pretending they will do something about it.

  10. The former administration knew things would get “real bad.” They threw the undermanned Capitol police to the wolves. Pence stated he wouldn’t cave to presidential pressure. Was he sent over to the Capitol, with a minimal security detail, in the hope that he’d be eliminate? Biden’s dog had keen insight into the Secret Service! They are about as transparent as a brick!

  11. If they were using iphones and iMessaging, to the carrier, these are just data blips, iMessaging is not stored by them. SMS is a carrier system so those may be archived but these are usually handled by a 3rd party provider and many dump these in short order

  12. Love how they’re giving millions of texts and email but not the information they’re asking for. Begin the purge already.

  13. This is an obvious attempt at a cover-up. The only question is how high does the reason go. Judging by the lawyering up of Engel/Ornato and the SS closing ranks, it's clearly of malicious intent. Funny how texts miraculously appear after a criminal investigation is launched. Coincidence?……NO WAY!

  14. how can you not lose trust in the secret service when they deleted texts and protect tronald dump derelict

    bad people all bad peope

    "they've pushed back a bit"

    do it under oath



    🏆🇺🇲 trump4prison 🇺🇲🏆

    let's go BABBITT 👍

    say her name REPUGNICANS !

  16. The SS who deleted their text have lawyered up with Trump lawyers. Why is that if they are innocent in their actions? Their loyalty was for Trump, but how far did that loyalty go when your secret service is protecting a President who refuses to concede, it's his life or well being that is supposed to be protected, not his criminal actions or his inactions or his inability to concede for whatever reasons. There needs to be more definitions set forth of what and how far their protection serves. Trumps life was not in danger at anytime during his Presidency, not even during J6. The deleted text messages are suspicious.

  17. This is an excellent job by ABC. I haven't heard a single outlet have someone on to point out the fact the secret service need to be on the side of the person they are protecting. A YouTuber I like named Beau of the Fifth Column (check him out) used the example of the president cheating on his spouse. He can either trust his detail to keep it on the downlow or he can try to ditch his detail. Which one is more dangerous? The president needs to know he can trust the secret service no matter what. Trump is guilty plain as day to anyone who is honest but we shouldn't be using his detail as a means to find the truth. I get that these are uncertain times so maybe I'm looking at it wrong but I really think the SS should be left out of this.

  18. Your taking head seems overly apologetic. How appropriate. All the talking points are bullshit. Oh we are complying, except for that date.. oh it's just something that happens, ya sure son

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