Devin Nunes gives opening statement before 6th hearing

Devin Nunes gives opening statement before 6th hearing

The Republican spoke before a hearing with Laura Cooper and David Hale in the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

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29 thoughts on “Devin Nunes gives opening statement before 6th hearing

  1. This must be where the left congregates…. You guys are so funny you actually believe what Schiff is feeding you…. ALERT, ALERT, ALERT….. You're being fed a bunch of shif. Come on over to the right side, the water is fine. We love everyone!

  2. NO one, Democrat, Republican, independent, I don't care what you call yourself but nobody is above the law of the Constitution. And if you cannot follow the laws of the Constitution then you're free to go.

  3. Why are the repugnents afraid to break ranks and call this shit what it is. They have an ignorant, loud mouth bully in the WH. Why ?Cuz if they can''t exhume his ass out of the deep grave trump has dug. They they all will have to jump in the grave with him. Sad… Power and money is gonna send a lot of them to the sunken place. Smh in disgust 😒

  4. Devin Nunes is a joke! The Republican'ts are just furious because THEY GOT CAUGHT…turned in by their own. Always more twisting of the facts and issues at hand. Always defending the indefensible and the reprehensible, Nunes' opening statements are perjurious at best and so childish they would be pitiful if they didn't make you sick! But, that is the kind of behavior we have come to expect from trump, his followers, and the GOP. Freedom from this regime is worth it all!

  5. All of the front comments are likely paid comments. The corrupt officials in the government need as much faith instilled in them and as much hate for trump as possible to survive the shit storm they are about to go through. Funny enough all caused by them. Watch how no news networks will cover the arrests or extreme backlash from released information up until the moment they realize theyll get more money covering corrupt officials downfall than on their payroll. Watch how this will be put down as much as possible when this is gonna be one of the biggest scandals involving several of the people who tell you everyday they are fighting the good fight for you meanwhile only making your lives harder. Every question asked that incriminates or exposes lies of said corrupt officials is promptly shut down, to where republican officials trying to show you truth look like the corrupt ones. They humanized witnesses knowing damn well not a single witness they allowed in actually had any knowledge of impeachable offenses. The fucked up thing is that these people will continue to feel safe until their convicted, not because america is a place where right matters but because they have the resources to protect their asses as much as possible and worst of all are relying on you to hate trump. They fed you false narratives all along the way assuming the american public was full of dumbasses. Now it comes out Epsteins security guards falsified records. A pentagon official was paid millions to create a false russia collusion narrative. More and more. Why? Because trump was genuine in his "draining the swamp" and as you can see they are making every possible effort to get him out so they dont spend the rest of their lives in a federal penitentiary and continue to make money off of you the people. Watch as everything they tried to blame on trump will be near exactly what they did, because they believed we are stupid enough to buy into it. They did all this with your money for 4/5 years to take your money, guns, free speech and all so slowly that alot of people still havent caught on.

  6. Not one Democrat was ever elected President without winning both the Electoral vote and the popular vote Unlike George W Bush receiving 543,895 fewer popular votes than Al Gore or Donald J Trump received 2,865,075 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton . . does this pass the smell test?.. Could Republican Gerrymandering have something to do with this?

  7. !!!! FUCK DONALD CHUMP !!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  8. The paid trolls are strong in the comment section 😂😂

  9. Wow this dude is a master gaslighter. He went to school of Trump whereby just because he says it he thinks it makes it true. History will judge these losers very unkindly for aiding the dictator.

  10. Hey 50 thousand dollars a month just for being Joe Biden's son, what's wrong with that? It's not like they withheld a billion US dollars to get a prosecutor fired for investigating them. Still, it's none of our business right? Idiots.

  11. Nunes is nothing but a Trump Stamp. Hope his constituents remove him from his 💺 in 2020.

  12. TRUMP TRAIN 2020!!!!! Can’t wait to find out what this shit network knew about Epstein but decided not to bring public

  13. Nunes opening statement is full of lies and debunked conspiracy theories..
    The Ukraine Knew the Security Aid was being held up, despite the lies of Nunes..
    And the long again debunked 'Ukraine went after Trump during the 2016 election (DNC secret server stashed in Ukraine) is total BS..
    Then there is the pitiful 'we can't have our witnesses', Sure ya can have the witness ya want if you can get the whitehouse to stop blocking Bolton, Mulvaney, Perry, Jewliani, the dozens of others they have ordered not to testify, and the guy that started the whole thing Donald Trump should do as he said he "was thinking of" and go under oath in front of congress and confess his crimes~!

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