Details emerge following deadly terror attack outside Paris

Details emerge following deadly terror attack outside Paris

A history teacher was viciously attacked and killed allegedly for discussing caricatures of Islams Prophet Mohammed with his students.


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33 thoughts on “Details emerge following deadly terror attack outside Paris

  1. All I see in the comments is Muslims defending the attack ! like wtf ? KILLING SOMEONE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE !! if you are hurt by something file a fucking lawsuit ! And what are you 1st graders ? getting offended by a cartoon !

  2. There will be no Turkish and Terrorism. they are together as one threatened to the whole world. Russia. France . Belgium. Germany, Cyprus, Greece. Iran and Armenia ……

  3. Whole West is facing result of Ignorance about Islamic hateful ideology
    Islam doesn't believe in LIVE & LET LIVE
    It believes in killing followers other religions & those who have nothing to do with Islam

  4. There are certain groups or people who are doing bad deeds in the name of Islam but they themselves dont know that any religion or God does not teach you to become a murderer , harraser or an attacker , it's just the mindset and the people are feigning in the name of fake or blind extremists god beliefs which are not even accurate.
    See Islam is not doing this to humans only just some or more people who dont have the same perception and their mindset is cruel in terms of psycho pathetic behaviours are the real culprits not the religion is teaching any bad.
    See the blasphemy is very sensitive ,you can name or circle it some things but that doesn't mean what implies to certain things can be applied to others, it is not like that, but if sentiments are getting hurt, people shouldn't have any right to kill each other.
    If you follow any religion and you really believe in your religion deeply and you respect others religion too and you dont bash, insult or give hate speech to others sentiments than it's fine , but If its other way around than some wrong doings are happening man, for that we all should fight and protest but if somebody is not protesting its upto their choice.
    Other point they have sick minds and they think they are doing this for Islam they will absolutely will be burn in hell if they think so because numerous bad activities or things have been doing by them not only one bad activity either its rape,sexual harrassment or crime, murder,terror attack,women kidnapping.
    So the main thing concludes that there are some groups who are putting a label of fake religion and training others to become a bad extremists and putting harsh wall upto their veins so its manipulative , controlling , abusive of some kind , building pschopatheti behavioural issues and hate for humanitism.
    We should first believe or consider ourselves as human nor with any religion .

  5. I am Muslim and I can assure our religion does not teach us to do this also the action of one man does not define the religion of approx 2billion people

  6. Stop Insulting other people religion as a freedom of speech and called them radical when they're angry, u are just a bunch of racist people who doesnt have a manner and like to mocking others faith!

  7. “Trying to figure out the horrific crime”, huh? Read the Quran for all the details!‼️📣🗯

  8. This isn’t Islam this is extremism. Stuff like this is the reason why Islam is seen a violent religion. There are millions of people who are good everyday people who are Muslim. But it’s always these type of extremists who take the attention of the media.

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