Despite Russian attacks on civilian areas, Ukraine has refused to surrender Mariupol | ABC News

Despite Russian attacks on civilian areas, Ukraine has refused to surrender Mariupol | ABC News

Plus, Ukrainian women and children have made a theater in Przemysl, Poland, their temporary home after fleeing the war.

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27 thoughts on “Despite Russian attacks on civilian areas, Ukraine has refused to surrender Mariupol | ABC News

  1. The title should have said 'Despite russian attacks in civilian areas, Ukraine refuses to remove combatants and military equipment from them'.
    It is one of the most important articles in the Geneva Human Rights Conventions to keep combatants and potential military targets away from unarmed civilians.
    Battles should be fought outside of cities and not cities abused for a military advantage in having better firing positions or a place to hide combatants in.

  2. If Russia really wants to colonize and kill Ukrainian civilians, it doesn't take up to one month to destroy and control Ukraine, Russia only takes 3 days to control Ukraine. But the attack lasted for one month because Russia was very careful to avoid civilian casualties.
    Look at Israel, has killed millions of Palestinians, bombarded public facilities in Gaza for over 50 years. No country has imposed sanctions on Israel.
    The US, which killed many civilians in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, has not imposed any sanctions on the US. Millions of civilians have died for the British occupation of 95 countries. No one sanctioned the British. Millions of civilians have died in the 350 years of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. No country has imposed sanctions on the Netherlands.
    But when Russia only attacked Ukrainian military facilities, the world was abuzz with cursing Russia and sanctioning it. Let's laugh at people in that selfish world. how very childish they are

  3. 🇲🇨♥️🇷🇺💪Have you forgotten that UKRAINE used to support ISRAEL in attacking Palestine, what's the difference between the invasion of Ukraine and Palestine, the most important thing is that Indonesians support RUSSIA and CECH, the Czechs are our Muslim brothers ️

  4. OH Hell No! You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop!!!

  5. NATO/EU started the war with Russia, paid Zelenskii good money out of american taxpayers pockets, ordering him to kill as many Ukrainians as possible to have a better reason to blow xenophobia/rusophobia, to make even more money. This is what our fat cats always do. But who is suffering – us, citizens of all European countries and USA, whose monthly income is NOT going up, but the prices are! This war is NOT for "independence" of Ukraine – they are just scapegoats, victims of psychopaths like Zelenskii, Biden, Boris… I don't care what Russians and Ukrainians are doing – let's leave them to sort their own things. People, we need to stand up for our lives and livelihoods now! Our governments are letting us down big!


  7. Russia is flattening Ukraine yet every video says Ukraine is winning. Lmfao 😅🤣😅🤣

  8. Ukraine has many options. One is the Afghanistan option to fight protracted guerilla war supplied from Poland and Romania
    being a peoples war. Such a peoples war was fought this way against Russia in Afghanistan in 1979 to about 1984.
    Guerillas fighting in Ukraine could easily train and move across nearby borders to fight. The fight does not become one of trying to drive the invader out but
    to be a protracted fight designed to wear ones enemy down while leaving their prize a pile of rubble. The Russians did this at Stalingrad against the Germans.
    Ukraine needs to become a Russian Stalingrad of a war of death in the ruins which leaves the invader fighting to control ruins.
    Such wars eventually leave the invader demoralized and going home while historians add such accounts to the annuals of military campaigns of folly.

  9. Please don't make Ukraine as Israeil no.2. As we know the Presiden of Ukraine now from Zionis Yahudian . Maybe one day many people from Israeil will come to Ukraine and kick people in Ukraine as they do at Palestin people now. Russian will defend Ukraine from Yahudi Israeil. #HURAAAAA….

  10. One third of employed people in the world's most wealthy nation make less than $32,000 per year. That is poverty, that is not being able to afford medical care, real food, clothing and shelter. With the rise in gas prices, interest rates and inflation, we have as much atrocity hidden here in this country as any other war torn third world country. But at least they do not have to live in the same place as the uber rich, the extremely wealthy, the rich and the well-off flaunting their affluence, and not caring one bit about those starving and struggling while being demonized and dehumanized by our political leadership and the "good folks" at ABC news.

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