Desperate for treatments, Trump administration initiates Operation Warp Speed: Part 3 – Car Mod Pros Portal

US government program provides resources to vaccine developers to accelerate the vaccine’s development and distribution. Meanwhile, another treatment is approved then revoked over potential dangers.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Desperate for treatments, Trump administration initiates Operation Warp Speed: Part 3”
  1. Nobel Prize for Trump!!! COVID-19, Greek-Animal-Doctor, and the Herd Mentality
    For his extraordinary intelligence in bringing a Veterinarian from Greece to Treat Americans, Trump deserves the Nobel Prize. Thanks to the Greek-Veterinarian-Pfizer CEO, Guinea Pigs Pay for the costs and commissions!

  2. First Principal : Safety Done ✅
    2nd Principal is (missed) Freeze BANKS from #essentialbilling (#mortgages, Car loans, Credit Card, College) with no arrears. #Biz, #Households,#College, All #Taxpayers are at no Fault of their own, since March to Dec is 10 month now, regardless of help. Under Gov PAN Shutdown. Bottom falling out becaz 2nd Principal was not in action. People are First not the banks. Banks will get bad paper anyway while people are at risk of loss. All Gov need to address ASAP not burden the people with loss , bad credit & more (Bks ,loans)of their pockets, Bad spending behaviors via GOV. So disappointing EDD 5 Billion fraud, while people desperately are in need. This is like the Titanic Sinking, so beautifully built. #leases, #Restaurantowners #businessowners #landlords #veterans #potus #senate
    #foreclosures #carrepossession #evictions #college #secondstimulusbill

  3. Trump had the government to get over 60 million useless doses of hydroxychloroquine when he was pushing it as a vaccine for covid-19 back in April. He even claimed he was given doses of it. Now the doses are being stockpiled apparently for non-use. Trump is nothing but a snake in the grass con man.

  4. The American government or Trumps Warp Speed had nothing to do with the vaccine, Phizer did not take any money from trump to Develop the he cant really put his name to it, you can put his name to it for the Amount of People who have Died from the virus Because of his lack of leadership…

  5. I don't know who, but someone actually needs to hear this, you've got to stop saving all your money. Venture into investing some, if you really want financial stability

  6. I love how the FAKE NEWS DEMONIC NEWS tries to flip this against Trump…don't worry…we don't believe a WORD you all say!!

  7. Good Riddance Bill Bar!! Maybe when the democrats stack the supreme court they'll reward your treason with a long black robe and a nice cushy job there with the rest of those Benedict Arnold traitors who refuse to stand up and put down this democrat party banana republic political coup against our nation. TRAITOR!!!

  8. How about doing a story on the group of doctors in a "senate meeting" last week. Announcing breakthrough study results with an existing medicine. Seems the few senators present, and the media are uninterested in life and livelihood changing study. Watch this foxnewsnow clip. Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin Share

  9. Humans were meant to care for one another, not fight each other. We must be one with our surroundings and open our heart to a better world where it can show affection for all of its peers and bring peace to the suffered holy world of life. This virus must be dealt with and we must focus on what the Future brings us. We must stop living in the Past and move on because we have stayed in the same world as in the 1990s and 2000s. Think about it. Do you want to make things better or do you want to make things worse? Your call decides what will happen. Be cautious.

  10. I don’t like the last part. It is a miracle. God gives the wisdom and knowledge. Those scientists don’t recognize God’s will.

  11. PROOF – How Biden stole the election –
    🖕😤🖕 china owns Biden & fake media. 🤓

  12. believing in Jesuchrist you are saved read in the holy bible romans 10 : 9 and 10 , st jhon 3 : 16 …

    believe in the place where you are the salvation is a gift by grace …

    blessing for yours 🌺🌿🙏

  13. So many workers behind the scenes working together to save Our World!!! God bless each and every one of you. Happy Holidays The name Warp Speed lets the Citizens of the United States know that work is being done!! Moving forward. Each phase moving. This is a first time !!! And it will save Millions of lives World wide!! People were dying what did you think the President was suppose to do. Grasping at straws yes It’s always SOOOO EASY TO POINT FINGERS AFTER THE CRISIS HAS SLOWED DOWN!!

  14. Too bad that it is a German and a Swiss company that developed this vaccine in cooperation with Pfitzer. Sorry Mr. Trump … You did not support us but the WHO provided the funds so that we could move forward. You Mr. Trump only hindered the whole thing by leaving the WHO. And they are not responsible for their success! You are a babbler !!!

  15. Has anyone not payed attention to the FACT that the tiny hands tiny mushroom 🍄 wee wee and teeny tiny (after settling all those law suit against it ) bank account Putin bitch orange Hitler has a huge stock portfolio with PFIZER big pharma producer of this "vaccine"🙄🌐👹🤡💩🗽🇺🇸🗽VIVE LA DEMOCRACY🗽🇺🇸🗽

  16. yeah let's not talk about the BLM protests, why is it that the TRUMP supports were the only ones showed…. Come on ABC give the President Credit he got it done…Period

  17. Forget politics, as you've come to see it, as a contest between Republicans and Democrats. Today the struggle is democracy versus oligarchy.

  18. Trump's idiot followers refuse to wear masks, they took a class online to learn to Tweet and Comment. Yeah, spammers n stalkers. So happy to see him kicked out of the White House.

  19. President Trump DO LIKE LINCOLN LOCK THEM ALL UP WITHOUT TRIALS OR CHARGES GOD PUT YOU THERE TO DO IT. Patriots this is the darkest day in American where US Communist politicians have attempted to take over our country from with.

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